Slight Mental Refinement

Upon entering the room, all Kaiden's party could do was stare at the boss as there was no solution for retreat. Standing the boss chamber, everyone held dark expression looking at the updated information of Torrence.

Lv.9 [Torrence the Demolisher] (General Rank Boss)

Health: 6,000/6,000 (100%)

Kaiden went on a justified ranting spree in which partly happened to agree with this time."How the hell is this a 20% increase?! The devs are god damn liars! This is an 100% increase. I don't care. I don't care, I DON'T CARE! FUCK! What do we do with this overpowered piece of crap?"

Appalled at the dark curses, spewing from Kaiden's mouth the party's intentions turned from agreement to shock, leaving no choice but the mature Gentle Whisper to intervene in a comforting yet steely tone.

"Alright Unsheathed, there there, it's enough already no? I believe with our setup after an extensive battle we should be able to clear, after all we do have you. You may not realize it, however, you're a lot more talented and reliable than you think. Just reflect on your movements and techniques against the previous monsters if my words are not convincing enough."

Calming down incrementally, Kaiden began to notice she was right. 'I did handle those monsters and party instructions pretty well based off the actions I felt was viable.

"You're right the problem is, just how tedious will our fight end up becoming? Does everyone have at least 20 of each of the available potions from the Merchant Shop?"

Nodding the party began reviewing their inventory, having satisfactory stock of consumables while also handing extra Mana Recovery potions to Gentle Whisper and MagicsSlave. Looking at his experience bar he was just a sliver away, a meager 2% from Lv.7. Adding his 5 unassigned Attribute Points all to Strength his Attack Power increased to over 150.


Once again taking up the leading mantle, Kaiden cleared his disturbing thoughts completely entering a battle state, exuding a general's presence. Looking at the environment as if everything had an intention. 'What resided in the environment that could be used to our advantage?' With shifting pupils, his attention landed on the stone pillars situated in various positions around the chamber.

"Everyone potion in 3 seconds, Hollow take out a portion of potions and engage the boss but don't use Charge yet. The presence of this boss seems fundamentally different."

Acknowledging the instruction everyone ingested their potions, Hollow proceeding into the boss's aggro range.

Correspondingly, when Hollow reached 5-meters Torrence opened its eyes, however, unlike before when he picked up his weapon midway, Torrence brandished his broadsword from the beginning. Launching a bullish charge of its own, slandering with provocative. "Overgrown ant dares to confront me in a frontal battle? This day will be the end of you!"

Processing all the information Kaiden yelled in the party's voice communication channel audible only to the party.

"Hollow, DUCK then use Charge."

Instantly following the advice, Hollow ducked as the sharp broadsword passed above his back, executing Charge while Torrence was still in his swinging motion, unfortunately due to this being a General Rank Boss, the damage effects were heavily diminished, dealing -8 damage and stunning for 0.5 seconds. Not to mention Torrence's recovery alone would be 120 per second now.

Stepping in Kaiden instantly activated Sword Wind, Fleeting Surge and Tempest Endowment increasing his damage and speed by a margin.

[Sword Wind] (Rare Active) – Level 1/10. Imbues sword with an internal force extending the range of attack by 3 meters as well as increasing damage by 20%. Duration: 30 seconds. Cooldown: 2 minutes. Skill Proficiency: (0/500).

Launching [Sword Wave – Dispersion] followed by Double Slash, .4 seconds in he initiated Charging Slash keeping Torrence stunned for an additional 1 seconds, enabling the party started their damage as well.

-103, -115, -134, -155, -175, -92, -91, -161

Following up with Charge, Kaiden stun locked Torrence further a look of agitation appearing in its eyes. Enabling the party to deal uninterrupted damage on it for 2 seconds. Despotic appeared behind Torrence using Concussive Bash leading into Vital Stab finishing his combo with a beautiful Backstab + Eviscerate combo wind blades tearing little bits of it's HP away.

After his stunned state could longer be upheld, Torrence roared and madly brandished his broadsword causing Hollow to activate Defensive Posture and tank, with numerous -200 range numbers appearing over his head taking large chunks out of his now over 900 Health, activated his shield's skill he dealt 100 damage back to Torrence a timely double heal appeared over his head, +118, +166.

Lv.9 [Torrence the Demolisher] (General Rank Boss)

Health: 4,560/6,000 (76%)

Intercepting the battle 2 minutes later, Kaiden used Thrust with sharp eyes focusing keenly for any apparent weak spots located on its body. Engaging in this type of battle was highly taxing on Kaiden's mind as his brain was too active, incorporating the fused instincts at a maximum output. His brain wasn't at a capacity where he could constantly support the train or fully synchronized them with his own. However, the mental punishment was a type of training that was beneficial.

Beginning to waste no movements Kaiden took over the tank role using evasive movement, namely his Illusive Step as he knew using Minute Deflection was out of the equation as this boss's Strength was too high. The boss delivered an upwards slash but Kaiden leaned back, completing an abrupt backflip which kicked the bottom of boss's weapon hilt.

This resulted in added momentum to the swing, ultimately making the bosses impale the sword into its own head entering a dazed state as well as a large -400 damage appearing over its head.

"Woah! Bosses can do this to themselves also? What a masochist.", exclaimed MagicsSlave, causing a party wide giggle, even from the extremely focused Kaiden.

Recovering from its stupor, as if it were a human, an embarrassed expression seemed to come from Torrence as well as even more distinguished roared.

'GROOOAAAH' "How dare you blasphemy this distinguished self? I will ERADICATE YOU!!" utterly provoked Torrence entered a premature berserk at twice the health. Raising his battle stats by 30%.

"The other bosses berserk lasted typically 20 seconds so everyone except Hollow hold your skills.", ordered Kaiden.

As Hollow tanked, a horrifying smash came next. 'BOOM!'

A damage over -250 above Hollow as his feet sunk, creating deep indents in the ground a powerful side swipe following but Kaiden innovative instructions came next.

"Hollow, jump slightly and MagicsSlave use Wind Vortex approximately 2 meters behind Hollow.", ordered Kaiden.

As they followed instructions something miraculous pursued. Hollow was sent flying by the side swipe, however, the timely jump mitigated some the damage reducing it to slightly over 160, while the Wind Vortex cushioned his fall, suffering no fall damage.

The party became jubilant over this new notion of skill use, co tanking with Hollow the 20 seconds passed without any casualties, just reduced Health pools.

Entering a Weakened State, Kaiden ordered. "Ingest all potion and unload every skill! MagicsSlave save Mana Invocation, Wind Vortex and Enhanced Fireball until after."

Now that the boss's defense was weakened the party was able to deal 60% of their attack values, draining away the boss's health in a constant manner. In just 25 seconds after the boss berserked and recovered to 90% as their DPS fell without the use of high damaging skills they dropped it down to 45%.

"MagicsSlave follow this sequence and aim directly at the boss. The rest of retreat at least 2 meters. Wind Vortex then Mana Invocation then Enhanced Fireball.", commanded Kaiden.

Following the sequence, the party was appalled by the ensuing effects, a fiery tornado collapsing in on itself surrounded the boss -120 appearing over the bosses head every .5 seconds for 5 seconds. Feeding the fiery amalgamation fuel by using the residual 5 seconds on his Sword Wind, Kaiden used basic slashes sending sword winds directly into the heart of the "blazenado".

The aftereffects were horrific, Torrence looked like magma, the combination skill had more than superheated him.

Lv.9 [Torrence the Demolisher] (General Rank Boss)

Health: 600/6,000 (10%)

Using a basic slash Kaiden damage was slightly higher than usual, however, the heat the boss exuded also dealt 30 damage to him. "Everyone stay back, Gentle Whisper heal me. I'll try to kill him as quick as possible. MagicsSlave you continue.", instructed Kaiden.

Closing in on Torrence, who lifted his arm to swing his weapon slowly Kaiden noticed a now hitch in it's right shoulder. 'Weak spot!' Like a madman, Kaiden weaved between sword blows as timely heals recovered his health, focusing every precise strike on the boss's right shoulder joint until finally when it reached 2% health 30 seconds later, its arm's attachment was broken. Leaving Kaiden free to damage it claiming its last bit of Health 2 seconds later, loot now littering the floor.

A golden luster emanated from Kaiden after receiving the boss's bountiful experience, elevating him well in to Lv.7 and finally a series of notifications sounded out followed by another party-wide level up. Raising that party another level. Everyone situated in either the middle of late stages of Lv.8 (12,540/20,000).

'Congratulations on clearing 'Condemned Cave' Hard Mode the fastest in 47 mins, 58 seconds. Rewarding an extra 4,000 Experience Points, +2 Luck and 50 Reputation.

'System: Enter party name for achievement announcement.'

"Umm...We just met so…" trailing off about the ask the party, the system took the phrase as an answer resulting in such.

Pendragon Kingdom System Announcement:

Congratulations to party "Umm, We Just Met" including members: Unsheathed (Leader), Hollow Stance, Gentle Whisper, Despotic Shadow and MagicsSlave for achieving the First Clear of Lv.5 5-Man Party Dungeon "Condemned Cave" Hard Mode. Rewarding 2,000 Experience, 2 Silvers and 10 Reputation.

Fraust Empire System Announcement:

Congratulations to party "Umm, We Just Met" including members: Unsheathed (Leader), Hollow Stance, Gentle Whisper, Despotic Shadow and MagicsSlave for achieving the First Clear of Lv. 5 5-Man Party Dungeon "Condemned Cave" Hard Mode. Rewarding 5,000 Experience, 5 Silvers and 20 Reputation.

Sanctoria World System Announcement:

Congratulations to party "Umm, We Just Met" including members: Unsheathed (Leader), Hollow Stance, Gentle Whisper, Despotic Shadow and MagicsSlave for achieving the First Clear of Lv.5 5-Man Party Dungeon "Condemned Cave" Hard Mode. Rewarding 10,000 Experience, 10 Silvers and 50 Reputation.

"I didn't do that on the purpose. I blame the system. We can always blame the system.", grumbled Kaiden causing the remainder of the party to roll their eyes.

Beginning to organize the pool of loot on the floor, there were numerous Silver, productions materials, 5 pieces of equipment, 3 skill books and 2 production items.

[Sylph's Charm] (Special Active) – Level 1/10. Heals the whole team in a 5 x 5-meter area by 150 points + 35% of Spirit Attribute. Consumes 80 Mana. Cooldown: 55 seconds. Skill Proficiency: (0/1,000). Requirement: Lv.5 Priest.

[Protective Shield Wall] (Unique Active) – Level 1/10. Reduces the damage of the next 6 hits by 60% and heals 20% of health once the duration ends. Cooldown: 3 minutes. Skill Proficiency: (0/2,000). Requirement: Lv.10 Warrior

[Shadow Pursuit] (Special Active) – Level 1/10. Enters a forced Stealth, arriving behind a target of your choice, next attack deals a critical and ignore 20% of targets defense. Cooldown: 2 minutes. Skill Proficiency: (0/1,000). Requirement: Lv.5 Thief.

[Vitality Strengthening Pill Recipe] – Rank 1 Apothecary Pill.

Can be consumed twice. Increases Vitality stat by 5.

Requirement: Basic Apprentice Apothecary.

[Basic Growth Potion Recipe] – Rank 1 Alchemist Potion.

Increases experience gained by 10%. *It's additive to any occurring bonus and multiplicative if just base experience gained with no bonus.

Requirement: Basic Apprentice Alchemist.

As for equipment, there were a few notable pieces, no weapons dropped. Making Kaiden slightly disgruntled as he was approaching Lv.8. But his expression turned around focused on 1 piece in the bunch.

[Flowing Assaulter Top] (Violet Gold)

Lv.10 Light Armor Set Equipment

Defense + 50

Strength +19, Agility +17, Dexterity +15, Endurance +10

Equipment Skill (Assault Rush): Increases attack damage and speed by 35%, extending range by 1 meter (Can only be stacked with up to 1 other damage boost). Duration: 40 seconds. Cooldown: 3 minutes.

Set Effect:

3/5 – Increases Strength by 25, Damage by 10%

4/5 – Increases Agility by 20, Dexterity by 18

5/5 – Increases Health by 500, Strength, Agility, Dexterity by 20. Increases damage by 15%

Durability: 50/50, Requirement: Lv.10, 45 Strength.

Organizing the loot, taking the Flowing Assaulter Top and Recipes for himself, Kaiden divvied the loot amongst the others before asking a question.

"Are you guys interested in joining my future guild after Lv.20? I feel after this adventure, our relationship has slightly deepened, not to mention your good skills.", inquired Kaiden.

Besides Hollow, everyone else put on expression portraying deep thought, when finally Gentle Whisper spoke up first.

"I don't mind joining, I feel you're funny and a very dependable situational leader. When you mature, I believe you will be one those famous Guild Leaders.", said Gentle Whisper, a beautifully radiant smile appeared that made Kaiden stare and blink mouthing.

"Beautiful…", causing the outspoken lady to blush.

"Count me in! Your thought process is really intriguing thinking of that combination skill, I would love to pick your brain for more extensive combat options.", MagicsSlave.

"I want to join. Can you train with me…to be able to accomplish those movements? Whether in-game or real life, whenever you have time?", spoke Despotic Shadow causing everyone to cast 2nd looks, as this was the 2nd time he had spoken throughout the whole endeavor.

Nodding Kaiden sent a refurbished individual Destiny Sealing Contract to each player indicating their roles and rewards.

"This fool is so articulate! What the heck?", screamed MagicsSlave ultimately accepted. Gentle Whisper's eyes glistened as she looked at Kaiden, wanting to pick his brain, indicating that this lovely lady must be a sapiosexual of the sort.

The party had been set in stone With everyone accepting the contract and the system recording it, the foundation of a heaven toppling guild was solidifying.

"I guess we'll be a static dungeon party for now until Lv.20 when we establish a guild.", said Kaiden.

"Wait, we might not be able to establish a guild immediately at Lv.20 as we can't determine the difficulty of quest at this moment.", rebutted Gentle Whisper.

"Oh, don't worry I have that situated. It's been taken care of in advance. It's one of the forefront reasons I even thought of creating a guild", responded Kaiden pulling out the Guild Creation Scroll.

This caused Gentle Whisper and company to wonder if this guy was heaven's embodiment who came to life. How can a person be so lucky?!

Adding Despotic Shadow and Gentle Whisper as a friend. The party chose to be teleported out of the dungeon. Emerging from the dungeon, the entrance was enveloped by a raucous caused by the previous notifications.

"That's the party who cleared Hard Mode!! My god I wonder what their equipment looks like.", yelled someone.

"Dear most high, I want to let you know how I would trade my kidney for a fraction of their skill, I have a brain full of mush!", announced another person.

Speaking in the party voice channel.

"What are you guys plans going forward? I'll be heading deep in the Stone Plain with Hollow, you 3 should party and deepen your teamwork even further, that would be beneficial for our future runs.

Parting ways, Kaiden and Hollow proceeded with the plan as Kaiden informed Hollow,

"After Lv.10 we'll part ways for a little while and I'll head for some solo play. You should team up with Gentle and the others at that time."

"Oh no, you don't want me anymore? I'm being abandoned.", chuckled Hollow.