Chapter 101

" This concludes the word of God. The Crown Prince of Castella will now present the badge of honor and the blessing of God Casel to the hero and the knights who led us to victory. "

With the speech delivered by the high priest, everyone in the hall now focused their full attention on the crown prince who was currently standing in front of the line of warriors who were kneeling and bending their heads before him. With a smile as his hand slowly lifted his sword into the air, every gazes fixed on him as his beautiful lips began to part ways.

" I give you all... my greatest appreciations... in the war at the southern border. "

Slowly lowering his sword, Calipsto then looked toward the captain of the troops with a faint smile before he held the blades of his sword over both sides of his palms.

" Step forward... starting from the Captain, Lord Adam Rochester Evans Allard. "