Morphing Exuberance

As the pair stood before the first Bridge of Passage; stepping into its proximity caused an earth shattering change. The one rickety wooden bridge with talisman adornments, and rune engravings illuminated. No, rather it was lit ablaze. The black and silvery flame turning into a captivating sight.

The flames weren't vantablack like the abyss but were of a gradient that allowed slightly more light to be contained. It carried a murkiness and negative feelings. The silvery tint complemented this idea as the silver was of a dull luster devoid of the exuberance of life. As a result, the duo paused.

"There's feelings of negativity emanating from those flames. Do you perhaps think it's another mental trial" asked Kaiden.

"It could be, but those flames also feel dangerous in its own right. Perhaps it's the physical counterpart of the trial?" responded Snow Bunny.

Their curiosity was piqued, what exactly did this segment of the trial entail? As such, the two momentarily inspected the condition of the flames. When they appeared it seemed as if they were still; while being sustained by the combination of talismans and engraving.

Throwing caution to the wind, although still heeding the voice's majestic words—Kaiden was compelled to take that initial step. However, then he remembered the words of the voice—Duality. Proffering his hand, Kaiden shifted his gaze over to Snow Bunny.

"Let's walk this together. For if we can't persist alone. There is the other's presence. That should provide a cushion."

"Mn, okay." Nodding, Snow Bunny took his hand as they stood before the burning Bridge of Passage. The burning flames reflecting in their clear eyes. Exhaling and taking a synchronized step, Kaiden and Snow Bunny advanced.

However, they were inflicted with a world of pain. As if they sensed the entrance of their prey, the once stilled, horrid flames pounced upon the pair. As a result, the world turned black as they were forced to close their eyes. Everything felt as if it was being seared by a demonic flame that held no qualms against devouring them.


"Continue." spoke the voice.

Squeezing his hand, Snow Bunny turned her wrist slightly. This pain was unbearable.

[System: You have entered the Diabolical HellFlame Bath. Due to this being a trial your health will be locked at full capacity. However, you will experience 100% of the pain. It will feel exactly as it would in real life.]

Forgetting the message, Kaiden gritted his teeth. This pain was difficult but not to the extent of his initial cleansing. Opening his eyes, he looked down at himself. The flames had vanished and he felt no different.

"It has only just begun. That was but a mere appetizer. The full serving has yet to come."

The flames that previously existed vanished and now only one section remained covered with flames. They were indigo in color and seemingly cold. It wasn't emitting any type of heat signature. However, Kaiden was no fool. He understood that this was going to get progressively worst.

Therefore, instead of reactively, he proactively prepared his mental state with a slight tug of Snow Bunny's hand and a nod. Following that action, he was blessed with a situation wherein he took that next step.

However, this time instead of clinging to their body—the flames flared—engulfing the whole section of the bridge. It was even to a lesser degree than before—the pain—albeit only at first.

As they took their steps, their bodies feeling as if it was frostbitten—the flames lightened in hue. As their body heated up the flames decreased.

"Ngh..!" Snow Bunny winced, for a moment the flames enshrouding her figure was a little too robust. But, she wouldn't give up. She wanted to strive for her own happiness. So, clenching her jaw; with Kaiden in tow, she continued to face the adversity of this bridge.

However, on the other hand, Kaiden was executing the Art of 16 Quintessential Harmonic Cycles. Consequently, this actually alleviated some of the pain he was feeling. Faced with an idea, Kaiden tapped the back of Snow Bunny's hand with his thumb.

'She's my partner and I take her word for it. A broken person regards the notion trust in a different way.'

"Follow me."

As such Kaiden began instructively demonstrating the sequence of the breathing part of the technique. In light of this, Snow Bunny's previously contorted expression was lightening a notable degree.

"As we walk, keep breathing in this way." instructed Kaiden. Closing his eyes, he felt Snow Bunny's circulation, he felt her presence. And so, he attuned his breathing with hers creating a harmonious environment.

"Oh, this young lad and lass are using harmony to dispel a portion of the Hell Flame's negative effects. Good interpretation. They have lessened the mental aspect which in turn quelled some of the physical infliction." praised the majestic voice.

This breathing technique was highly stimulating, and in this situation wherein they were confined by a torturous flame—they focused on each other. Soon enough, the breathing became synchronized with a tacit delivery.

Falling into states of selflessness, the pair found a sense of comfort in the pain. When one found comfort in the uncomfortable they truly reached the process of evolution. The zenith of their transformation awaited them. Their advance became subconscious as step by step they transversed the flames.

[System: You have unlocked the Hidden trait - Willpower. This train doesn't have a quantity but it will affect how certain things affect you mentally, including but not limited to curses, fear status, etc.]

Although the bridge wasn't exceedingly long, measured at 64 meters. A distance Kaiden could travel in under 3 seconds, however, in this instance the time required to transverse was multitudes larger. Each step had taken over a minute to take when factoring in the pause accompanied by acclimation.

Over an hour later…

Kaiden and Snow Bunny opened their eyes because between them and the end of the bridge stood 2 steps. However, these last two steps were accompanied by a smoldering flame. So much so, a crackling noise was emitting for the flame as it flickered violently.

Such an aggressive flame was compiled of a triple color flame. Purple black and white. With the white inner flame but outright tyrannically. It seemed as if it wanted to burn the world asunder.

"Oh shit…You feel that?"

"Uh huh…" gulped Snow Bunny.

The heat was causing their lungs to hurt which was the reason their eyes opened in the first place. This flame was disgusting—nevertheless to advance they would have to face it.

"That Nether Abyss Hell Flame, beautiful isn't it? Subdue it and make it docile. Wouldn't you love to become an emperor and empress of flames?" chuckled the majestic voice.

'Mm...flames huh. That reminds me.'

Nodding, Kaiden walked through the flames and so did Snow Bunny. There was no time left for regret. Inside the flames, their skins began to turn red as the flames seeped through their pores and apertures. At this moment, their skin felt like it was boiling whereas their inside felt as if someone poured molten lava inside them.


Forcefully taking a step, Kaiden and Snow Bunny stood on the last stretch but instead, Kaiden sat down taking a meditative structure which confused Snow Bunny momentarily. In spite of the confusion, she still sat down as she weathered the torturous feelings.

Holding his hand in a horizontal position with his thumb tucked under his palm, Kaiden began agitating his Inner Energy. The environment aggregated the volatility of his Inner Energy. However, Kaiden was taking advantage of the system alert. This was pure exploitation of the system what he was doing.

Gathering every last morsel of Inner Energy into the base of his spine. Flowing upwards, Kaiden positioned the energy at the center of his spine. That's right, Kaiden was attempting to unlock his 2nd gate. Due to the fact the system locked his health and for the moment wouldn't receive "damage", it dawned on Kaiden to exploit this moment.

Judging by the last experience, Kaiden was aware that opening a gate would cause damage to the Health. He didn't understand why opening his constitution would damage him, did.

'.Heed my call. Condense.'

His dense gaseous Inner Energy began collapsing in on itself as it condensed into an almost solid state. However, this solid was relative only to the fragility of the inner body. Soon enough the mass of energy was 1/10 the size it previously was. But even then, this mass was 5 times bigger than the one he used to open the first gate.

'Lengthen. Sharpen.'

This was the practice Kairo taught him—when dealing with Energy to exude dominance; limit all commands to 1 word. Energy itself was sentient even if it possessed no ability to 'speak'. As a result, the mass lengthened while the edge continuously sharpened. Soon enough it resembled an octagonal prism with a singular cone edge.


Slowly but surely, the Energy rod began spinning as it picked up momentum. However, when it came to speed it was only similar to the previous opening endeavor.


As such the energy revolved faster, reaching the point of nigh instability. However, before the point where it revolved out of control, Kaiden superimposed his Will which was comparably stronger than before.


Bombarding the murky gate, the energy drill pierced the gate but not entirely. Wherefore Kaiden's body constricted followed by a forceful cough that expelled a viscous black substance. Subsequently, Kaiden squeezed Snow Bunny's hand which caused her to yelp.

'What's he doing? I'm not experiencing this much pain.'

Steeling himself, once again Kaiden bombarded the gate. With each preceding collision, Kaiden's countenance grew a shade paler. The pain he was feeling was indescribable. Not only did he have to withstand the pain of the flames—it was accentuated by the pain of his attempt to unlock his gate.

When his teeth gritted hard enough teetering upon the point of fracture, his worries were settled as the system graced him with the message that blessed his soul. A moment of euphoria enveloping his being—he felt accomplished.

[System: Congratulations, you have unlocked the 2nd part of your Constitution. The Gate of Unfaltering Exuberance has been opened.

[Gate of Unfaltering Exuberance] (2nd Gate) - The second of the 8 Gates.

Located in the center of the spine.

Early Stage (1-25%): Vitality +50, Endurance + 50 | Middle Stage (26-68%): Vitality +150, Endurance +150 | Late Stage (69-99%): Vitality +300, Endurance +300 | Perfection (100%): Vitality + 600, Endurance + 600

This gate improves your physique. The state of your vitality and endurance is heightened. Sacrifice your internal essence to nurture this gate. 1 Level = 2% increase in Stage.

[Inhuman Vitality] (Hidden Passive) - Regeneration rate increases by 150%.

'System: The location of the next gate has been revealed.'

3rd Gate - [Gate of Hastened Authority]: Located at the top of the spine.

Early Stage (1-25%): Agility +50, Dexterity + 50 | Middle Stage (26-68%): Agility +150, Dexterity +150 | Late Stage (69-99%): Agility +300, Dexterity+300 |Perfection (100%): Agility + 600, Dexterity +600

Coincidentally, at the same time, Snow Bunny and Kaiden consummated the 2nd segment of the trial.

[System: Congratulations, you have received a physique.]

[Infernal Subjugator Physique]

Fire Resistance +150

Damage received from fire-based attacks reduced by 50%.

Immune to the Burning effect.

"We received a physique? I wonder how this works. Can it be upgraded?" contemplated Kaiden.

"I think so. Well, I hope so. This seems too basic to last us our whole journey."

"Congratulations, you have passed the 2nd trial. Hm, you, in particular, seem to have experienced a gracious boon. Although your internal state isn't too well. I feel a newfound budding exuberant vitality budding within you."

"Yes, this trial seems to be just what I needed. Thank you."

"Haha, but it is far from over young one. You have yet to face what you truly need to." chuckled the voice. As if following its instructions, the platforms began experiencing another change began occurring.

'Oh wow, this guy really loves sudden changes doesn't he?'