
The ensuing thunderous noise shocked the environment--a huge dust cloud formed as Kaiden stood inside a massive crater.

-229,688! [-57,472] -27,563! [-6,891]

Now you might be asking, how the hell can his damage be so high when his attack power would barely reach over 3,000.

At the moment of descent, Kaiden was well over 100 meters in the air and this call for the maximum damage 2500%. On top of that, we have the following critical modifier which increases the overall damage another 175% and finally he had the last modifier of the [Sword Force] skill. When it came to the intensity of the [Sword Force], Kaiden converted over 500 points of Inner Energy into this skill.

With that being said, the initial modifier of Sword Force is a 50% increase, and every additional 10 Inner Energy points consumed is a 5% increase in the damage. As a result, Kaiden ended up with an additional 250% modifier.

The target of Kaiden's Homing Pierce instantly vanished as a system alert appeared.

[System: Over-level Kill. Level difference: 14. 505% experience bonus applied. Lv.52 Lunar Orc (Normal) slain. 19,401 Experience obtained.]

'Whew that felt amazing, but now I understand why the leaderboards momentum is slowing. Monster experience still scales in the same exact fashion while our experience requirements grow exponentially.'

As Kaiden thought to himself, a look of horror crept upon his face and he began thinking of the dreaded future levels where the comparison of experience needed now to the future was abysmal.

Twirling his wrists, Kaiden's swords sliced the air cleanly as he only focused on the battle at hand.

'Those thoughts are useless for now, what I need to focus on is this swordsmanship.'

Although Kaiden was able to execute Thrust at 100% during his Class Advancement, that didn't mean he could suddenly always execute this skill at that level—he wasn't a god. Hence, he needed training—he needed obscene amounts of repetition—he needed pressure. Only through pressure would his growth truly be shocking. With that being said, all skills didn't incorporate thrusting motions.

As a result, Kaiden disappeared from his spot. What's more, as Kaiden disappeared a small sonic boom sounded—he was understanding the optimal way to accelerate and how to control it.

'ZWOOM' 'boom!' 'Zing!' 'Zing!' 'Zing!'

Kaiden's sword sliced through the calves, thighs, and knees of multiple orcs. Kaiden dashed around like a madman, never in the same spot for an extended period of time. Additionally, because of the low mobility of the orc's towering physique, they were unable to react to the movements of Kaiden.

-2,088 [-522]...

As a result, Kaiden was experiencing a battle experience with living target practices, he felt no urgent sense of dread, his nerves reacted unimpeded. Kaiden actually loved the splash effect of Angurvadal—the additional aggro made Kaiden remain in an extremely active mental state which stimulated him. Additionally, this effect was convenient because it was toggleable.

'This class holds so much potential! Just the use of dual-wielding is thrill-inducing.'

Performing a few back steps creating distance, Kaiden's eyes steeled as he immersed himself in the sword. It was imperfect, however, Kaiden still was able to create a vague feeling of a connection with his sword.

Widening his stance, Kaiden leaned forward with Nightfall in his right hand—held with a reverse grip and Angurvadal held in a neutral grip stretched across the right side of his body. At that moment, Sword Force began pooling into Angurvadal as Kaiden's grip tightened, securing the sword.

'Zwing!' 'Whoosh!'

Seconds later, Kaiden abruptly brandished his sword—performing a quick horizontal slash. As a result, a huge pale silver arc materialized which shot forth in a rapid manner. The rebound force caused Kaiden's posture to shift upward slightly.

Realizing he needed to manage his Inner Energy output in a more conservative manner, Kaiden only consumed 200 points of Inner Energy, resulting in a 100% damage increase.

-64,050 [-16,012].....

Following the [Illusive Sword Torrent], every monster in front of Kaiden suffered at least 80,000 damage while some monsters suffered from the occasional critical hit.

Following up Kaiden brandished his sword delivering a flurry of sword strikes which landed on various areas of the orcs body.

Activating Sword Wind, Kaiden began to wave his arms in an erratic fashion. The strikes looked to be random, however, if you observe keenly you would realize that the thin sword winds began to rhythmically shadow each other—the sword winds created a sort of pentagonal formation as they transversed the air.

At that same moment, on the western side of the Crescent Essence Valley…

"Hmph, filthy creatures dare to waste our time, watch how I smite you."

'Thump!' 'Thump!' 'Thump!' 'Thump!'

Holding his greatsword across his shoulders, Krishna stamped forth with resounding steps, the earth trembling in wake of his substantial stature. With one swing, Krishna sent 6 orcs flying, although Kriishna's Strength stat wasn't ridiculously high, the actual condition of his physique was monstrous. This was another reason Kaiden felt despair when he inspected Krishna.

Just looking at his tyrannic physique told Kaiden even if he partially ignored his defense, he would be unable to overcome it.

With that being said, Kriisha's style of battle was horrifying, gathering Energy into his blade, he slammed it into the ground. This created massive stone projectiles as well as a humongous spreading crater. Additionally, an Elite Orc tried to punch Kriisha—he didn't flinch and that orc's punch landed on his jaw.


Kriishna smirked at this pitiful damage following up with a harrumph.

"Heh, this extent of damage is laughable, no, it is pitiable."

What's more, Kriishna simply grabbed the orc's hand and what followed was comical. Lifting the orc with one hand, he slammed it causing another crater in front of him, however, he was far from done—he instantly followed that slam with a downward strike.


As if another thunderclap happened, the earth shook as the orc was once again abused.

"Earthen Demolisher."

Once again, Kriishna raised his sword which was now radiating an earthen yellow shade. Slamming his sword once again Kriishna continued to terrorize the inadequate orcs.

Switching to the eastern region of the Crescent Essence Valley…

Latahhya was also undergoing a fierce battle, however, her style was far less brutish than Kriishna. Instead, it seemed primal, wild, yet also refined. This was her bearing being symbolized through her spearmanship.

"Hmph, these things will be dealt with soon enough."

The way Latahhya wielded her spear seemed more like a lance than a spear, she specialized in slicing and fluid maneuvers with the occasional thrusting and stabbing motions presenting itself.

Shifting her feet, Latahhya pierced an orc's stomach, dashing forth as she twirled the spear around her body while also spinning it, as a result, the orc began receiving random cuts to its torso legs and arms.

Sliding under the orc, Latahhya thrust her spear into the posterior of its knee. Momentarily the orc kneeled, capitalizing on this time frame, Latahhya delivered an upward slice and right after a rotating downward one.

Concluding this momentary period, Latahhya executed a diagonal upward pierce into the orc's throat—it was feebly standing at that moment.

In this manner, hours passed as Kaiden and his duo of tyrannic aides continued to advance through the valley. Of course, as a result, the monsters they faced increased in level and difficulty. But it never escalated to unreasonable difficulties—that is, until Kaiden and the reconvened as Kaiden ordered. Why? Because Kaiden came across the first boss and smirked.

Lv. 56 [Hrolkug, Lunar Orc Sentinel] (Chieftain Rank Boss)

Health: 1,950,000/1,950,000

'This thing has more health than Kriishna but it is lacking—this thing doesn't exude a presence as dangerous Kriishna did. In fact, based on my senses, it's ¼ the magnitude.'

"Kriishna you take the tank role, Latahhya you're with me. Close to mid-range fighting."

Dashing forth, Kriishna's voice trailed as his resounding steps already propelled him half the distance,"I will succeed my Lord's expectations!"

Latahhya took an offensive posture as he held her spear, smiling at Kaiden, "Mm! Okay, I think we should aim for weak spots on this thing."

Dashing forth, Kaiden and Latahhya matched their paces as Kaiden's face turned expressionless. This meant he was becoming serious and would waste no movement just like when he first fought the Ash Wolves.


Hrolkug gripped his twin battle axes as he also dashed forth when Kriishna entered its perception, "You dare interrupt me? I KILL! You ANGER ME!!!"

"Shut your filthy mouth you lower creature!"

Kriishna pounced forward as he delivered an explosive upward sword to Hrolkug's jaw causing his head to fly back as his arms flailed—continuing, Kriishna jumped and delivered a rotational kick to the disoriented Hrolkug's jaw.


As a result, Hrolkug was sent flying and slammed into the ground a great distance away. Gathering strength in his leg, Kriishna performed [Heroic Leap] which was an overpowered jump and raised his greatsword above his head.

As Hrolkug, appeared from the cloud of dust a shadow that was growing in magnitude appeared over his head.


Once again, Kriishna rained down abuse on Hrolkug.


In 3 hits, Kriishna gained Hrolkug's aggro generating a ridiculous amount of Hate. His style of battle was a hateful one.


"Shut your filthy mouth mongrel."

At that moment, Kaiden and Latahhya dashed up.

Jumping above Kriishna's head, Kaiden's emotionless countenance appeared in Hrolkug's view, however, not for long. Kaiden threw his swords—they flew towards the enraged Hrolkug's eyes. Piercing Hrolkug's eyes, Kaiden jumped off Kriishna's shoulder and turned in the air.

-7,353! (Vitall Critical) [-1,838], -7,840! (Vital Critical) [-1,960]

Following his jump, Kaiden delivered 2 explosive kicks to the hilt of each of his swords—sinking further, his sword caused drastic damage.



-12,868! (Execution Critical) [-3,217], -14,088 (Execution Critical) [-3,522]

[System: You have blinded Hrolkug, Lunar Orc Sentinel for 8 seconds.]

Amid Hrolkug's roar filled with grievance, Latahhya used [Wolf's Maw] which dealt an additional 14,000 damage.

Although Hrolkug's recovery rate was 39,600 HP per second, this trio's damage and combat ability were ridiculous. Every minute after Hrolkug's recovery, they still managed to shave off 2 percent.

40 minutes later, Hrolkug let out a bloodcurdling roar as his physique swelled and his pale blue eyes turned crimson—filled with rage.

[System: Hrolkug has entered 'Berserk'. Strength, Defense, and Agility have increased.]

"Hmph, Berserk? You're not the only one who possesses such skills."

Holding his blade in front of him, Kaiden's aura intensified and became tangible, Kaiden activated [Spiritual Outburst] for the first time. A pale silverish blue hue appeared around Kaiden as his Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Dexterity skyrocketed—increasing by 125%.

Kaiden's dark brown—nearly black hair floated upward once he activated his Berserk Skill. Gripping his swords, Kaiden looked like the second coming of a sword deity himself. Taking a step, Kaiden disappeared as he created a shockwave.

.2 seconds later, Kaiden appeared in front of Hrolkug and delivered a backflip kick to his jaw, landing Kaiden unleashed a flurry of slashes aimed at Hrolkug's throat!.

Ducking, Kaiden dodged the horizontal swipe of Hrolkug's dual axes and performed his [2nd Tempest Style - Revolving Phantom] on Hrolkug's knees—disappearing once again, Kaiden performed an inhuman arc step appearing behind Hrolkug.

Aiming at his knees, Kaiden covered his sword in Sword Force consuming 100 points of Inner Energy and executed [5th Tempest Style - Twin Tornado Drill]. As a result, 4 damages one after the other appeared.

-7,880 [1,970], -15,772! (Critical) [-3,943], -53,945! (Vital Critical) [-13,483], -55,632! (Vital Critical) [-13,908]

With his knees pierced through, Hrolkug fell to his knees roaring indignantly, "GROOOAH! KILLL! KILLLL! I SMASH YOU! KILL!!"

Lv. 56 [Hrolkug, Lunar Orc Sentinel] (Chieftain Rank Boss) [BERSERK]

Health:449,400/1,950,000 (23%)

"No, you will be killed." corrected Kriishna as he used a skill called [Titanic Despair] dealing ridiculous amounts of damage.

[System: Inner Energy has dropped you 285/2,735.]

"Your moment of despair has crept upon you for it is over."

Dashing forward, Kaiden delivered an [Illusive Sword Torrent].

-77,025 [19,256]

"Kriishna, Launch."

Jumping, Kaiden landed on Kriishna's blunt greatsword and waving his sword, Kaiden was launched into the air—like a comet, his rise was meteoric.

Performing an aerial flair, Kaiden activated [Treasured Sword's Sharpness] and because his Strength broke the 1,000 point threshold, Kaiden was able to kick the air. His descent was even more monstrous.


Because of his velocity, his sword tore through the air resistance as he once again began to rotate rapidly. With the added effects of 200 points of Sword Force, Kaiden created a literal explosion—debris flying everywhere.

Kriishna and Latahhya guarded themselves against the explosion with their weapons.

-2,201,631! (Execution Critical)

'Ding!' 'Ding!' 'Ding!'