Finally, Crescent Wake Town!

"Hollow shift to the right half a meter, guide the strike away from your body, mitigate as much damage as possible, we will definitely be here for a while.", instructed Kaiden as he performed maneuvers to assist Hollow.

Undergoing their most arduous battle yet, Kaiden and Hollow spearheaded the assault on Aktor, for 25 minutes it's health was a roller coaster, up and down when finally they were able to deal enough constant damage, negating its healing factor by a large margin. However, this battle was taking a toll on everyone's Concentration being in such high-strung states.

Lv.12 Python King, Aktor (General Rank Field Boss)

Health: 5,000/12,400 (41%)

"Everyone, you're doing perfectly. I know this is very taxing. However, the end is in our sights.", encouraging everyone, Kaiden's leadership skills and battle mindset began maturing.

10 minutes later, under immense duress, the party was able to drop the boss to its berserk threshold. However, they were surprised as the threshold was a little different than they were expecting, nor did the snake grow in its berserk form. Conversely, it shrunk and earthen spikes began jutting out of its scales. Shrinking from over 4 meters to approximately 3 meters; only its Strength and Agility rose dramatically.

Lv.12 Python King, Aktor (General Rank Field Boss)

Health: 3,075/12,400 (25%)

'Crap! Hollow can't handle this alone…think, think, think! What can we use? Ah!'

Exclaiming in the voice channel, "Hollow, use Shield Instigation on the boss and the Charge in the reverse direction aiming among the cave's huge pillars", ordered Kaiden already carrying out the same actions.

Luring the boss halfway, now sitting an equidistance between its original position and the pillars, Kaiden switch tanked with Hollow activating Sword Wind 2 meters from the pillars aiming an extended Double Slash and basic slashes at Aktor. Responding to Kaiden's instigation, Aktor's aggro was shifted to Kaiden as it slithered at a lightning pace shooting an earthen color liquid. Dodging, the liquid landed on one of the pillars behind and started dissolving it's based.

'ACID! This makes it even easier; the boss will be its own undoing.'

Executing his own Charge into the pillars, Kaiden began weaving left and right between the openings while the boss continuously rammed the pillars, occasionally shooting earthen yellow acid. A brief moment later, its tail began to gleam with a yellow glint, slamming the ground with its tail activating its skill [Earth Splitter]. A sizable fracture opened in the ground spreading under the base of the pillars, due to the now faulty structure supporting the pillars; in addition to the ample amounts of acid, they began to rock and lean unsteadily just like Kaiden wanted.

Locating one of the falling pillars with a steep enough slope, Kaiden sprinted up and jumped. Instructing MagicsSlave to cast Wind Vortex in a suitable, landing safely and the boss slithered like lightning. However, the unruly boss didn't notice the mighty pillar behind it aiming straight at its head.


A muffled, resounding noise echoed as the boss was dazed by the pillar and also suffered -500 damage. What's more, the team didn't approach as they were unsure how long it would hold the boss who still had 10 seconds left in its berserk state. However, like dominos after that first pillar fell, a chain reaction ensued; the 4 other pillars falling in succession, encasing the boss in the rubble.

Unfortunately, the boss was still alive and recovering slightly in its dazed, trapped state. 17%...19%...21%...

When 3 seconds remained in its berserk, Aktor's rampaging figure burst through the immense rubble glaring at the team as its spike began to glow.

"!!, Everyone get behind Hollow. That glow is alarming.", exclaimed Kaiden.

Fortifying his stance and planting his shield in the ground, Hollow became the team's sole line of protection. The boss launched its attack, swiping its body horizontally back and forth 3 times causing 6 successive rows of it spikes to propel forwards, the first one dealing 400 damage which Gentle responded by using a basic heal, healing 87 Health.

When this situation was done, Hollow was left with 400 Health of his over 1400 Health. Leaving the boss in a weakened state, which Hollow was capable of singularly tanking.

Activating Tempest Endowment and Fleeting Surge increasing his attack speed by a chunk, Kaiden and company rained pure abuse on the weakened boss.

In 30 seconds, finishing Aktor in one last Sword Wave – Dispersion, everyone fell on their butts utterly exhausted. Not wanting to do anything more at this moment.

"I need a break!!" yelled MagicsSlave, throwing his staff away as the team received a boon of experience as well as a System notification and alert.

'System Over-leveled Kill. Level difference: 3. 55% bonus applied. Lv.12 Python King, Aktor (General Rank Boss) slain. 13,144 Experience gained.

'System Alert: Register party name to accept system announcement.'

"Challenge Accepted.", wittily responded causing the team to shake their head as he was back to his original ways.

Pendragon Kingdom System Announcement:

Congratulations to the party "Challenge Accepted", consisting of members: Unsheathed (Leader), Hollow Stance, Despotic Shadow, MagicsSlave, and Gentle Whisper for killing the first General Rank Field Boss Lv.12 Python King, Aktor. Rewarding: 2000 Experience, 2 Attribute Points, 1 Silver, and 25 Reputation.

Fraust Empire System Announcement:

Congratulations to the party "Challenge Accepted", consisting of members: Unsheathed (Leader), Hollow Stance, Despotic Shadow, MagicsSlave, and Gentle Whisper for killing the first General Rank Field Boss Lv.12 Python King, Aktor. Rewarding: 5,000 Experience, 5 Attribute Points, 2 Silver, and 50 Reputation.

Sanctoria World System Announcement:

Congratulations to the party "Challenge Accepted", consisting of members: Unsheathed (Leader), Hollow Stance, Despotic Shadow, MagicsSlave, and Gentle Whisper for killing the first General Rank Field Boss Lv.12 Python King, Aktor. Rewarding: 10,000 Experience, 10 Attribute Points, 2 Silver, and 100 Reputation.

The rewards ended up propelling Kaiden to Lv.10 emanating a fine radiant glow that was more pronounced than usual, while everyone else wasn't situated far from it.

"Who wants to round up all the loot from the boss and monsters? I'm too exhausted someone else take up the mantle.", complained Kaiden.

"Not me.", immediately exclaimed Hollow.

"Not I.", replied Gentle Whisper.

"Heck no! I'm too delicate as a feeble mage", added MagicsSlave.

This resulted in everyone turning towards the silent Despotic Shadow whose mouth was slowly lifting into a frown, resenting his quiet personality in which he miraculously retorted. "W-…Why me? I think you guys are taking advantage of me."

"HE SPEAKS!", joked MagicsSlave.

Ultimately adhering to the task left to him, Despotic Shadow silently grumbled as he rounded up the loot which was of such volume that it took him a couple of minutes to complete.

"Anything notable in the bunch?", inquired Kaiden.

"Yeah, the boss dropped the bottom to your set.

[Flowing Assaulter Bottom] (Violet Gold)

Lv.10 Light Armor Equipment Set

Defense +40

Strength +16, Agility +14, Dexterity +12, Endurance +9

Set Effect:

3/5 – Increases Strength by 25, Damage by 10%

4/5 – Increases Agility by 20, Dexterity by 18

5/5 – Increases Health by 500, Strength, Agility, Dexterity by 20. Increases damage by 15%

Durability 50/50, Requirement: Lv.10, 43 Strength

"1 more piece before there's a real noticeable difference, let's check if anything else is to be noted."

Looking through the team realized this boss was uncharacteristically stingy. Only providing 2 other Gold equipment, some coins, and materials.

"This brute! All it knows how to do is smash things. Where's my damn loot!", grumbled Kaiden.

Resting for 10 minutes before suddenly receiving a system alert, Kaiden checked the contents realizing it was a player message.

'System: You have received a message from player 'General Sonic' would you be receiving the message?'

Pondering over what this person could possibly have to do with him, he ultimately enabled the contents to come through.

General Sonic: "Hello, while we aren't familiar with each other. I am aware of your constant achievements in the game, speaking mountains about your talent. I am the 3rd Head of the 'Sonic Star Media Group' in charge of recruitment and publicity endorsements. If you are located in the United States and possess a valid identification status, I would like to offer you the chance to sit down with me and ascertain a deal between you and our company, should you be interested."

Pondering, Kaiden wondered why this company name sounded so familiar. in addition, he felt this individual's words were twisted in a manner that made it subtly sound like it was in his best interest when in fact they just wanted to profit from his achievements, to which he replied.

Unsheathed: "I am indeed located in the United States and we may also sit down to discuss a deal, is 11 AM tomorrow morning sufficient? If so, I will forward you my contact information.

General Sonic: It is nothing short of acceptable, I will see you tomorrow morning, at 10 AM.

Ending the call, Kaiden finally sifted through his memories realizing just where this name's familiarity originated from. 'Ah! This is the company the other had ended up working for. It must have been between the initial connection between World's Destiny and itself. What fascinating strings of fate.'

Forming an evil smirk, Kaiden chuckled sending the General Sonic player his holographic number, "It's time to start incrementally humbling this company and in the dark, become another head or the sole owner, right under their noses."

Separating from the party, Kaiden returned to the village as at this point, he reached the baseline to open up his official journey.

Returning, he proceeded in the direction of the village chief office as the only way to leave a starting village was to get an [Adventurer Verification Order] from the chief of said village.

Knocking on the door, presenting himself, and receiving permission to enter, Kaiden entered the administrative office which was filled with a faint authoritative presence. Situated around him was an appearance in complete contrast to the outward impression. The inside was rustic yet neatly adorned with the suitable historical ornaments.

"Hello Village Chief, I've arrived at Lv.10 and am here to receive my Adventurer Verification Order."

Nodding the Chief assented, "Stand in the center of the office and the diagram will ascertain your qualifications."

Proceeding forth with such simple instructions, Kaiden stood in the diagram filled with abstract markings which were followed by a sensation of countless tendrils poking his skin. Undergoing this rite, a notification followed.

'System: User has gained eligibility to proceed to the one of the closet Advanced Town, 'Crescent Wake Town" teleporting you to the entrance where Verification Order must be presented in 10 seconds."

Initiating a system countdown, Kaiden roared. "Finally!"

'System: You are now being teleported out Crescent Wake Town.' *SHWORP*

Landing unsteadily Kaiden was immediately halted by 2 Lance Guards guarding the entrance to Town holding their lances in a conjoined 'X' position.

"Present your verification order you lowly peasant, we are unable to let any piddling existences inside our majestic walls without the basic verification. Now, hurry up!" ordered Guard 1.

'Did this computer-generated existence just call me a peasant?! I will show just what, the moment when I dear approach your level!', inwardly thought Kaiden pulling out the order as the guards inspected, eventually lowering their weapons granting access to the town.

'System: Congratulations, the first player has graduated from a starting village, entering Crescent Wake Town. The following 3 Tier: Kingdom, Empire, and World Level Leaderboards have been activated. You are given the decision to publicize or hide your level at your own discretion.'

'System: All functions are now active. Upon entry to a Town, you can use all types of interfaces including but not limited to the Currency Exchange Transaction System (CETS).'

"Although the system is currently offline—with the opening of this system, the time for economic propulsion is near. This game isn't pay to win, however, initial hard investments do provide a boost in the sense that our peers would love to increase their monthly earnings by selling their in-game currency for cash. "

'I need to quickly determine a viable plan for the establishment of my guild. Starting with ways to produce income streams.'

Walking inside the town, it was a complete upgrade, there was not a corner of the town that wasn't shown attention. The streets were crowded with NPC activity, the buildings were more developed approaching a modern status while also keeping that historical feeling. However, at least 4 buildings could rival today's corporate buildings. The current ambient temperature was pleasant, creating an uplifting vibe which was contributing to the bustling economy.

'First step, register myself at the Adventurer Guild Hall listing myself as an official adventurer.'

Approaching the Adventurer Guild Hall, Kaiden interacted with the registrar achieving an authentic adventurer status. Kaiden finally reviewed his Character Panel tracking his progress.

Name: Unsheathed (Human) *Adventurer

Lv.10 (2450/45,000)

Class: Warrior | Profession: None

Guild: Unaffiliated | Reputation: Knight (385/500)

Title(s): [The Path You Tread Is Sacred] (Special Unique) - +20% All Attributes including Hidden ones, +2 Free Attribute per level, and Skill proficiency gained upon skill usage increased to a minimum, 3. Growth Title. Next Rank: 3/4 World System Announcements.

HP: 855/855 (6 HP regen/sec) | Mana: 50/50 (1 MP regen/2 secs)

Stamina: 405(1 Stamina regen/2 secs) *Stamina burned at the rate of 10/min in battle

Attack Power: 185 | Defense: 173 | Attack Speed: +3.4% | Movement Speed: +3.5%

Critical Damage: 150% | Additional Damage: 0% | Abnormal Status Resistance: 20 (2%)

Elemental Resistance: 5 | Defense Ignore: 0%


Strength: 65 (+13) | Vitality: 12 (+2) | Constitution: [Sealed]

Intelligence: 2 | Dexterity: 74 (+15)

Agility: 67 (+13) | Spirit: 2

Endurance: 28 (+6) | *Luck: 7 (+1)


Versatility (Racial Passive), Untapped Potential (Racial Passive), Warrior's Might (Class Passive), Thrust (Normal Active), Charge (Normal Active), Double Slash (Normal Active), Weapon Defend (Normal Active), Charging Slash (Rare Active), Fleeting Surge (Rare Active), Sword Wind (Rare Active) Sword Wave – Dispersion (Special Active)

Attribute Points: 25

Mastery Points: 75

Inventory | 5 Gold, 43 Silver, 17 Copper

Tempest Blade (Gold), Flowing Assaulter Top (Violet Gold), Flowing Assaulter Bottom (Violet Gold), Azure Boots (Silver).

Overall satisfied with his current stats Kaiden closed his panel, devising a simplistic plan outlining the exact things he needed to do in short, concise thoughts. 'While ahead, I must procure a basic amount of funds for the guild's basic operations, I need to reach Lv.20 as soon as possible then I can focus on accepting quests.

Walking down the alleys of Crescent Wake, Kaiden was constantly murmuring to himself when he was interrupted shortly later, "What would be the quickest way to acquire funds? AH! Find lifestyle players and supply their materials. Establish early nurturing. Now… do I publicly recruit on the forum or find a way t-…"

"Hey there young fool, care to take up this offer? I promise you will be in for a surprise that will forever change the way you view this world.", said a raspy, indistinct voice.

Stopping in his tracks, Kaiden turned around abruptly, completely dumbfounded by the address that the NPCs use so frequently. 'Dammit! This is the second time I am being provoked without even committing any type of blunder.'