Auction - Financial Donger War 2

Although that hyperactive person spoke his grievance, the hooded figure simply scoffed in disgust as they disregarded them and bid.

"25,000 Gold."

Kaiden raised his eyebrow. 'Oh? So she has this much gold on her huh? I wonder who that is.'

"DAMMIT! YOU DARE DISMISS THIS DADDY?! Okay! Okay! Watch how I make your mother squeal like a pig."

Even Kaiden frowned at this disgusting fellow as he began shaking his head.

"25,000 Guild going once...going twice...sold."

[System: 23,750 Gold has been added to your inventory. Now totaling 41,758 Gold.]

Although the cost of creating a guild was 12,000 gold. There was actually a 3 tier quest you had to complete to get to the point of paying that fee. Additionally, each quest costs a small fee to accept. With that being said, one quest was a material collection, the second being to raise your reputation to Lord and the last being to slay some monsters to prove your worth.

All in all the total cost would reach approximately 20,000 Gold. What's the hurt of expediting the creation of a Guild by sacrificing extra Gold? The extra time gained would easily counteract the cost paid—if nurtured properly.

"The last item is one of immense origin—it's the entrance to a secret dungeon or otherwise known as a trial. The exact trial is unknown, however, since times immemorial—trials were known to produce nothing but fortuitous encounters. Inheritances, Legacies, Unique items—you name it and it could possibly be a reward. Furthermore, this is a group pass and not a single person."

'Secret Dungeon? Trial? I NEED IT! I can take my members to receive some type of legacy.'

However, his thought proved to be useless as the information on the entrance dampened his excitement slightly.

[Trial of Mortal Molting Entrance Pass] (Unique Item)

This pass enables you to bring up to 10 users excluding the holder of this pass into the Trial of Mortal Molting. However, this trial is treacherous therefore possessing a level requirement. Additionally, their rewards correspond with the difference. Hence, Mortal Molting. More information will be given when you partake in the trial.

Requirement: Level 50+ and Tier 2.

"The base price is 10,000 Gold. Each bid must be at least 100 Gold. Begin."

'Do I bid? Or do I save this money… Dammit... Choose...choose.'

As Kaiden decided upon his internal turmoil, the price of the item steadily rose as it reached 18,000 Gold.

'Dammit! I'll just bid. This can impact our futures heavily. And I can always take Kriishna and Latahhya to slay bosses.'

"18,500 Gold." Kaiden called out which once again caused a slight raucous.

"HOOOOLY! FUCK! Did you rob a bank dude? Where did you get your money? Did some god just gift you tons of gold!? What the hell!!"

Turning his head Kaiden scrutinized the guy and realized it was the same exact guy as earlier. His name was 'MotherLover', speaking mounds about his personality.

'Wow...even his name is ridiculous.'

"19,000 Gold.", spoke a dignified voice across the room. Turning Kaiden felt an ominous vibe from this person as well as no aura.

Focusing his gaze as his eyes squinted, Kaiden realized this person's aura was completely restrained.

'Damn...that's...that's an elite. No, he might be an expert or even tyrant-level to restrain his aura to this extent. That control is ridiculous.'

Unknown to Kaiden, that person who bid was 'WarCry' the cause for his recurring ominous feelings. Because of his disguise, he escaped notice and conveniently stayed undercover.

"20,000 Gold.", responded Kaiden.

"20,200 Gold.", countered WarCry.

"20,500 Gold.", countered Kaiden.

Back and forth Kaiden and WarCry finally reached a 25,000 Gold value. However, unlike Kaiden's calm countenance—WarCry's countenance began to turn grim.

" about showing me 'WarCry' and my "Warhead Syndicate" some face in this situation. I will be sure to owe you one."

Although his words sounded slightly polite, the tone he spoke in sounded like one of a threat. Additionally, it also sounded as if his request couldn't be dismissed.

"Oh? Unfortunately, no. To give you face would be disrespectful to myself. Therefore, I'll have to respectfully refuse. 25,200 Gold!"

"Good...Good...Good! You dare not show me face. Let's see how you live later." raged WarCry.

"Holy crap! That's...that's WarCry! He's listed 31st out of the 36 Tyrant Expert List. Oh my god, then who the hell is this to not show him face? He must not want to live tomorrow." screamed MotherLover.

"25,200 Gold going once...going twice...sold! Thank you everyone, that concludes this monthly Auction.", bowing Stella and Albert disappeared behind the curtain as Kaiden's.

Walking over, Kaiden tapped the hooded figure's shoulder.

"Excuse me, may I ask what your reputation level is?"

"A Knight, now excuse me I have things to do.", said a cold voice as they brushed past Kaiden.

'So cold.'

Shrugging, Kaiden ducked behind a pillar amid the sea of exiting figures as he returned to his original status and appearance. Joining the crowd, Kaiden avoided the perception of all people who had intentions of focusing on him.

WarCry scrutinized every person leaving and snarled. "Where is he!"

Walking calmly, Kaiden's remoting remained unaffected as he exited the Auction House and disappeared. Although he returned to his original appearance he used the additional effect of the Mask of Obscurity to hide his information.

Kaiden was aware that his original persona was already becoming some type of target due to his accomplishments.

Making sure he wasn't followed. Kaiden made detours as he once again ended up in the Guild Residence.

Messaging Gentle Whisper, Kaiden told her to assemble the top 19 members of different categories within a couple hours as they would be dungeon diving shortly.

Kaiden needed to make up for his lack of gear. Although he received many drops, he didn't find much suitable gear for himself. His class stuck strictly to Light Armor for the best mobility while also retaining Strength.

As Gentle Whisper was missing the partying experience, she became giddy as she immediately began acting upon the directions in an excited fashion, "Okay, Key! I'll make sure they are ready promptly."

Furthermore, Kaiden also sent a friend request to EnchantingThreads who almost immediately accepted and sent a video call request.

"Hmph, don't you know you are interrupting this lady?"

"Shush for a moment will you? I will need your services sometime shortly. However, I'm not sure."

"S-Service? All I asked for was a kiss. What are you talking about." glared EnchantingThreads.

She misunderstood what Kaiden understood by the word "services", which is understandable, I guess.

"Oi...Rosana...Lawyer services. Lawyer services, Rosana!"

"Oh! Hmph, and what makes you think I want to be your lawyer?"

Kaiden's left eye and eyebrow distinctly twitched as his finger began tapping the table he was sitting at. "Oh? Miss I'm lonely deep down, is acting haughty once again?"

"Y-You!! I will tear you apart if you don't shut your mouth." fumed Rosana as she stamped her foot and gnashed her teeth.

"That could happen—granted, you become my lawyer."

"Ugh...annoying. I wish I never asked for what I asked for now...Okay! Just shut up!" , rolling her eyes, EnchantingThreads ended the video call leaving Kaiden to shake his head in defeat.

'This woman is really the hell do you tame something like that? Well, at least my legal battles are settled.'

Sitting in a lotus position, Kaiden meditated as he began absorbing the ambient faint Energy and circulating his inner Energy.

'Wow, circulation is much easier now, however…

[System: You have gained 2 Profession experience.]

'This gain is atrocious.'

As stated before, the game operated on your efforts are rewarded in correspondence. The harder the effort, the better the rewards. Additionally, ambient Energy in the Sanctoria World was faint compared to the Forgotten Anomaly Realm simply due to the tampering of the Origin.

Like a machine depending on all of its cogs to work properly, if you tamper with one part—especially an essential one—you impede the results of that machine. That is what the Supremes' did. Tampering with the Origin disturbed the circulation of Energy into this world—which was horrifyingly thin.

'Whatever, all practice is useful practice.'

Entering a serene state in minutes Kaiden began a session of cultivation where the world didn't exist anymore.

Once again, Kaiden entered a space in his mind. However, inside the game, instead of experiencing what he did in the real world previously. Instead, he experienced 9 brightly shining masses in his mind that were interconnected and blocked by silver runes that formed one big chain. There was one huge central mass in the middle and 8 orbiting masses of smaller intensity.

'Runes? This look formation looks like a diagram...Wait, one of them seems to be under a weaker restraint.'

What Kaiden was experiencing were two things. One the mass in the middle was his "potential" which will be explored later. As for the diagram of the 8 masses. Kaiden was experiencing a premature foggy outline of the 8 Divine Gates in a hyper mature state.

With that being said, Kaiden continued to curiously inspect the design of the diagram.

'It all links together, also seems independent of each other. I can't make anything out of this right now.'

The minutes turned into an hour and the hour turned into a couple. By the end, Kaiden opened his eyes and realized that he didn't feel fatigued at all. It was like he spent no Concentration to perform this circulation. However, he did—rather it was because of the less harsh environment that his consumption and recovery partially neutralized each other.

Crackling, Kaiden's joint let out small explosive sounds as he stood. His body was surely but slowly leaving the realms of his tier.

'Interesting, not only does my real body hold does my character? What exactly is going on behind the scenes?'

[System: You are receiving a voice message from General Sonic.]

"Yes Tyler?"

"I have set-up a meeting with you and Genesis Electronics. The current CEO—Kassandra Blair will meet with you in-game in 3 days. As for "Vizionary Zeal" for reasons unknown they would like to meet you in reality instead of the game. I can set up a meeting for some time this week if you agree."

Nodding, Kaiden leaned forward with his chin resting on the back of his hands, "Hmm...okay. I have some things that need taking care of in real life anyway. As for the CEO of Genesis Electronic—tell her to come to the guild residence."

"Additionally, the transfer from the company has been complete. There should be a digital version of the deed to the building in Minence City as well as the $182 million note. Furthermore, the next quarterly executive share recompense is in 2 weeks. So with those 9% Class A shares you should be receiving a $47.66 million dividend—as the current dividend for Class A shares is 4.74%."

'Holy shit! The future guys' complaints are true! That dividend percent is ridiculous. They could definitely circulate this cash better.'


Ending the call, Kaiden stood as it was about time to go dungeon diving. It was time to upgrade his lacking guild as well as spend some time with his members. An absent guild leader wasn't the best one even if he was making plans for his guild.

He needed to allocate time for his members. Human connection was another key point for growth.

As he left the leader suite, Kaiden was met with the sight of a smiling Gentle Whisper.

"Key, Key… I arranged for everyone. In addition to You, Me, HollowStance, MagicsSlave, DespoticShadow, Practice, SymbolicSoul, and Intact we have the top people of every category. The team of 20 is made up of 3 full supports, 4 mdps, 5 healers, 3 tanks, and 3 pdps, and 2 crowd controllers.

Just like in previous MMORPGs each class in a game fell into different categories. Of course, there were chances to leave the predetermined conditions of your classes.

Looking at Gentle Whisper, Kaiden produced a slight grin as his eyes brightened a tinge.

His gaze made Gentle Whisper tremble as light blush encroached upon her cheeks. "W-what is it?"

With his light countenance, Kaiden shook his head, "Nothing, you're just cute when I hear you using gaming terms. Nothing like a girl who knows her stuff."

Content, Gentle Whisper's eyes shifted towards the floor as she interlocked her fingers with a voice that was slightly weaker than a murmur.

"O-Oh...thanks Key."

'I like her cute side when she's not a flaming tigress.'

"Tell everyone we'll be setting out in 15 minutes."

Nodding, Gentle Whisper exited with hurried steps.