Inheritance Unveiling 1

Traveling the streets of the Crescent Wake Town, Kaiden was lost in thought, a few thought processes passed through his mind. He was curious about the state of the world or more specifically the state of Villages, Towns, etc. Were they able to evolve? Or were they stuck at one constant rate; however, this was a question in which the answer eluded his mind.

It wasn't hinted or even brought up if this was possible for system establishments. However, Kaiden had a vague feeling that if Kingdoms existed then their evolution route for preset communities should exist also. Pushing this thought to the back of his mind, Kaiden began to focus on more pressing matters.

For example, getting stronger. With this in mind, Kaiden thought back to when his profession increased to Stage 3. He remembered his brooch leveling up at Stage 3. As such, pulling up his interface Kaiden inspected his heirloom.

[Nine Star Pendant – Heirloom] (Sealed Spiritual)

Growth Equipment, Necklace

Current Level: 46

Current Rank: Gold (Sealed)

All Attributes +49

Passive Equipment Skill (Cultivation Hastening) – Increases the profession absorption rate of experience from 2% > 5%.

Passive Equipment Skill (Kairo's Immortal Embrace) – When hit with a fatal blow, it provides 9 seconds of immortality while restoring 5% Health per second. Cooldown: 16 hours.

Active Equipment Skill (Elemental Law Overdrive) - Activating this skill, for 1 minute all the Energy on the Elemental level with a 30-meter radius becomes subject to your control. Additionally, damage received from magic is reduced by 60%. Cooldown: 72 hours.

[Sealed until Stage 5]

[Sealed until Stage 7]

[Sealed until Stage 9]

[Sealed until Stage 10]

[Sealed until Stage 11]

[Sealed until Stage 12]

Description: Item specifically made by Kairo for his successor. Leaving part of his soul inside, he will always be with his successor watching over after his physical is long gone. Soulbound: unable to be dropped, sold, or traded.

"Hmm, it increased the rank of the equipment. Additionally, a new skill that seems similar to a berserk skill has activated. But... although it sounds rather similar, it seems like more of an environmental skill instead?" judged Kaiden.

This just made Kaiden all the more curious about his new skill. However, he wouldn't go about wasting it. The 72-hour cooldown was rather long, it should be kept for dire straits. Moreover, the length of cooldown was a basic way of determining the possible extent of a skill's capabilities. The longer the cooldown the greater the potential of a skill's effects.

Swiping his hand, Kaiden switched the window inspecting his stats. There were certain things he wanted to make sure of.

Name: Unsheathed *Adventurer

Race: Fallen Human (Demon)

Lv.46 (0/5,574,500) [0.00%]

Class: Sword Fiend (Tier 1—Apprentice)

Profession: Ancient Spiritual Cultivator - Stage 3 (0/25,000,000) [0.00%]

Guild: Ethereal Conviction | Reputation: Count (33,250/60,000)

Title(s): [The Path You Tread Is Sacred] (Epic Rank) | [Combat Savant] (Epic Rank) | [Momentous Pioneer] (Epic Rank) | [Bane of the Berserkers] (Unique Rank)

HP: 38,253(188 HP regen/sec)

Inner Energy: 17,760 (10,000 + 5,760+ 1,000) (19.6 per second)

Attack Power:6,185 | Defense: 5,837 | Attack Speed: 8 | Movement Speed: 29 m/s

Critical Damage: 180% | Additional Damage: 35% | Abnormal Status Resistance: 94 (6.3%)

Elemental Resistance: 25 (Fire: 175) | Defense Ignore: 30% | Critical Chance: 13%


•Strength: 1,535 (677 + 460 +398) | •Vitality: 1,016 (689 + 124 + 203)

•Intelligence: 480 (260 + 124 + 96) | •Dexterity: 1,716 (869 + 402 + 445)

•Agility: 1,326 (554 + 428 + 344) | •Spirit: 943 (630 + 124 + 189)

•Endurance: 751 (369 +232 +150 ) | •*Luck: 275 (96 + 124 + 55)

•**Comprehension: 75


[8 Divine Gates Celestial Body] -

1st Gate: [Gate of Physical Exaltation] (Early Stage) <1%>- Strength +100, Attack Power +20%

2nd Gate: [Gate of Unfaltering Exuberance] (Early Stage) <1%>- Vitality +50, Endurance +50, Health Regeneration rate +150%


[True Path of the Sword] (Expert Rank) -Sword skill damage increased by 45 (+2)%. Sword skills Level +1. (300/480 Mastery Points).

Attribute Points: 116

Skill Points: 12

Inheritance Points: 23

Mastery Points: 54

Inventory | 18,558 Gold, 62 Silver, 39 Copper

The first thing that took Kaiden by surprise was the fact that he noticed a new attribute under his character window. "Critical Chance" now this was entirely different from the playstyle he developed.

Critical Chance only affected the state of his normal attacks or attacks dealt to targets that didn't possess humanoid weaknesses. Meaning, this annotated the chance of a regular attack being a critical. Of course, different classes had different inherent Critical Chances. However, when your Dexterity surpassed 1200 and Luck surpassed 100, this value was unlocked. The means of calculation was speculative but it could be translated as (5% + ~.5% of your Dexterity) to calculate your rate.

In light of this, if you reached 100% Critical Chance then you no longer dealt regular damage and instead only dealt Criticals. Nonetheless, that was easier said than done. As with many games, there existed barriers that had to be broken, and this game's "barriers" were the limitation of tiers.

Certain stats were unable to cross the threshold without the proper Tier. This didn't apply to attributes like Strength and things currently cause the coefficient was extremely low. However, Kaiden remained an enigma as his modifiers shredded the limitations of the coefficient.

The second thing that shocked Kaiden was the number of stats that were over 1,000. At this point, he didn't seem much like a swordsman's as far stats went. He felt more like a combination of multiple classes; nevertheless, this was the effect of his profession. It was a supplemental one aiming for perfection in all aspects.

Closing the window, Kaiden switched to another screen he didn't look at prior—the Inheritance Skill Tree. As his class was a hidden one a strong one at that, the requirements for his skills were much higher. However, possessing over 20 points—he felt he was ready to see what was in store.

Opening the screen, a lot of the icons were blacked out and 4 of them were even chained. However, those 4 were standalone skills and existed on a separate quadrant of the Tree. Focusing on what was available, there were only 5 to choose from.

Moreover, those 5 ranged in cost from 4 Inheritance Points to 10 Inheritance Points. Additionally, the lowest ranked skill was a Special one. There was even 1 Epic skill; however, that was the one that cost 10 Inheritance Points.

Luckily, pressing on the skill image played a small snippet of the skill albeit trivially helpful. One had to know the purpose of the snippet wasn't to teach you how to use the skill but only show what it looked like. Be that as it may, seeing the skills once, Kaiden began pondering the worths of each.

In what way could he utilize them? Would they compliment his current playstyle? Did they serve as good filler skills? Overall, this was the type of scrutiny Kaiden put the skills through. In the end, he settled for 3 skills while leaving two. He felt these 3 suited his playstyle the best. With this, his Inheritance points reduced from 23 to 3.

[Descent of the Berserk Blade] (Epic Active) Lv.1/10 Channeling Sword Force, summon a large 5x5 meter blade image that chops downward dealing 1850% of Attack Power.

Cooldown: 56 minutes, Skill Proficiency: (0/5,000), Requirement: 250 Sword Force, Sword.

[Sword Wheel] (Special Active) - Lv.1/10. By condensing sword force and executing an upstroke, conjure a revolving vertical axle constructed of solely Sword Force. This attack performs 14 strikes that each deal 85% of Attack Power.

Cooldown: 9 minutes. Skill Proficiency:(0/2,000) Requirement: 100 Sword Force, Sword.

[Echoing Sword Blast] (Unique Active) - Lv.1/10. Condenses Sword Force at the tip of the sword and thrusts it. Additionally, this thrust creates a shockwave that deals 540% damage as well as reducing the target's defense by 30% for 40 seconds.

Cooldown: 15 minutes. Skill Proficiency: (0/3,000). Requirement: 200 Sword Force, Sword.

The difference with this skill is that Kaiden noticed each skill required Sword Force to be consumed. This was the first time he ran into a physical that required the use of a resource. However, they were worth it; with these 3 new skills added to his arsenal, his fluid damage capabilities increased.

Not to mention, one of his skills served to mitigate defenses—meaning if need be, he could play the debuffing role. So to speak, this meant Kaiden was capable of debuffing, controlling, high damaging, and tanking. He was simply overcoming the inherent weaknesses of his class.

However, Kaiden wasn't done yet as there was one more thing left to do. Now that he had a significant amount of Skill Points—it was time he distributed it into the most useful skills. As such, he entered a session of pondering as he weighed the options and how they would affect his damage.

There was a multitude of skills he could choose from, he was conflicted. Should he go for immediate Damage Per Second boost or should he aim for Burst damage? Both offered their own benefits in certain situations.