chapter 22

" What should I do.. " mumble herself, Claire leans on the bench again today while by her side was Edward who is looking at her in wonder at her actions.

" Your highness keeps on sighing these few days, may I know what is in your thoughts? " With a smile, Edward takes a step near Claire.

' What can you do about my problems though, sir Edward?.. Sigh.. '

" No, it's nothing, Edward. Just don't mind me.. "

While taking a glance at Edward, Claire slowly turns her gaze to stare at her leg because she didn't know where to look anymore.

" .... "

" ..I understand, princess.. "

' Whew. I'm glad he didn't ask me anything. Well since yesterday I've been uncomfortable just by looking at his figure stood beside me.. who wouldn't act like me if you were to happen to remember your past again, right?? '

Claire once again awkwardly takes a glance at Edward. ' This guy who stands beside me.. '

' Edward Cullen Almera... ugh! How could I not recognize you from the first glimpse I had on you?? You're such a stupid lady, Claire!

And once again, she looks at Edward in flustered and quickly stares at her leg back.

' This guy called Edward... In my past life, .. He is my only subordinate that loyal to me until the very end... but.. '


Claire with a black dress as her attire, despairing walking through the sea of people that came to her father's funeral today located at the huge temple of the Castella capital.

She continue to walk aimlessly since she had no thought in her head after she lost the one and only beloved father she had but the things are, she didn't even know why she can't shed any single tear even when she looked at her father's pale face and soulless bodies, laying in confine right before of her.

" Um... Claire. wait..! "

Stop her walk, Claire heartlessly turns her face to look at the person that calls her out from behind her.

" Um. Claire,... I'm sorry about the loss of archduke Romanoff... I may be late now, but I should show my gratitude toward his grace.. "

" .... "

"... thank you, sir Edward. "

" .... "

" ..Um, well. Claire, do you perhaps heading somewhere..? can we talk together.. um.. right now..? "

Claire with her tiredness body just nodded at him and slowly they head towards the back of the temple where most of the people scared to come so it's the perfect secret place to talk just only the two of them.

" Claire, I wanted to apologize for my sister's behalf. She's still an immature young lady.. " with a guilty smile, Edward apologies at me and politely bow with guilt written all over his beautiful face.

" ....? "

' He asked me to come here just to talk about this..? does he doesn't know this is not the right time to discuss this matter since I've just lost my father because of their evil scheme? '

With an annoyed face, Claire glared at Edward who was standing before her like an innocent person would acts.

" Are you stupid, Edward? "

" ..what? why? "

" ..Sigh.. "

"..What do you mean by she is 'an immature lady', Edward..? she already took my place on that throne with a big smile, and yet you still called her immature?? I can't believe this..! "

Claire quickly turns her disappointed face and continues her walk towards the main gate of the temple in annoyance.

Edward who was standing behind her, quickly match her step and block her way with his big body.

" My sister didn't mean to.."

" To what? ..does her clever mind ever once thinking about my feelings..? not just only her, does everyone it this whole continent ever thinks about my feelings at all??! " suddenly Claire's voice gets more intense while facing the big brother of the woman who steals her title as the empress.

" ..Claire.. "

" ...I've done everything they want me to, Edward..! I studied and improved my skills to become the perfect empress as they expect me to be..! but what did I get at the end..? everyone was cold at me, those stupid lessons, the time when I must bear whenever they hit me, scold me over some trivial things.., as for what I must bear those hardships for..? explain to me! I'm asking you, as for what I need to hear all of those bastard spouts over myself??! explain " with her whole body tremble in sorrow by her misfortune, Claire's leg lost her balance and she fell on the ground while bending her head in despair.

" ...!! "

" Claire, you shouldn't sit here.."

" What? So why if I sat here? do anyone care even if I were to sit on this dirt now..? they didn't even put a glance over me anymore, so why would you care if I were to die on this dirt, Edward?! " with a smirk, she raises her head to look at Edward who was standing before her in flustered by her actions.

" Ha..! even you,... Edward.. just like those people... You would turn your back from me one day and leave me all alone to help that little sister of yours.. "

" ...! "

" I won't! whatever they said about you, my first impression of you would never change, Claire! those people didn't know who you truly are except for me! "

" ..What nonsense.. "

Claire in her daze just silently looks at Edward's desperate face towards her.

" ..... "

" Claire, I'm on your side. Let me share your burden and together we would fight for your throne. "

" But then how about your sister, Edward? you wouldn't dare to.. "

" You're the one that matters for me, Claire. " with a gentle smile on his face, he caresses Claire's long pinked hair with his hand and slowly his gaze turns to stare into Claire's green eyes deeper than usual.

' What's wrong with Edward today? he didn't act like himself at all.. '

" ..Stupid Edward..Don't say something like that so easily.."

" But, Claire. You're indeed the only one who matters to me. No matter what they said about you, my eyes will only set on you, just you. "

With that, a single tear falls from her beautiful green eyes but all left that just swollen eyes that shown on her face now.

" Hic... Hic... Ed-Edward..don't be so kind to me..! I-I really hate.. all of this.. what did I do to end up.. in these states..?.. Hic... it's hurt, Edward.. it's hurt... really, really hurt... uh.."

Claire who was desperately trying to cover her pain by herself finally shed tears in front of her loyal subordinate.

" Claire.. "

" .... "

Just by looking at the small body of the woman he like, trembling from tears, even her small shoulder shaken to show how suffering she was, make him couldn't help himself but felt the pain she's suffered too. At first, he thought he could bear his own feelings but not at this time anymore.

" Tch ..I'm sorry."

Without a second thought, with his big and tough body, Edward pulls Claire's slender body into his embrace and slowly tightens his grip on her waist.

" ...!!! "

" Edward..! let me go! if someone were to see this..! "

" I know. This will lead to another scandal.. but just let them be, Claire. "

" ...?! "

" What nonsense you were spouting about? are you out of your mind, Edward?? let go..! "

" Claire Stella Romanoff, please at least can you hear me out first..? "

" ...? "

" .... "

".. what is it..? " even she struggled to let herself free from him, it's worthless. With Edward tough armed locking her fragile body, she couldn't even move at all!

" I know you mad at my little sister and I couldn't change the fact that she is the current empress of Castella just for you but I can get you out from the palace, Claire. Isn't that what you really want for all of your life? "

Claire turned speechless by Edward's suggestion towards her and quickly she hides her face in his embrace.

" .... "

" I can't... "

" ...? " in doubt by her quick response, Edward lowered his head a little to look at Claire's face.

" You can, Claire. Just ask me for it and I can help you with all of what I have. "

" .... "

" Claire.. I'll rescue you from it, Claire. I will take you all over the world if you say you want to come with me. " with a hurt smile, Edward holds both of Claire's head and without looking at Claire's flushed face, he slowly kisses her forehead and for a while, they stay on the same position until Claire suddenly push his big body away from her.

" ...! I can't! "

Edward in his shocking position slowly stares at Claire with tenderness.

" I could help you, Claire.. "

" No! ...You can't, Edward..! nobody can't..! my father died for my sake to get me this stupid position and you said I need to ditch my father's effort just like that??! "

" ...! but, Claire. It for your own sake..! are you satisfied just by being a lowly concubine for the emperor? please, Claire.. come with me.. "

" ... "

" .... "

" I can't... Just go, Edward. Leave me alone. "

Claire in sadness, turn her body away from Edward who was standing behind her in the blank.

" ...! "

" I love you..! "


" ...? "

" ...what..? "

With a big frown, Claire slowly turns her face to look at Edward.

" I said.. ugh.. "

"...I'm sorry if this was so sudden but.. um...I love you... "

" ..Edward... This is not funny at all.. "

" ..! "

" I-I..!...I wouldn't make fun out of my own feelings, Claire..."

" I-I really, sincerely love you from the bottom of my heart, Claire Stella Romanoff. Would you come with me as my wife..? " with a face flushes like a tomato, Edward desperately confessed his feelings towards Claire in flustered. Even though he clearly looks so embarrassed by his words but this is a matter of life for him. The only chance for him before he becomes the next head of Almera.

" .... "

"..Edward.. " in stunned by his sudden confession, Claire blankly stood speechless by his unexpected words toward herself.

" You-you didn't have to reply for the confession at this instant..! just-just take your time and let me know someday. "

With an awkward smile, Edward quickly bows at her as usual and run away from Claire before she could open her mouth to say something towards him.

" .... "

" ..Edward..."

And then before I could reply to his confession, the same week from the day we met, I.. myself.. jump into the cliff to meet my own death. So, that's how we ended our relationship in my past life.


" Princess? "


Not knowing that she was spacing about her past, the sun already set on her head.

" Sigh.. now you were spacing too, princess. I wanted to help you but if you didn't tell me your problem yet, I couldn't do anything but watch over you. That's all.. "

" .... "

" ...pft! "

" ...Whaa? now you were laughing too? what has happened to you, princess? now I really am worried. "

" Hahaha! I see that your consideration heart wouldn't change at all, Edward..pft. "

Blanked by the princess's words towards himself, with a big frown, Edward stares at Claire in doubt.

" Why would my considerate heart change though? and what so funny about it, princess? "

" Haha. you're right! I wonder what so funny too.. phew... "

" .... "

" .... "

" Now you're quite so suddenly. Are you really alright, princess? should I call the high priest to check on your condition? "

" Haha. It's alright, Edward. "

" .... "

After she sure she's already calmed herself, Claire slowly gets up from her seat to head towards the Allardis Palace while Edward blindly following her with a big frown.

" Hurm... Edward..? "

" Yes, princess. "

" About the confession... My reply is ' I'm happy to come with you'. "

With a big grin, Claire turns to directly face the man that she was so grateful for his existence in her miserable past life.

" ....Haa.. "

" ..but unfortunately, it wasn't worth anymore since I've escaped from that hell now.."

While facing the man that stood before her, Claire politely bows at him with a beautiful smile she had on her face.

" I am happy, really happy because you always had me in your mind, and thank you for always being with me all of my life. " while saying that, Claire's beautiful face, earnestly beams at Edward who was blank by her words.

" ....? "

" .....?? "

Ba Thump. Ba Thump. Ba Thump.

' What's this..? my heart thumping.. ' Edward places a hand on his chest to covers his heartbeat after he gets stunned by Claire's sudden expression towards himself earlier.

" ...? "

" ...Edward? let's head in. It's getting hot now since the sun has risen above our heads. "

Flinch by Claire's words again. Edward who suddenly turned speechless in fascinated by Claire's beauty, quickly realize himself while coughing a little to cover for his fluttering heart for a moment there.

" Um. Anyway princess, what confession are you meant at? are you really talking to me, or have you mistaken me for someone else? "

With his sudden question, Claire suddenly stops her walk and chuckles at his innocence, but then quickly she faces forward again with a big grin. ' I just said those things since I can't tell you about my feelings before but right now he looks pretty cute. Should I tease him a little? '

" Hm-mm..? Did I think so too? maybe you're right, Edward. I think I've become senile, huh? " with a smirk, Claire's face in front of her and head towards the palace while humming a song.

" Wha-whaa? "

While looking at Claire's happy face, his eyebrows frown even more while trying to match Claire's small step.

" Princess..? are you trying to make fun of me..? "

" Hm-mm, you think so? "

" ...! "

" ..?? I really am didn't understand you at all, princess..! "

" .... "

Looking at his sulking face, Claire quickly bends her head and slowly her body begins to tremble.

" ..Ugh.. "

" ...? "

" Princess? "

" ..ugh..Pfft..! Bha-wahaha! "

" I-I can't hold it any longer..! you really are so cute, Edward..! "


" ...Whaa..s-so suddenly.. " mumble in a low voice, Edward stops his walk in a flustered.

" ...?! "

" ..Pfft!! "

" Your face becomes red like a tomato so easily, Edward! it's just a small compliment though! Haha! "

Quickly Edward covers his red face with his big hand in embarrassment by Claire's laughter at him.

" Princess! stop it! "

" Yeah, yeah. I will. "

" ...! "

" Your highness didn't take it seriously when you said 'yeah' twice! "

" Alright, I will, I will. "

" ...! "

" Princess..! "