Run, Dammit!


Under the focused onslaught of Kaiden and Hollow Stance, it wasn't long before the next set of congratulatory messages rang.

[System: You have reached Level 2 (0/2,000). You have received 8 Attribute Points and 1 Mastery Point.]

'I will continue assigning my Attribute Points in this fashion until I feel my movement are up to my standards unless a special event happens,' thought Kaiden as he used the same 4 Agility, 3 Dexterity, and 1 Strength method.

After all the monster killing, Kaiden checked the state of his sword, 'Only 15 durability left huh. Why are the early weapons of games such garbage?'

Afterward, Kaiden asked a question present on his mind, "Hollow, how much are your Defense and Health right now? If they're high enough, I think we can attempt entering the Lv.6 area."

Checking his attributes, Hollow Stance rubbed his chin before replying, "I have 275 Health and 61 Defense now. We should be able to manage the Lv.6 area, although... I'm not sure what their stats are like."

"Eh?! Fuck, over 60 Defense? No need to second guess it; we're heading deeper," shouted Kaiden as he and Hollow were already rushing inside the central area of the plains.


Unfortunately, rather than finding Lv.6 monsters; the pair ran into a slightly bigger golem. It was deeper in color while possessing a sturdier physique. Reading the information on the monster, the pair froze in terror. They had ventured into an area they didn't belong!

「Monster Name: Bouldris 

Level: 8

Rank: Named Special Elite

Health: 1,950 (100%)」

At this point, the pair was unable to muster the courage to confront this monstrosity before them. Ergo, Kaiden turned toward the also deathly pale Hollow.

"Damn…so, um listen... I think we traveled a little too far. I don't think we can fight this shit. It's a Named Special Elite for god's sake. Let's not even mention the possibility of its stats," grumbled Kaiden dreading the moment.

"Honestly speaking, I think the moment we get any closer... our funerals would have to be closed casket. Instead, let's get the hell out of here and find Lv.5 and 6 monsters to murder," added Hollow as he turned around.

"I agree with you there so… Run dammit!" exclaimed Kaiden in the party chat, bolting out of the area.


Eventually, after running for an additional 2 minutes or so; the pair reached an area littered with multiple Lv.5-6 golem-type monsters. 

「Monster Name: Stone Golem

Level: 6

Type: Normal

Health: 650 (100%)」

「Monster Name: Erudite Stone Golem

Level: 6

Rank: Elite

Health: 925 (100%)」

「Monster Name: Hardened Stone Golem 

Level: 5

Rank: Special Elite

Health: 950 (100%)」

"So what do you think? Should we deal with the special elites first? Keep in mind, there's also the chance of people appearing here soon. If they do, it'll only impede our progress. Not to mention, they seem to be the targets who will offer the largest experience," stated Kaiden while looking to Hollow Stance for input.

"Yeah, we should deal with them first. One, their the lowest. If we go leave them for later, we'll lose out on bonus experience. Besides, their present in the least amount," voiced Hollow while lifting his shield before him.

"Then it's settled," responded Kaiden before luring a detached Erudite Stone Golem over. Once in an optimal position, Hollow Stance initiated combat with «Charge». 

-21 «Target has been stunned for 1 second.»

As the aggro was secured, due to stunning skills possessing a large amount of threat generating potential Kaiden began his assault. As a starter, he executed an explosive «Thrust».


Immediately after, he followed up with a precise «Double Slash».

-30, -31

Before the stun period finished, Kaiden attacked the golem with a «Charging Slash». A larger free damage window was then created.

 -47 «Stunned! +2 sec.»

[System: «Hardened Stone Golem» stunned for a total of 2.2 seconds.] 

Kicking off his back foot, Kaiden launched a series of basic slashes at the height of his attack speed. Within 2 seconds, he executed 2 quick slashes trailed by «Charge» and complemented by a «Thrust». 

-16, -17

-39 «Stunned! +1 sec.» 


In another short window, Kaiden dealt 3 slashes on the same area of the monster. Surprised by the effect, Kaiden raised an eyebrow, 'Does attacking the same area increase the damage dealt? That's an interesting concept.'

-16, -20, -23. «Hardened Stone Golem Remaining Health: 549/950 (61%)»

Unbeknownst to Kaiden, while enjoying the thrill of battle, he began to smile. Watching as the Hardened Stone Golem recovered movement, Kaiden shifted himself to the back of the monster.

Due to their skills being on cooldown, the adopted basic defensive, and evasive maneuvers while attacking in order to minimalize the damage taken. Of course, they weren't able to dodge everything.

-67 «Unsheathed Remaining Health 88/155»

-41 «Hollow Stance Remaining Health 234/275»

The damage from one hit surprised both Kaiden and Hollow. As a result, they began switching positions occasionally when at risk of being damaged, easing the pressure on them slightly.

"At this rate, killing one Hardened Stone Golem will take two skill rotations. Their defense is pretty sturdy, so our basics attacks feel kind of useless by themselves," uttered Kaiden continuing to bombard the Golem with basic attacks in the skills downtime.


A minute later, the Hardened Stone Golem was left with under 20% of its health. Fortunately, a few skills were off cooldown for Kaiden and Hollow. Hollow stunned with «Charge». Kaiden stabbed with «Thrust» and followed up «Double Slash» before extending the stunning period with his own «Charge.»

Incredibly focused, Kaiden launched a final «Charging Slash» the moment it came off cooldown claiming the last of the Hardened Stone Golem's health.

[System: Over-leveled kill with a level difference: 3. 50(+5)% applied. Lv.5 Hardened Stone Golem (Special Elite) slain. You have gained 310 Experience.]

"Wow, a special elite's experience is insane but so is the difficulty of the battle. Overall, I feel it is much deserved, don't you think Hollow?" asked Kaiden.

"Yup! Ugh, my body aches all over. Those repeated blows were heavy. If my Endurance wasn't up to par, I don't think I would last." added Hollow.

Organizing the loot, Kaiden and Hollow were shocked by the drops. In addition to regular golem-type loot, they received two rare occurrences. A Skill Book and 2 pieces of equipment!

「Skill Name: Defensive Posture

Rank: Rare

Type: Active

Information: Using a tight stance, raises your shield to protect yourself. Damage received from the next 3 blow is reduced by 30%.

Requirement: Shield」

「Item Name: Protective Light Gaiters

Rank: Bronze

Level: 3

Type: Light Armor

Defense +7

Bonus: Strength +5, Agility +3, Endurance +3

Durability 30/30

Requirement: 5 Strength」

「Item Name: Steel Plate Armor

Rank: Bronze

Level: 3

Type: Plate Armor (Top Piece)

Defense +13, Health + 15

Bonus: Endurance +5, Vitality +3

Durability 40/40

Requirement: 7 Strength」

Passing the skill and top piece to Hollow, Kaiden stored the gaiters in his inventory until he could equip it. Once again, he checked his durability, '11/25? Wow, it dropped 4 points in one battle.'

"My weapon is being damaged quickly. Hopefully, it'll last for the rest of the fights against the Special Elites. In the meantime, I'll pray to the RNG God: Please! Please give me a sword!" pleaded Kaiden.

"Haha, fool... you know he never listens," quipped Hollow Stance.


Over the course of 10 minutes, Kaiden and Hollow Stance cleared the remainder of Hardened Stone Golems. As a result, they received a decent amount of items courtesy of the monster's rather high rank.

"Honestly, when compared to the hellish labor, the haul received isn't too bad in comparison," stated Kaiden before breaking down the loot. They obtained 3 Skill Books, 2 pieces of equipment, 45 Copper, and miscellaneous materials.

The skill books included a Priest Rare Active «Fast Heal», Mage Rare Active [Wind Vortex], and finally Thief Rare Active [Eviscerate].

As far as equipment, perhaps the prayer to RNG was an acknowledged one because the drops consisted of Lv.3 Bronze Plate Bottom offering a decent boost to defensive stats as well as.

「Item Name: Sharpened Steel Sword

Rank: Bronze

Level: 3

Type: Single-handed Sword

Attack: 11

Bonus: Strength +6, Agility +4

Effect: Increase damage by 3%.

Durability 35/35

Requirement: Warrior Class, 6 Strength」

Following the train of thought from earlier, the pair then moved on to confront the Elite, Erudite Stone Golems.

Embroiled in a strenuous fight, Hollow and Kaiden's expressions remained serious as they realized why the Golem was "Erudite".

"Shit! This monster has a skill!" scowled Kaiden as he waved his sword, minimally twisting his wrist to deflect flying rocks the size of baseballs, before worriedly exclaiming, "Oh god this can't be good for this durability."

His words served as a bad omen as 30 seconds later, he was presented with the dreaded message.

[System: Your «Beginner's Sword» has been destroyed. You are currently weaponless.]

"Hollow! Toss me your weapon. Use your shield as a weapon," frantically roared Kaiden as his mind became a near nervous wreck.

"Copy, catch!" responded Hollow, throwing in his sword blade first into the ground right before of Kaiden.

Equipping Hollow's weapon, Kaiden began executing his deflection technique once again as well as the switch grip basic slashes while his skills were on cooldown.

The Erudite Stone Golem's health rapidly drained in the presence of Kaiden's quickened pace of attacks due to anger. 40%...30%...15%...

As «Charging Slash» came off cooldown, Kaiden gripped his sword tightly bursting forth with a stronger force than usual creating a gust. The slash finished off the Golem which exploded into multiple pixels. In turn, two system notifications resounded.

[System: Over-leveled kill with a level difference: 4. 80(+5)% experience bonus applied. Lv.6 Erudite Stone Golem (Elite) slain. You have gained 302 Experience ]

[System: «Charging Slash» Skill Completion Rate: 86%. Congratulations, you are the first to surpass the 80% threshold of a skill. You have been rewarded: 100 Skill Proficiency, 10 Mastery Points, 20 Reputation & 1 Silver.]

'A reward for a small feat. That's good, now I just need to attain world announcements,' thought Kaiden with a pleased expression.

Engaging in another battle with the same type of Erudite Stone Golem, Kaiden and Hollow adapted rather quickly. The Golems possessed the same attack pattern and movements, resulting in this battle unfolding smoother.

Not long after, another golden luster emanated from the pair, with Kaiden being first.

[System: You have reached Level 3 (0/4,000). You have received 8 Attribute Points and 6 Mastery Point.]

Allocating their points in the same fashion as their previous levels, Kaiden and Hollow equipped the new gear making their combat power soar to new heights. On the other hand, Kaiden overlooked a message of great importance.

"At this rate, we won't need to head back to the village until after we reach Lv.5. Even then, it'll only be to offload our inventories to NPCs or wanting users," uttered Kaiden as he counted the remaining 47 monsters littering the area.

"Let's clean up this area. We should be able to level up at least once more. Afterward, let's take a slight break and then go back to fuck up that Bouldris monster haha," added Hollow as he released a hearty laugh.

"Well, would you look at that? I was just thinking the same exact thing. Let's lure them in twos, 1 Normal & 1 Elite to test the waters now that our gear has stepped up. We should have some big boy damage now," joked Kaiden.

At that moment, an odd feeling of uncertainty struck Kaiden as he rubbed his chin, 'Why do I have this feeling I am forgetting something?'

Looking at the battle logs and system information, Kaiden finally stumbled upon a foreign system notification.

[System: Congratulations, you have created an Advanced Combat Technique. Please name it in order to claim the rewards.]

Watching the clip of the technique replay, Kaiden was excited. 'Oh, so they count these movements as techniques?'

"Switch Grip," replied Kaiden, receiving a system notification and message in return.

[System: Congratulations, you have created the first Advanced Combat Technique «Switch Grip». You have been rewarded: 3,000 Experience, 5 Attribute Points, and 50 Mastery Points.]

「Skill Name: Switch Grip

Rank: Advanced

Type: Combat Technique

Information: When swinging a weapon, releases the handle for an imperceptible moment, almost instantly switching your grip position. The next strike's attack speed increases by 50% while damage increases by 25% (Limited to Rare and below ranked Skills).

Cooldown: None

Consumption: Stamina and Concentration.」

[System Message: Will you be releasing your information on the following System Announcement? (Y/N)?]

Throwing caution to the wind for the moment Kaiden replied "Yes." Immediately after 3 system announcements of different magnitudes rang throughout World's Destiny.

'Ding!' 'Ding!' 'Ding!'

「«Pendragon Kingdom System Announcement»-

Congratulations to user Unsheathed for creating the first Advanced Combat Technique. They have been rewarded. You have been rewarded: 1 Uncommon Treasure Chest, 1 Silver, and 5 Reputation Points.」

「«Fraust Empire System Announcement»-

Congratulations to user Unsheathed for creating the first Advanced Combat Technique. They have been rewarded. You have been rewarded: 1 Bronze Treasure Chest, 2 Silver, and 10 Reputation Points.」

「«Sanctoria World System Announcement»-

Congratulations to user Unsheathed for creating the first Advanced Combat Technique. They have been rewarded. You have been rewarded: 1 Silver Treasure Chest, 5 Silver, and 20 Reputation Points.」

Slackjawed, Kaiden was absolutely stunned by the fact that he got so many Treasure Chest from the system. Truth be told, he wasn't even sure what they could give!

"Oh…Shit! Hollow, did you see that? Why do I feel like my luck is overpowered?! I should have opened this reward the moment I received it!" yelled Kaiden excitedly.