Omniscient Influence's Oppurtunities

The howling Sword Force began to crackle as it rotated. The rotations then superimposed with the vibrations causing a new phenomenon. The energy emanating from the weapon caused oscillating waves—more so ones that seemed to phase into everything.

The basis of everything could be said to be traced back to the origin; therefore, Kaiden's thought process began to transpose to the idea that he can also change the existing qualities of Energy. Although this was a vague concept Kairo was incrementally instilling in him, this trial served to excite his thinking.

As a result, his ideas went beyond what he was currently being taught. Furthermore, what he was thinking also complemented the Energy Manipulation technique. Concentrating on the structure of the Sword Force, Kaiden began tampering with it.

The initial Sword Force that once appeared as a dormant coating on blade awakened. The properties of the Sword Force became turbulent—additionally, Kaiden treated it in the same fashion he did his Inner Energy.


The Sword Force began emitting a low hum that soon exacerbated into a piercing howl. It was to the intensity that the immediate space around the blade began shivering. However, Kaiden didn't deem this as a finished product.


'Almost done, it's too wild at this moment.'

'Condense. Condense! CONDENSE!'

Roaring at the Energy, it kept its wild appearance however the area of effect decreased as the Energy condensed. However, with that condensation, the feeling of imminent peril increased. Moreover, the terrifying sensation was directed at the Mirror Entity specifically.

[System: Nightfall is in danger of breaking. Durability will be upheld for 15 more seconds in which afterward it will become useless.]

Stepping forth, Kaiden chopped downward with both his swords; the absence of a skill activation present.

-29,312! (Critical) [-10,259] , -28,200! [-9,870] (Critical)

-1,000, -1,000, -1,000, -1,000

The Sword Force that emanated from the weapons lingered in the air even after an attack was performed. As a result, the target suffered from continuous damage that didn't diminish. Nodding, Kaiden buried his feet into the ground. With a stomp that created monstrous momentum, Kaiden executed every move of the Tempest Style in quick succession.

As a result, the Mirror Entity's health was devoured like a sink with its drain unclogged. However, when the entity was left with 12% of its Health, the stunned state was forcefully broken.

"It seems, you have taken a step further with your sword; however, I must show you what happens when you truly understand your sword." said the entity.

Slashing its sword with no sword force it recreated the effects that Kaiden was producing which made his eyes widen. But what's more, is that the entity didn't stop there. It incorporated the properties of this sword tactics into the skill movements.

It was recreating enhanced skills without supplemental effects!

"WHAT?!" guffawed Kaiden.

Intent on learning, Kaiden switched to a passive state and used the waning Sphere of Influence to transmit the movements into information. However, due to his inability—the information received was spotty at best. As such, Kaiden resorted to a more primeval form of learning—hands-on.

Dashing forth, Kaiden looked for the feeling at the Mirror Entity's sword. Under the circumstances, his use of the Omniscient Influence began refining albeit negligibly. However, this was the best. Natural learning was instilled better than a forced one. Enlightenment didn't come easy.

Although Kaiden was dodging attacks preemptively, the area of effect extended beyond the Mirror Entity's sword reach. Ergo, Kaiden received unavoidable damage. However, it was able to be maintained by his healing factor.

"You seem to be adapting quickly. Good, perhaps it is so— the sword indeed suits you."

However, Kaiden wasn't the only person learning in this situation. Kassandra remained in battle, albeit in an auxiliary position; but, either way, she was learning from the advancing movements of Kaiden and the Mirror Entity.

It was to the point that the Mirror Entity was incorporating her style into Kaiden's skills. It was a beautiful sight, the aggressiveness of Kaiden's sword, and the grace of Kassandra's movements. Omniscient Influence was the manifestation of the brain's increased learning capacity creating beings akin to sponges.

Soaking up such battle momentum, accompanied by his new variation of Sword Force, Kaiden deactivated Omniscient Influence. However, due to his state of enlightenment, the benefits of it remained. In fact, even at this moment, his brain was interpreting ways to utilize Omniscient Influence properly.

A training inheritance would speed up this process but, nevertheless creating a practice for himself would make it unique. Creating a complementary style of battle would increase his lethality beyond the normal standard. Additionally, unorthodox or in-game training would promote the growth of your physical body through the stimulation of the brain.


Within seconds, the health of the Mirror Entity dwindled to a measly 3% or 30,000 Health. Moreover, unlike other bosses, this one didn't possess a healing factor. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact this boss's purpose was solely to train. Notwithstanding, its rank being high only denoted the state of its actual stats, and not its actual purpose.

The purpose was comprehended by Kaiden through the fact that this boss never initiated combat and only reacted. It served to hone the condition of their strikes and the depth of their reaction's worth.

Accelerating forth, Kaiden used all his Drive Techniques in quick succession, additionally, Kaiden attempted a fusion of his skills. As such Twin Tornado Drill and Origin Piercing Light's actions were compounded at the same time.

Creating a light of piercing sword winds that ended the boss. Unlike other bosses, this one didn't disperse into particles. Instead, it performed its own monologue, but with the majestic voice instead.

"You have done well to advance the use of your body and sword. However, you still have a long way to go. I believe you will reach a pinnacle beyond your teachers. As such, behind me rests your rewards, perhaps they will prove useful to you or even your subordinates. But, in the end, sooner or later, they will prove their worth."

"Young miss, your movements are graceful and complements the style of your weapon. However, your class is limiting your potential. Within the rewards, you should find things that will be your personal boon. Remember, you two, the calamity will once again take over. The gears of time are turning and no one holds the power to restrict its flow forever. Be ready…"

With that, the Mirror Entity faded and what's more, the majestic voice disappeared as well.

"Was that the embodiment of the majestic voice?"

"I think so Key." said Snow Bunny

"Eh? You called me Key haha, someone is warming up to me.

"Ah, shut up." glared Snow Bunny as she walked up, pinching Kaiden's side. It was a calm interaction after a stressful situation.

[System: Congratulations on passing the 'Bout of the Spirit Purifying Flames' trial.]

[Quest Complete! Trial by Fire - Flames of Rebirth (Hidden Quest)

Assessment: S+

Clear Time: 00:07:46:39

This is the true trial of the Secret Dungeon. A trial left behind by an ancient who once traveled the path of flames to the extreme. Complete the three stages of the Trial by Fire to claim unknown rewards.


-Clear the 99 steps of the Torment of the Inner Flames. (1/1) (!)

-Survive the assessment of the Purifying Hell Flames. (1/1) (!)

-Overcome the flame of one's own Spirit. (1/1) (!)

Reward: Shrine Storage Room Entrance, Level +4, 10,000 Reputation.

[System: Congratulations, you have completed the Subterranean Molten Morphing Trial Secret Dungeon. As a result, you are rewarded: 50 Attribute Points, 3 days of 2x Experience, and Item Drop Rate.]

A quadruple radiance radiated from both Kaiden and Kassandra as their levels skyrocketed, reaching Lv.46 and 44 respectively. As a result, there was a massive change to the present Level Leaderboards. Kaiden now sat in the 3rd spot. However, he had no interest in commandeering the Leaderboards yet. He had a predetermined method to his madness.

Flicking his finger, Kaiden clicked on two notifications he received during the battle. And quite frankly, this was what he was aiming for.

[System: Your Sword Force has been updated, however, the variation has no name, therefore please name it.]

"Psionic Sword Force."

-Psionic Sword Force - Contains the same effects as the original non-attribute Sword Force but adds two additional effects.

Your attacks have subsequent attacks that deal 1,000 damage. These attacks completely ignore defense. Current additional attacks per strike: 2.

Attacks performed with the sword force will always be critical. However, this sword force deteriorates durability very quickly.

[System: You have fused 2 of your skills, creating a further destructive version please name it.]

"7th Tempest Style - Piercing Storm's Blade."

Fusion Skill: 7th Tempest Style - Piercing Storm's Blade (Unique) - Lv.1/10. A combination of 2 of your prior skills to form a new entity. This skill can be used up to 3 times in quick succession. The pierces embody the violent quick winds of a storm. Each pierce deals 450% of Attack Power with an AoE damage equal to 10% of the damage dealt.

Cooldown: 19 minutes. Skill Proficiency: (0/3,000).

"Kassy, let's check our rewards. And...golly stop pinching me."

"Nope, you like to say odd things. So I will do odd things. But we can, of course, check the rewards."

'Ugh...she's going to torment least until I made her docile." smirked Kaiden.

Picking up on his change in expression, Kassandra glared as she harrumphed. "Excuse me, care to share the thoughts that make you smile like so?"


Avoiding her eyesight Kaiden proceeded to the back of the shrine. The location of the storage room was annotated by a trail on the floor. Not to mention, upon the completion of the quest, a door slowly opened. Doing so, a small room of items appeared but the most notable thing was 3 dull treasure chests. Approaching, Kaiden wondered the rank as it was in complete contrast to the prior treasure chests Kaiden opened. In fact, these treasure chests possessed no charm whatsoever besides their intricate rune engravings.

"I'll do the opening, my Luck stat is quite high. We should have more than useful things appear."

As such, hovering his hand over the Treasure Chest, a progress bar appeared above it. Furthermore, compared to a Platinum Treasure Chest, the speed of opening this was a snail's pace. Over a minute later, finally a click sound, the system alerting Kaiden of the state of these chests.

"Oh, SHIT!" swore Kaiden as he gawked, his hands slapping his cheeks.

[Congratulations, you have opened an Epic Treasure Chest.]

"Kassy these are Epic Treasure Chest!! This means, there's a possibility of receiving an Epic item!"

"Wait...Epic Treasure Chest!? Are you serious? Isn't it slightly too early for someone to locate one? Not to mention there are 3...I'm sure the benefits they provide will simply overpower the current guilds." exclaimed Snow Bunny.

However, what Kaiden failed to notice was that these weren't normal Epic Treasure Chest which generated items at random with a set algorithm. This was a reward that had been placed inside the shrine for who knows how long. You can compare these treasure chests to his spatial ring.

There were items buried there meant for certain uses, hence, a Secret Dungeon. It didn't conform to normal standards. In what game would there be trials that made your relive realistic traumatic pain? This isn't Call of Duty when you're one off from a Nuke.

"Don't just stand there! Open, open, open!" squealed Snow Bunny as she became overwhelmed by excitement.

Placing his hand over the other two, he unlocked them. However, when he inspected the contents of the Treasure Chest, he became appalled by the sight.

"My god…this...these Epic Treasure Chest it's like...they're just ridiculous."

"What is it? What is it?" knowing the fact that they could possess the first Epic equipment or items in the server, Kassandra was impatient—filled with curiosity of amazing news.

"Check for yourself." said Kaiden.

Leaning over before Kaiden, Kassandra inspected the items on her own and consequently, she gasped rather exaggeratedly. On the other hand, Kaiden was frozen for another reason.
