Ironclad Executive Directives

Inside the Union Hall...

The feeling the inside of the Union Hall resembled was that of a hotel reception area. Rather than having multiple workers, the lobby was clear except for one person—a male human sitting at the desk.

"Hello, I'll like to establish a Union and attach it to my guild."

Holding out his hand in a grasping motion, the human uttered, "Proof of your guild reaching Level 3 please."

Handing his guild master badge to the clerk, which was bordered black gold background. This was the highest level guild badge; in order from the bottom tier to top—it was red, orange, purple, silver, gold, and black gold.

"Confirmed, what will be the union name linked to [Ethereal Conviction]"?

Pausing for a moment, Kaiden expression stilled as he pondered, "The Rising Comet Trading Firm."

[System: Congratulations you have created and linked the first Union "Rising Comet Trading Firm". Rewarding: 100 Gold, Tome of Lifestyle Advancement, 1 Violet Gold Chest, and 1,000 Reputation.]

'Tome of Lifestyle Advancement, what is that?', checking his inventory, a mountainous book appeared in front of him, and inside it was split into numerous categories. Each detailing techniques and basic recipes for Lifestyle players to rapidly improve themselves. Additionally, it provided background information about Lifestyle classes.

[Tome of Lifestyle Advancement] (Special Item)

This is a household item, placing it inside a Residence's research room will turn this item into an information center that details the advancement stages of Lifestyle players. Additionally, this book also possesses designs and recipes relating to Lifestyle classes up to a certain degree. Open to see the contents.

'Oh damn! This is a cheat. This is absolutely not circulating throughout the guild, it will stay within the trustworthy core members.'

Not only did Kaiden find the recipes for various pills, potions, armors, weapons, etc. Kaiden received information about the Lifestyle levels—all of them.

The levels were: Apprentice, Official (i.e Blacksmith, Alchemist, Architect, etc.), Master, Grandmaster, Famed, Venerable, Legendary, Godly.

In addition, every level of a Lifestyle class was split into the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced sections. This applies to all except Godly, that was a standalone rank that when reached, was the pinnacle.

Messaging Gentle Whisper once again, Kaiden told her to assemble everyone including the contracted Lifestyle players. As of right now, the Guild still only consisted of 201 people, this was Kaiden's idea—to freeze the recruitment and then filter who they currently staffed.

Kaiden was looking for trustworthy folks and trying to filter the influence of reputable guilds as much as possible, however, it was impossible to always get everyone to fit that ideal scenario.

In due time, standing in front of the gates of Crescent Wake Town, a mass of 200 people stood in a cluster before one person. The odd thing was among the crowd, that person's level was the lowest—albeit slightly.

In the guild channel, Kaiden spoke with a stern expression. "I have gathered you all here at this moment, as I am free and need to finally attend to my Guild Master duties. With that being said, who is here for the long run?"

Immediately the crowd raised their hands and Kaiden chuckled slightly and nodded, however, his next action appalled the crowd except a select few.

"If so then sign these modified exclusive contracts if you truly would like to stay, as you know, every guild needs main and core members that become the foundation—without them, this structure crumbles.", as Kaiden continued, his expression shifted to a grim one.

Reading the contracts thoroughly a lot of the present people trembled as a few felt this was too much tedious work and pressure being placed on their shoulders and woulder rather have a lax experience. With that at least 30 people put their hands down; the ones who didn't, some were excited and some had stern expressions. The reasons? Unknown.

Once the few of their hands went down, Kaiden immediately excluded them from the bunch and demoted them to basic guild members.

"You're welcomed to stay, however, without that contract you will never touch or enter the realm of the core members. What I am striving to build here is a family. With that being said, families also have disputes but we won't be letting minor disputes disrupt us. You're all talented here, existing at the top of the game's leaderboards. In the future you WILL be an unshakeable powerhouse, we just have to embark on the journey."

As Kaiden continued his monologue, a lot of the present members' expressions began to light up with fervor—Kaiden's words were igniting their fighting spirit; although he promised nothing, his words made them visualize their futures. As a result, some who had initially lowered their hands raised them back up.

"Soon enough, in the real world, all physical classes will be training with me, while I don't dare say I'm equal to the established monsters who have decades of experience...I feel I have potential and I see that in all of you. Build this kingdom with me."

With the last of his words, once again everyone raised their hands and roared, every single member once again raised their hands and signed their contracts—tying their fates to Ethereal Conviction.

At that moment Kaiden received a message from Tyler.

'General Sonic: Kaiden, the contents of our agreement can we renegotiate them? I feel that the announcements have a minimal effect compared to the potential gains of 'Sonic Star Media Group' supporting you.

Smirking, Kaiden chuckled, 'Just as I thought, he is still the same. The most approachable of the 3, exactly why he is my target.'

Pressing the message tab, "Okay, however, negotiations will be done here as I don't have time to waste traveling to the headquarters. World's Destiny contracts are just good if not better than ones you design by hand.

'General Sonic: The offer is already ready, instead of announcements, we would like to purchase 30% shares of your guild and as a result, we will fund you $300 million dollars immediately... What do you say?'

Kaiden began calculating mentally and frowned in displeasure, "You seem to be taking this as a regular guild, no, we will be a Kingdom; therefore, at most I will be selling 5% of the shares, valued at $50 million per 1%, additionally, I want you. I need an administrator and you fit the role perfectly. Let me guess, you're a Merchant Lifestyle player right?'

'General Sonic: $50 million per 1%!??! 10% shares at least Kaiden, come on. 10% for a $200 million dollar immediate transfer. And yes...I am a Merchant.'

"How many shares of the media group do you own?"

'General Sonic: I own 19% shares of the company, trailing behind the other two by .3 and .8 of a share respectively. Why do you ask?'

"Simple, I want to become the fourth Head, you can purchase 5% of Ethereal Conviction in exchange for 9% of your shares, these will be your personal shares. While the price for the actual shares for the media group will still be $50 million per 1% share."

The conversation went silent for a moment as if Tyler was contemplating.

'General Sonic: This is an unfair trade? What will happen if I make a dire loss in this situation? 9% of the shares of our company is worth over $900 million. How can you ascertain that I won't be making a loss?'

'Heh, this guy is also so particular but good, continue.'

"Take a leap of faith, I'm sure you're aware that World's Destiny is connecting to basically every bank in the world and once that happens, many companies will be investing into guilds and a period of extreme growth will ensue. Will you want to be left in the dust?"

'General Sonic: I'm aware, but I could just invest in a promising Overlord-grade guild and watch my investments mature with a dependable cushion. Even though you have potential, as of right now, you are still a Gradeless guild. Who's to say you will be able to stand the deterrence of the Overlord and above grade Guilds? '

"Oh? While true, who's to say how many shares you can truly accrue? Those would be wrapped up in reputable corporations. As I say again, this offer stands now, however, once I gain momentum you should understand...this offer will be rescinded. I'll sweeten the deal—sign an NDA now and I'll present you something as well as the opportunity to acquire shares based on performance."

Agreeing, Tyler signed the NDA and as a result, Kaiden showed him his class as well as the Tome of Lifestyle Advancement. Tyler unable to stand the shock—his eyes spasmed and jaw slacked as Kaiden simply chuckled at his reaction.

"Now, do we have a deal? Although I am gradeless, I feel that my guild's potential is immense. In addition, do you have any unused buildings in your name?"

This left Tyler to contemplate for a moment, 'He is correct, this guild holds potential with him being the leader along with some talents in his guild, not to mention as his guild grows it will draw in users with immense skill.'

Undergoing another round of negotiation, Tyler asked for a 1:1 where 10% of his shares were worth 10% of EC, however, Kaiden declined and said it would ruin his plans and instead offered 5% of the shares of his union. Although the two entities were linked, the shares were independent and in Kaiden's name. In the same way, if we buy stocks from a company that owns other companies we only own stocks in the parent company. And this was also a move Kaiden didn't want to make.

Unfortunately, Kaiden was aware potential wouldn't equivalent to hard currency at this moment, therefore, he had to offer something more.

'General Sonic: Deal, those other 2 might spasm if they found out the company only owns 5% of your guild but so be it. Also, the company has an unused building, however, it's worth $68 million. If you would like ownership of it, I can deduct this from the price of the shares. OH! Also, this building isn't located in New Metro City, but rather in slightly Minence City. I will send you the specifics.

With this, Kaiden and Tyler reached an agreement—one that both sides could see some type of potential for the future. As they say, a good bargain is where both sides leave unhappy.

This conversation didn't interrupt the conversation taking place between Kaiden and his guild members, at that same moment Kaiden laid down the complete ground rules of the for the core members.

"Now as you guys need to know, first and foremost this guild will operate through GCP (Guild Contribution Points), for you guys—the hierarchy of members they will have different valuations for GCP as well as the ways to accrue GCP. Again, being the focus of the guild you will receive more benefits. Favoritism? Doesn't matter, the world isn't a fair thing. Nothing is given here, you earn. We BUILD together."

With that being said, Kaiden compounded on the

"Secondly, you guys are expected to help each other and deepen your relationships as soon you lot will be forming a legion. With that being said, Defensive, Magical Offensive, Physical Offensive, and Support form separate groups."

Immediately, 4 groups of different amounts separated into clusters and Kaiden assigned their leaders. Hollow Stance, Symbolic Soul, Practice, Gentle Whisper, MagicsSlave, and Despotic Shadow were assigned Captain roles as they were the few members.

"Lastly, roles aren't stable except for the initial Captians they depend on your contribution, you may move up and down the social hierarchy with your performance rating. With that, this meeting is adjourned. Shortly I will call for you guys again. Gentle Whisper, stay behind."

As the crowd dispersed, Kaiden engaged in conversation with Gentle Whisper informing her that an administrator was on the way, and she would be able to focus on leveling until it was time to train. Additionally, Kaiden assigned a 'Commander' role to himself. Facing Lohti and withstanding Kriishna made him realize something...attributes weren't everything.

They would need to step into the world of experts and try to experience Celluar Phenomenons as soon as possible. However Kaiden's expression tightened as his countenance twisted—although VitaShakes were available to everyone to promote their basic life, there was no circulation of techniques to hone Omniscient Influence; Kaiden was left at an impasse. He was unable to think of a way to pry a practice out of the iron grip of high-grade guilds.

This was the reason that they were able to advance so high in the virtual game world—Inhuman Contol, on more than one front.

'This uneasy feeling is growing stronger, what is that?'

Unknown to Kaiden, his mind unlocked the first passive level of Omniscient Influence when he passed the 3 feet radius--Intuition; this was an ethereal concept, his brain interpreted feelings of danger or intent to harm from the environment. Usually, this was limited to immediate surroundings, however, Kaiden's brain operated at a different output. Hence, he interpreted things more finely.

In the shadows, the maw of a huge beast was lurking, eager to consume Kaiden.