
Approaching Crescent Wake Town's entrance, the now moonlit sky provided a soothing atmosphere to the tranquil state of the town. Kaiden walked through the town's gates. The two extremes always baffled Kaiden—such a bustling town could be so inactive at night.

However, for Kaiden, this was the optimal time to get things done as the most active people at this time would be people who owned GRVIPs as well as Lifestyle players. Additionally, it was now known that the majority of Lifestyle players were real-life employed people.

As a result, they experienced no disadvantages as opposed to the unemployed or NEET society. There were still opportunities to be on par or surpass their peers.

Making his way toward the Lunar Essence Mansion, Kaiden was wholly shocked when he realized that the Architects were drenched in sweat and still working. Based on the progress bar of the completion bar, Kaiden estimated that these guys didn't take any breaks. Moved by their work ethic, Kaiden noted their names and would supply them a small bonus.

As Kaiden said before, noteworthy performance would be lauded and rewarded.

'In no more than 2 hours, they should be done. In light of that, the guild members will be able to use the facilities of the residence. I shall personally train the swordsmen.'

[System: 'General Sonic' has requested to join the guild.]

Accepting, Kaiden followed his plans and assigned General Sonic the Administrator role, following that he immediately messaged Kaiden.

"Kaiden, the baselines you have set for the guild is superb almost if not matching the guidelines over a Monarch-grade guild. I wonder just where you get such a keen sense of management from."

Nodding with a light smile, Kaiden voiced his assent, "Yes, from now on you'll be managing the roles as explained in your contracts. The daily expenses, profits, etc., will be handled by you. If this guild will be to its best potential, then I will only be able to spare minimal time towards management. As you know, in the area of experience or foundation even—the distance between an Earth-grade and our guild is horrifyingly large."

"I'm aware, I will manage to the best of my ability—complementing your ideas and style of management. I will spend these few hours compiling all the information on the guild.", replied General Sonic.

Nodding Kaiden added, "For the mostpart the information has already been compiled. But it's very basic. We don't have any monetary expenses as of yet. We just need to keep track of contributions, donations, and members for now."

Continuing to discuss necessities of the guild, Kaiden made his way through both the commercial area and town square, the overall conditions of the other constructions were pretty much similar to the Lunar Essence Mansion.

Kaiden was keeping note of the names and work of the Architects—as they were the sole reason for such quick results. Although, what really motivated the Architects is the fact that they were the first Lifestyle players to build a player building. This was bound to give huge amounts of Profession experience.

Kaiden became lost in his thoughts for a moment, he thought back to the earlier message and wondered if he should become wary that something was watching him.

'Higher entity…? According to Kairo, there are no more Ancient Divines left within this world and it would be impossible for that higher entity to be an Ancient Divine, for he was the last one. However, could he truly know that? Secondly… what if this system just uses the term 'higher entity' to list any being stronger than myself? Then this would be needless worrying. That just leaves the question, what does the system determine 'higher entities'.'

Shaking his head, Kaiden dispelled his worrying thoughts, 'Bah, take this one step at a time...Never retreat. What's to come will come.'

Uttering the ideals of Kroxus, Kaiden regained a semblance of confidence—it would be a lie to say he fully recovered and the thoughts were completely pushed to the back of his mind.

Walking with Kriishna and Latahhya, Kaiden reached the alleyway where the usual entrance would be. Kaiden was eager to find out just what exactly Kairo would be teaching him.

The portal opened and once again Kaiden stepped through followed by Latahhya, however, Kriishna—stayed stagnant as a ponderous look flashed upon his face. He was contemplating why this realm felt so odd.

"This realm feels like it shouldn't exist on this plane anymore, almost as if it's from an ancient era. What's more…it's an era more slightly ancient than mine—the 'Origin Shifting Era'. This realm must hold some type of secrets."

Finishing his piece, ultimately, Kriishna stepped through the portal, however, when he landed he was horrified, it was almost a dead realm. However, being another ancient being he also realized something deeper. This was a realm that was tampered with!

Inside the Forgotten Anomaly Realm…

Opening his eyes, Kairo examined Kaiden and nodded.

"You have advanced into Stage 2 at a brisk pace but your foundation isn't shaky. Good. Furthermore, hmmm..?" Kairo turned his head and scrutinized Kriishna with a piercing gaze.

Kriishna's already pale skin turned rigid as that gaze caused goosebumps to rise upon his skin,'!!, His gaze is more intense than the previous old Elders of the Titan Holy this my Lord's master? No wonder…'

Rubbing his chin, Kairo inquired with a raised eyebrow, "A pureblood Ancient Titan? Not to mention, a royal blooded at that. You should be extinct at this moment unless...hmm, tell me—what is your family's name?"

Bowing his head slightly in respectful form, Kriishna half kneeled and relayed an answer, "My name is Kriishna Von Ozom'lom, 3rd Prince to Ancient Titan Council, Krogard."

"Oh? Von Ozom'lom? Then you must be a descendant of the 'Dominator Goliath", your bloodline is purer than his but not thicker. Interesting.

"Yes he was my grand ancestor...however, these times have passed…"

Speaking of this caused a slight sadness to invade Kriishna's mindset which momentarily presented itself on his face.

Kairo waved and comforted Kriishna, "I understand your lineage has disappeared, however, you live so hope remains. Would you like to become even stronger than your predecessor?"

"Yes! I would devote myself to anything to be able to step into the level of the ancestor."

"Very well, what is the name of your bloodline?", asked Kairo.

"Primordial Goliath sir."

For the first time, Kairo was utterly shocked as his eyebrows jumped in a comical fashion. "Did you just say Primordial Goliath? Your ancestor was only a Dominator Goliath—interesting! Are you able to release your Titan Goliath form?

A bitter smile appeared on Kriishna's face, "I have only once been able to...It's a pain I never wanted to experience again."

"Please show me it, I would like to understand the differences in your bloodline compared to your ancestor."

Nodding, Kriishna ran into the distance and when he reached a suitable distance—Kriishna clapped his hands together and silence ensued.

His original silver eyes lost their pupils and his complete eye, iris, pupil, etc., turned a radiant gold. In torrential amounts, Kriishna began absorbing the residual Wind, Earth, Metal, and Thunder Energies. Kaiden looked on in horror as he was previously unaware of just how disgusting Kriishna was.

"G-GGRRRROOAH!" With palms together, his stature grew—exponentially.

From 3 meters...10 meters...150 meters...300 meters…

Finally, his growth stunted at 325 meters tall, but high above his face was one of anguish. 1.3 seconds later, his physique began shrinking until finally, he was his original size.

"Your physique is barely 1/10 of its capacity. That's why you experience so much pain, the basis of the Titan's is the Earth, however, your bloodline incorporates 4 opposing powers and you only singular focus on the laws of Earth. To reduce your pain, you must fully understand the laws following the elements. The sturdiness of Earth, the sharpness of Metal, the freedom of the wind, and the explosiveness of Thunder. When they combine and you learn to harmonize them—you will be complete and usher a new dominion of Titans."

Kriishna's pale countenance filled with pride as his chest was now upright and posture firm—no signs of fatigue.

'HE understood my bloodline in moments when the elders were stumped in the past about what to do to correct my irregularities. However, now I realize these irregularities are my strong suit.'

Speaking, mid-sentence Kriishna became puzzled, "Thank you….I didn't catch your name sir?"

"It is Kairo the Tenebrous."

"A-Ah? I have heard my former Lord, the Psychotic Sword Fiend mention that name in tandem with the 'Origin Shifting Era'."

"Correct, Kroxus was once one I corrected in his path of the sword…", pausing Kairo turned toward Kaiden as he lightly smiled.

"It seems my successor also became Kroxus' successor, what an ironic fate you possess. These aren't mere coincidences."

For a brief moment, the atmosphere stilled and Kairo's gaze sharpened, 'It is weakening further…'

"The secret to your understanding lies within this boy, will you swear your undying loyalty to him?"

"That is to be understood, we Titans never betray our oaths."

"I know,", waving his hand, once again those ethereal binds appeared—this time connecting Kaiden and Kriishna.

[System: You and Kriishna the Indomitable have been Essence Linked.]

"Now, back to you lad, now that you have reached Stage 2—it is time that I impart the rest of the information you need."

[Quest Alert!

Kairo's Teachings II (Hidden Quest)

Information: Having succeeded in reaching Stage 2 of your profession and completing the first part of Kairo's Teachings—Kairo has deemed it time to impart the remainder of the basics. With this, your knowledge will be complete and your true journey can begin.


-0/1 Complete Kairo's training course to the best of your ability. Kairo will determine when you have reached an adequate level.

Time Limit: Unspecified.

Rewards: ????, ????]

"Hmm, before I can teach you. I believe I must once again expand your viewpoint on the world—let's begin with...what you call this world per se. I won't go too into detail as if I do, it will just cause you to have needless thoughts that will ultimately hinder your progress but I will give you information."

"This "world" initially was not a world but what we called 'The Omni-Integrated Realm', it was called this because it was interconnected with the other higher realms and an era of shared ideologies ensued. However, that was quickly restricted—again, the outcome caused by those abominable Supremes. Now becoming a one-way export and even then it's basically blocked."

"Next, I guess shall inform you of the true state of this world. Canonically speaking, yes—the Ancient Divines don't "exist" anymore; however, that doesn't mean their presence is gone. Moreover, the strongest beings in this world currently are False Divines—even then, they pale in comparison to the ancient generation for reasons explained.

'Was it a False Divine that was paying attention to me? Possibly, it would be impossible for Supremes to pay attention to my insignificant existence.'

"Lastly, this information pertains solely to our progression of Cultivation. The first two stages, which is the one you were previously in and currently in now are known as the Foundation Forging stage. The following stages are as such—'Foundation Forging', 'Core Origination', 'Internal Genesis', 'Elemental Assimilation', 'Origin Flame Fabrication', 'Pinnacle Transformation' and 'Divine Extremity'. Each of these stages doesn't always exist in just 1 or 2 stages—sometimes more."

"With that being said, I shall explain the two immediate stages you need because the others are not always the same between individuals. Beginning from the 'Internal Genesis' stage that path of cultivation begins to diverge and ultimately become unique to an individual. That is why when cultivating it is optimal to learn the basics from a teacher and explore the following unknowns yourself."

"As you know, the 'Foundation Forging' stage is as the stage name entails—forge your foundations to your necessity. Additionally, this is the stage where it is most beneficial to understand the inner workings of Energy as that is partly your foundation."

"As for 'Core Origination,' well, that will probably be your single most important stage as it will determine the grade of your future accolades. This specific stage consists of sublimation, condensation, and refinement. With the last being the most important—I recommend you pay unusual attention to that stage. Heed my words—this is the crux of your ascension."

Nodding, Kaiden's face turned solemn as he took Kairo's words to heart, his eyebrows creasing and his gaze sharp.

Floating before Kaiden, Kairo instructed him, "Show me the improvement of your circulation."

Sitting down in a lotus position, Kaiden breathed in and exhaled, circulating the [Art of 16 Quintessential Harmonic Cycles]. Enforcing his will on his inner energy, Kaiden also tried splitting his will to influence the energy. However, multi-tasking with Will proved to be immensely difficult—he didn't have enough therefore, he resulted in only influencing his energy.

'Oh? Seem Kroxus' taught him the method of External Will Tempering, while I showed him the Internal and he's showing signs of wanting to use them simultaneously. Unfortunately that higher technique is out of his grasp—for now.'

Within this harsh environment, Kaiden sat and was able to complete a cycle in 8 minutes, almost 3 times longer than the outside world but that is to be expected. The environment here is 8 times harsher.

"Good, you are becoming adept. Therefore it is now time to learn how to administer finer basic techniques. Not just you, you two also—even you Kriishna; you can learn to control energy at a deeper level for you are a special Titan."