An Ethereal Rise (1 of 2)

「Pendragon Kingdom System Announcement-

Congratulations to the guild "Faithful Valkyries" for obtaining the First Clear of the Elite Mode Lv.44-48 20-Man Frigid Ghoul Chamber. Everyone in the party is rewarded...

「Fraust Empire System Announcement-

Congratulations to the guild "Faithful Valkyries" for obtaining the First Clear of the Elite Mode Lv.44-48 20-Man Frigid Ghoul Chamber. Everyone in the party is rewarded...

「Sanctoria World System Announcement-

Congratulations to the guild "Faithful Valkyries" for obtaining the First Clear of the Elite Mode Lv.44-48 20-Man Frigid Ghoul Chamber. Everyone in the party is rewarded...

Looking at the notification, Kaiden raised his eyebrow. Snow Bunny was already sewing her own legend. She snagged a first clear of an Elite Mode dungeon. Swiping his hand, Kaiden closed the notifications as his eyes focused back on the numerous Aquafrost Pythons.

Retaking the stance, Kaiden closed his eyes. This was a dangerous attempt but this was also one of the dominant ways to heighten the intensity of your other senses. Removing one, the brain redirected its signals to the others heightening them in the process.

However, what Kaiden was looking for was the magnification of the information he could receive. A second later, he felt an itch on his left hand. Moving Angurvadal slightly, his sword stabbed through the mouth of an Aquafrost Python.


Hissing painfully, the Aquafrost Python whipped its tail. Before the hit landed, Kaiden turned his chest 45 degrees; a gust of wind brushed against his chest. Drawing back Angurvadal, Kaiden executed Force Chop. Mind you this was all done without sight— but he could feel.

At the same time, two other Aquafrost Pythons approached his front. This time he experienced an itch on his right hand and a twitch of his right shin. Responding, he executed Sword Wave—Dispersion at a low angle.


-25,021 [-8,757]


-33,362 [-11,677]

-67,558! [-23,645] (Critical)

Another symphony of painful hisses sounded as the Garkin Blade sent sword waves flying, devouring over 200,000 Health. Once again, at different angles, the Aquafrost Pythons spat Freezing Venom.

However, the results this time were a little different. Feeling the tingling sensation on various parts of his body, Kaiden dodged in the direction of those sensations while repeating the order in which they appeared.

There were no system notifications but! There was a ringing in his ears. Concentrating on his body at this level was increasingly exhausting when compared to just opening the Sphere of Influence. He was actively consuming copious amounts of Concentration to perceive these signals.

Opening his eyes, Kaiden retracted his Sphere of Influence. Using this, he understood part of Kroxus' technique but he couldn't get the absolute execution down. When Kroxus used it previously, it seemed as if he was covered by his sword in a sphere with no blind spots.

'This is the right direction but it's incomplete...It's like Kroxus sword and a sphere of influence was one. I can't replicate that at this moment."

Raising his swords, Kaiden executed his Tempest Swordplay. He activated Sword Steps to return his speed to normal. Littering the battle with damage, Kaiden exhausted his Inner Energy as he performed Sword Wheel, Echoing Sword Blast, and Descent of the Berserk Blade.

Kicking off his back foot, he sliced and hacked as he executed Double Slash followed by Charging Slash. Soon enough, Kaiden stood amongst a field littered with loot as his chest heaved.

Stowing his sword, Kaiden maneuvered the battlefield collecting loot. However, inside the loot, Kaiden picked up two new types of material.

[Mana Dust] (Rare Item)

The inferior by-product of the crystallization of Mana. More so a crafting material used in enchanting and rune inscribing.

[Mana Shards] (Special Item)

The superior by-product of the crystallization of Mana. Has a larger variety of uses. Some of which will soon be implemented.

'Mana Dust and Mana Shards? Hmm... If I recall properly Mana itself is a byproduct. But the era is predominantly that means…

A light shone in his eyes, it was another devious one. He perhaps unearthed another way to scam the guild's pockets. He would by all means restrict the guilds in the shadows as he sprinted to nurture his. Of course, no plans were foolproof.

Pulling up the guild message system, Kaiden asked a simple question.

"Has anyone acquired Mana Dust or Mana Shards?"

"I have ONE Mana Shard. I have no idea what it does though. As far as Mana Dust, there's a collection in the Guild Warehouse." responded Symbolic Soul.

'Hmm, so the drop rate for Mana Shards compared to Mana Dust is a lot lower. Perhaps these drops are more prevalent in Lv.60 areas.'

"Where did you guys acquire it?" inquired Kaiden.

"It was a part of the drops when we ventured further into the Crescent Gale Valley. However, it only accounted for 1.8% of the drops. It didn't drop too often there."

"Interesting. Noted."

Upon receiving this information, Kaiden pondered to himself as he made his way back to town.

'Usually, items with low drop rates have a significant meaning in-game. It isn't wise to sell our stock to the public and instead accumulate copious amounts.'

Pulling up the interface once again, this time Kaiden connected with General Sonic.

"Tyler, these items called Mana Dust and Mana Shards...monitor the market and if you see them, buy them. The price doesn't necessarily matter. If you run out of funds, I will refill it."

"Okay, is there some reason we're focused on these materials? Enchanters aren't prominent right now, it's a waste to enchant gear we'll soon abandon. Not to mention, there aren't many gems in the server to enchant with."

"It's just a hunch. This item has no clear description but it is the crystallization of a force adequately present in this world—it's bound to become prominent." explained Kaiden.

Shining, General Sonic's eyes looked as if he experienced a moment of comprehension.

"I'll get on that as soon as possible. I'll be discreet and personally purchase." said General Sonic as he abruptly ended the call.


Arriving within Crescent Wake Town, Kaiden made a quick stop at the Lunar Essence Mansion. He had to offload the equipment he held while also taking a quite large share of the materials located there. He was personally heading to the Rising Comet Workshop.

As he passed the streets, they were unusually bustling. In fact, the was an immense addition of new players. Kaiden wondered what the player count of the community was at this point. The game was taking society by storm, a success would be an understatement.

'This is indeed the perfect time.'

Entering the Rising Comet Workshop after a short period of time, Kaiden grabbed everyone's attention.

"Attention everyone."

Stopping what they were doing, the mass of Lifestyle players looked toward Kaiden who stood in the center of the room.

"You all have been doing an amazing job at production. As such I will be giving you a 100 Gold bonus as a reward. Moreover, today will be the opening of the Ethereal Comet Shop. Meaning, it will be the first day your salaries start accumulating."

Cheers filled the room as Kaiden's announcement bought joy. A 100 Gold bonus was the equivalent of receiving a $10,000 bonus. However, this was Kaiden's intention. Hard work should be rewarded in an appropriate fashion. Additionally, this action would incite the workers to strive for good progress every month.

Walking to the back, Kaiden knocked on the doors of the Chiefs one by one. Opening their doors, Kaiden explained the situation to them. In response, each of them sent him an inventory of items.

Soon enough, inside Kaiden's spatial ring resided a mountain of equipment, potions, pills, etc. Knocking on the last room of TinkerBell there was no answer for a while. But soon, the door creaked open as a blonde hair short boy presented himself.

His hair was curly and his green eyes had obscenely dark circles. Although he could be described as adorable, his current appearance was harrowing.

"You...are you ok?!" exclaimed Kaiden as he frowned. It seemed this boy was deteriorating his health.

"Ok? I'm perfectly fine! What part of me doesn't look fine? Who are you?" chirped Tinker Bell.

"Unsheathed, your Union Leader." responded Kaiden.

Immediately shaping up and fixing himself, Tinker Bell looked at Kaiden with puppy dog eyes. But with his current appearance, it wasn't so aesthetically pleasing.

"Hello Union Leader, how may I help you?"

"We will be opening the shop today, is there any item you want to present for sale?" inquired Kaiden.

However, instantly Tinker Bell shook his head.

"No, my creations will be for your guild's use. No one else shall witness my greatness hahaha!" madly cackled Tinker Bell.

'Oh god, he's a quirky one!'

"Very well, may I see one of your devices?" asked Kaiden.

Opening the door wider, Kaiden received a better view of the room. The were bits and pieces of papers with inscriptions, designs, and items littering the room. Picking one up, Kaiden skimmed the contents. This fool had written designs for WAR MACHINES!

Shock was written all over Kaiden's face, as he looked up and down from TinkerBell to the papers. "You...designed all these?"

Nodding, TinkerBell had a look of pride on his face. "Unlike other professions, Engineering consists mostly of research and development. I simply put my ideas into the system and they grade it and tell me the requirements to build but some of these…

"Some of these creations would require me to be a Master Engineer to fabricate. Furthermore, I would need the assistance of Architects and Enchanters to construct large creations."

"Interesting, continuing doing what you're doing. I'll alter your contract so your salary doesn't rely on sales."