Damn, Someone Kill This Guy Already!

Killing the 80th Ravenous Boar, Kaiden was finally radiating that golden radiance unique to a level up. I say finally, however, it took no longer than 30 minutes to kill these many monsters. As soon as Sword Wave - Dispersion and 3rd Tempest Style - Triple Assualt was off cooldown he unleashed them, those were his golden skills.

Kaiden was in an extremely jovial mood as his new equipment and combat power surprised him beyond what he expected. He swung his sword in a circular motion as he and Zeek were on the prowl for all the free experience available because let's face it these monsters offered no challenge for his stronger senses and ridiculous stats.

In the process of experience farming, Kaiden's attention was split as he was currently devising a way to further improve the circulation of his Inner Energy. In this free environment, Kaiden there was no difficulty circulating his Inner Energy.

However, he also realized that the rate the profession bar increased was 1/10 when he was straining in that Forgotten Anomaly Realm.

You would think that having increased attributes would make progress easier, however, that is just wishful thinking.', complained Kaiden as he continued pondering solutions other than the obvious.

On the contrary to Kaiden's thinking, in the more strain during a task the better the rewards. In light of this, you would understand the basis of "hard work pays off.

Think of it like this. If you were to train in an area where the gravity increased fourfold with a set weight for a period. When you returned to normal gravity and lifted that same "weight" it would seem lighter as gravity has a compound effect and the acting forces are lighter.

That was the situation of Kaiden, in the Forgotten Anomaly Realm, the atmosphere heavily suppressed the flow of all Energy so trying to move his Inner Energy was like dragging all the groceries in the house in one trip - extremely difficulty.

Ear twitching, Kaiden picked up on the sound of movement close by. Reacting, he sprinted in the direction and found a gathering of 10 monsters that looked like hyenas, however, were not the proper color. Their fur was a cloudy white that looked like someone poured cat litter on them.

Lv.23 [Gris Hyaenidae] (Normal)

Health: 27,000/27,000 (100%)

Lv.23 [Astur Hyaenidae] (Elite)

Health: 41,200/41,200 (100%)

Readying himself, Kaiden was curious about the physical effects of his current effects. So for a brief moment, Kaiden switched to basic attacks abandoning his skills.

Gripping his sword, he performed a Thrust that was a lot faster than his previous ones. The attack speed effect had a two-prong effect. On one hand, it increased the initial speed in which your attacks accelerated from, and on the other hand, it increased the number of attacks you could perform in a second.

It was to be known, once your Agility or any stat for that matter began surpassing human limits your physical qualities would follow suit.

Suddenly Kaiden was struck with a thought. 'Can I dual-wield?!'

Unfortunately, his excitement was instantly doused as a system message killed his imminent dreams.

'System: You have reached the 200 Dexterity standard to dual-wield. However, your class is unable to dual-wield. Unlocked at Tier 1 class.'

"Wow! This game truly doesn't begin until Tier 1 huh, you could even call these the "practice" levels. I can't dual wield. With that being said, I bet you can't even begin trying to dual cast." grunted Kaiden as he dished out precise slashes.

"I don't know, I tried dual-casting, however, it causes an intense headache. I concluded that it was unsustainable until I either experienced a Cellular Phenomenon or increase my Intelligence and Dexterity together.', respond Ezekiel.

'Huh, he hasn't experienced a Cellular Phenomenon?'

Draining the monster's health effortlessly, Kaiden activated his golden combo - Sword Wind and Assualt Rush, raining down a damage festival with Sword Wave - Dispersion and 3rd Tempest Style - Triple Assualt.

Every 2 minutes another monster died, turning into loot and experience. Ezekiel was in the background roaring with laughter as he loved the feeling of free experience. Although his damage was nonexistent as long as he contributed at least 1 damage he would become another recipient of the experience galore. With the monster being 9 levels higher than him, the experience he received increased by 400%.

20 minutes later, Kaiden's experience filled by 15%. His expression began to shift to a slightly downcast one as he was starting to realize just how much of a chore it would be if his profession and weapon experience absorption rate were to increase.

While it would become an improvement on his combat power, his level would begin to suffer horribly. That is...unless he only fought monsters at least 8 levels higher than him at all times. This slight 10% absorption would become a snowball effect, becoming a cement block tied around his ankle, drowning him in experiential needs.

Resting, Kaiden asked Ezekiel a question that was sitting on his mind.

"Zeek, if you haven't experienced a Cellular Phenomenon, then you haven't taken at least one Grade 5 VitaShake yet?"

Responding while chuckling with a wry smile, "No, those things are disgustingly expensive. At least for my budget that is, I can't afford to spend $2,000 on a biological drink. It's bad enough the Grade 4 version is $500. With college fees and expenses, I can only occasionally afford that."

"I see, well when we take a break, I have a surprise for you. You need to constantly temper your physique. You know these VitaShakes lift the restraints on our potentials.", advised Kaiden.

"Hah! Look at you sounding like the older brother, but ok. I won't argue with you there, in our current society the upper echelons have been using this for years. Their anatomies should have reached a stably evolved state by now.", added Ezekiel.

While VitaShakes was an evolutionary product that improved the quality of life. It had a humongous drawback and it was the same every other type of society - money. With significant financial power, you were unable to continue traveling the evolutionary chain. In the word of their creator 'HARDIC'.

'The VitaShakes while becoming essential in daily life are unstably stable. The effects while concrete begins to deteriorate if you don't continue to use them until the brink. Your body is in a current state of unstable evolution, however, constant use remedies that. Unfortunately, the price isn't affordable for everyone. As a result a majority of people only experience the effects for a period and not until their demise.'

"True, I vow we will also reach that point in this life. We will NOT reside in the low-high class of society for much longer.", vowed Kaiden.

"I believe in you little brother, and I'll be right by your side.", affirmed Ezekiel with a reassuring smile.

Just that one phrase comforted Kaiden immensely. He was always a familial person, he was the type who would toil and preserve so that his family and the immediate people around him benefitted. However, that was only if there was a kinship established.

Proceeding to travel deeper in the valley in search of new prey, in due time Kaiden and Ezekiel came across more hyena-like monsters at a higher level and rank as well as the previous ones.

Lv.25 [Gris Hyaenidae] (Elite)

Health: 49,300/49,300 (100%)

Lv.24 [Astur Hyaenidae] (Special Elite)

Health: 53,100/53,100 (100%)

"My GOD! Their health is becoming preposterous and this is only the 20s. Lord knows I can't imagine Level 100. This will take a while.", said Ezekiel worriedly as his confidence was waning in the presence of such dense Health and increased attributes.

However, Ezekiel had yet to realize that Kaiden's equipment granted him the Defense Ignore property as well and Level Suppression ignorance.

"Don't worry, I got this. Who do you know with a donger stronger than mine? AHAHA.", cackled Kaiden as he took a battle stance, however, his mind was headed in another direction. 'Damn...Damn...Damn...I would really love for their health to just stay constant. Ugh... any more and I will become the next HurtBAE.'

Brandishing Angurvadal, Kaiden stamped streaking forth at breakneck speeds. Weaving in between the pack of hyena-like monsters like a wet noodle avoiding your fork. Kaiden arrived behind the alert pack. Activating Sword Wind, Kaiden took advantage of the valley's rock terrain and use various rocks as footholds when dodging. Activating his Tempest Styles in succession, damage values one after the other began littering the space of the monster's heads.

Now that Sword Wind was Level 2, it extended the range of his blade by 2.2 meters, which was twice the reach of these hyena-like creatures. Meaning, for a brief moment (32 seconds), Kaiden was untouchable.

Taking advantage, during the duration of Sword Wind, all surrounding monsters Kaiden reduced all the monsters in his vicinity to less than 40% Health. Thrusting his sword into a poor hyena, a screeching cackle was heard. However, Kaiden smirked. T-this sadomasochistic MC is enjoying the torture of these ugly helpless things, or perhaps he was just enjoying the experience raising at the momentum of someone pouring water into a jar.

30 minutes later, the last hyena was reduced to fading pixels as Angurvadal stabbed through its throat. On the floor were plenty of Bronze and Silver equipment, the only problem was that they were over Lv.20. So there was no one on the server capable of equipping this.

"Oi... 4% until Lv.19. And I still have that torture to go through after this...", shuddering Kaiden began complaining, however, in his eyes remained a firm glint. Even though he complained a lot, when push came to shove, he knew exactly what he was aiming for.

Sitting on an uncomfortable rock with kept prodding his left cheek, Kaiden messaged Isabella.

"Hey headache, how is the resource gathering? I'm approaching Lv.20 so we need to set things in motion as soon as possible."

Perhaps, 30 seconds later. A pouting face with the voice of an infuriated tigress sounded in Kaiden's ear.

"WHAT, HEADACHE?! What did I just tell you? Are you listening? I don't think your ear works. Maybe if I yank them, they'll recover their use!", snarled Isabella.

"Okay, simmer down pumpkin. Relay to me, how is the stock? And also have you encountered any troubles?"

Taking exaggerated breathes, Isabella finally calmed down. "Hmph, don't call me pumpkin. You're not privileged now. As far as material goes, I purchased enough stock to nurture 5 Alchemist, Blacksmith, Apothecary, and Tailors to at least the Advanced Apprentice level. As for difficulty, I caught wind of a guild, hindering my purchases by buying slightly overpriced materials. Oh, this was all through the Auction Desk, there is 63 Gold left."

"Good, do me a favor and establish a stall. I know it will hinder your leveling process, however, I'll personally level you up once I'm all done with everything and I have 2 gifts for you." smiled Kaiden.

"Oi...those 3 are going to start pouting, you are going to have to explain it to them. I'm doing it. Wait, presents?! Where gimme. Right now."

Kaiden hung up to avoid the flippant girl, one minute she was a spoiled brat, the next she was an astute lady. One must remain cognizant of these ladies' behaviors.

Unfortunately, that didn't quell Kaiden troubles and instead incited them.

Gentle Whisper: "Argh! Jerk, don't you hang up on me."

Gentle Whisper: "I will kick you in your little pecker if you keep treating me like this."

Gentle Whisper: "Give me my presents! You can't just tell me then not give them to me!"

Shaking his head, Kaiden was ready to just end it here and commit seppuku, however, instead, he sent Isabell another 1,050 Gold along with Genesis Breath and Chantar's Blessing.

Immediately after,

Gentle Whisper: "Thank you, darling, hehe."

Letting out an exaggerated sigh, Kaiden wondered why the people around him couldn't just be normal as he picked his ear. Cutting his break short, Kaiden and Ezekiel continued to slay monsters.

For the next 4 hours, this was their life. Kill the monsters, collect the loot, take a slight break, rinse and repeat. However, it wasn't all bad as at the end of the 4th hour, Kaiden finally reached Lv.20 but when he saw the new experience required, Kaiden frowned. (7,536/500,000).

After Lv.20, the 5 levels before and after a class advancement period was an experience watershed. The required experience exponentially increased for every succeeding level and finally followed a regular pattern until the next.

Following his level up, 1 system notification sounded.

'Sanctoria World System Announcement:

Congratulations to player "Unsheathed" for being the first person to achieve Lv.20 in the Sanctoria World. Rewarded: 'Momentous Pioneer' Title, Psychotic Sword Fiend Tomb Pass, 1 Level, and 100 Reputation.

As a response, Kaiden caused an unforgiving uproar on the forum page and in town. Something like:

"Fuck! Someone kill this guy already! I know he was close to Lv.20 from the Leaderboard but JESUS that was too quick. What is he made of?"

"DAMN! This is why I hate talented people!! They rob everything, we would be perfect without you dammit. Go fly a KITE!"

"I just want your pinky toe, only then will I be able to assimilate your luck and a fraction of your talent to sustain my life. CLEARLY YOU HAVE TOO MUCH!"

"I bet this person either has a big dick or a very small one. Toodle loo."

This uproar was unknown to Kaiden, however, he already had some type of idea about how people felt about his existence.


Returning back to Crescent Wake Town, Kaiden walked with a proud gait towards the Adventurer Consortium building as he inspected the contents of the rewards he just received.

[Momentous Pioneer] (Epic Title) - Special Title for the one who was robbed the majority of achievements, standing at the forefront. Your future isn't set in stone. Continue to create your own story. When achieving anything tagged with "First" the rewards are automatically raised 1 tier.

[Psychotic Sword Fiend's Tomb Pass] (Special)

Requirement: Lv20-49 and Tier 0-1 Warrior Class or Subclass.

This is the pass required to be sent into the Psychotic Sword Fiend's Tomb. A being lauded as an unofficial God of the Sword. Experience his past transgressions and determine whether or not you are qualified to become the next "Sword Freak". Chanting the runes on this scroll will send you into the tomb to undergo the trial. If you fail 3 times, this items disintergrates. If you pass, the item will also disintergrate. For there can only be one true "Sword Freak".

Uses Left 3/3

Standing in front of the magnificent castle looking Adventurer Consortium building, Kaiden was awestruck as he determined he would have a property that looked more magnificent than this.

Calmly walking in the establishment, Kaiden was greeted by a semi-modern, antique feel. The chairs and decorations were all giving off an antique vibe, however, the layout seemed more modern than rustic as to accommodate players' things looked high tech.

"Hello, I would like to register an Otherworld Adventurer Guild.", said Kaiden.

The green-haired Elvish lady looked up with beautiful cerulean eyes as she said. "1 second, let's verify your qualifications."

A moment later, a beam scanned Kaiden and his credential popped up on the Elf's tablet.

"Ah yes! You have all the credentials, Lv.20, and at least Lord-rank Reputation all that's left is to issue the que-."

"Wait, excuse my interruption but I have this.", pulling out the silver gleaming Guild Creation Scroll, Kaiden placed it into the Elf's hands.

"Oh, you have a Silver-ranked Guild Creation Scroll, then that will eliminate the need for a quest as well as reduce the cost to 10% of the total, that will be 1,250 Gold please and what would the Guild Name be?", inquired the Elf.

Shocked Kaiden did the mental math and realized not only did a Guild require at least Lord rank Reputation, but it originally required over 12,000 Gold and a Quest. 'My GOD!'

Removing the funds, resulting in a tiny mountain on the counter. The Elf waived her hand and answered the name, he had been pondering all this while.

"Ethereal Conviction."

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!