Brewing Storm (1 of 2)

Whilst Kaiden traveled back toward the Lunar Essence Mansion and TerrorAssault proceeded toward the Red Star Mansion, many subtle changes were taking place among the atmosphere of the small Crescent Wake Town.

First, the opening of the Ethereal Comet Shop affected the atmosphere of the solo players almost instantly. They now had the means to survive better in the fields which in turn would increase their profit. As such, they looked toward the shop as their saving grace. Moreover based on the name, they inferred the owner was the new guild Ethereal Conviction.

Meaning, they held the guild at a high standard. Furthermore, to better enforce that image in their hearts, Kaiden's prices weren't blackhearted at all. By lowering his price to 90% of what the Merchant Association listed their basic items for, he saved them profit.

While it looked like he was looking out for his customer's well being, in actuality it was a business strategy. Lowering prices on opening day which captivated a few customers turning them into recurring shoppers. However, this only worked because the Merchant Association income predominantly came from taxes. There was no dilemma if their sale suffered a slight decrease.

Either way, they would be siphoning money for the player base. Not to mention, who do you think the cost for building establishments went to? However, Kaiden himself was doing quite well in just a few minutes.

Because of his strategic placement which was near the entrance of the town while also being in the path of the Town Hall and Auction House; the traffic was immense. Passerbyers would come in to browse as others left and ultimately end up purchasing some necessities. In essence, within 2 hours of being opened, the shop had already acquired 3,750 Gold. That meant its average sale volume was over 1,800 Gold per hour worth of products.

This was the ludicrosity of early and monopolized business. This was only possible while being the sole player shop in existence. Of course, these sales were predominantly solo players or adventurer teams. Established guilds had their designated Lifestyle personnel—there was no need to purchase items unless they didn't possess the means to create them.

However, this didn't mean they were ok with a shop monopolizing the possible profits provided by the general public. This was a competition and the greedy nature of humans was prevalent within the management of upper guilds.

"That Ethereal Conviction, they've already managed to open their own shop! How were they able to purchase the property AND produce enough items to sufficiently stock the store? I am baffled. With those prices, it would take upwards of… I'm not even sure!" screamed HorizonBreak.

"Wow, that guild sure is causing some toppling achievements. However, I feel sorry for them. Their momentum is too strong...and you know what happens to guilds like these. It has happened plenty of times before. HEHEHE! I can't wait to watch that happen." cackled First Outlaw.

"WTF? Why can't my guild advance like this? Whose dick is he sucking for all this luck? My god, I don't swing that way but now I want some of that action too. Shiiiiit, my Wizard Conglomerate would advance by leaps and bounds and that's all that matters!" exclaimed Mother Lover.

In various places of Crescent Wake Town, situations like these took place as many Guild Leaders either shook their heads or wished ill upon the prospering Ethereal Conviction. Such was the disgusting side of humanity. Who would want to see someone prosper if they themselves weren't? Envy is a horrid succubus that consumes your happiness.


In the Red Star Mansion, the tapping of boots could be heard as a lanky figure walked through the entrance. His eyes were gloomy yet hid a deep power. Moreover, his gait was lackadaisical as he sauntered down the red marble pathway—this was TerrorAssault.

Soon enough, reaching the conference area of the Warhead Syndicate's residence; TerrorAssault spared everyone inside the room a perfunctory glance as he languidly inspected the surroundings.

However, mentally he was already frowning. Being in the presence of such an unsettling character he had an urge to kill them. Yes, kill them. Such was part of his nature. He was a Black Ops. And a special ranked one at that. He used to operate under Victor Byrd until that one fateful day.

Experiencing the actions that went on in the shadows, Ethan wanted nothing to do with anything pertaining to the Council of Power. Their ways were simply demonic. Especially that of the Nepenthes Truncata, Sanguine Shadows, and Heroes Paradox. With the Sanguine Shadows being the most grotesque of the three. As the saying said, death came in threes.

The Sanguine Shadows were deemed to be the "Killers'' of the Eight Insurmountable Titans. To make matters worse, it was predominantly staffed by insane killers or sadistic individuals. The kind which deserved death sentences for the acts of terror they perform. However, Xavier found use in their behavior and instead hid them from society, while giving them direct orders.

In light of this, this is the guild which carried out gruesome orders without batting an eye. Furthermore, their Guild Leader is the world's most dangerous criminal tamed by Xavier—Sylvester Wiyan. A mass murderer was an understatement when describing that man—he was a genocidal maniac.

Turning his head toward WarCry, TerrorAssault blinked slowly. However, following that action, WarCry sprang from his seat. He was visibly perspiring as he struggled to articulate his words.

"S-Sir TerrorAssault! By all means, take this seat." trembled WarCry.

Averting his gaze from WarCry, he then looked towards BlatantSage who remained quiet but secretly his back was moistening with a cold sweat. Speaking slowly, TerrorAssault sauntered to the front of the room.

"We have things to do."

"Y-YES! How will we deal with it?" exclaimed WarCry.

"First, you need to gather information on that other new guild—Faithful Valkyries," instructed TerrorAssault.

After clearing that Elite Mode whilst also being unknown, Snow Bunny also fell on the radar of the guilds. This was an additional task they had been given. They were to compile information of the members, preferably the Leader, and if possible bring them under their wing.

The Titan's Grasp which was the Council of Power's in-game equivalent were always looking for promising recruits. However, they were also always looking to stifle ones who don't submit and fall in line with their directives. They were the type to nip problems in the bud before they were able to provide a significant headache.

"We were already on that! Apparently it's a guild compiled solely of women. Moreover, the Guild Leader Snow Bunny seems to be a person of slight significance in the real world. She may possess a backing that could be difficult to deal with. We haven't unearthed the complete details."

Rubbing his chin, TerrorAssault turned toward WarCry.

"And what have you gathered about the guild Ethereal Conviction?"

"'s the thing. It's like their Guild Leader doesn't exist! We can't find a trace of him. We're unaware what he actually looks like and I have never seen him personally either." responded WarCry.

"I just saw him moments ago. He looks to be no older than 20 so perhaps you're looking in the wrong places. Moreover, he pinned the Sonic Star Media Group in more than one of his announcements. You could have simply followed up with them." shrugged TerrorAssault.

However, that shrug caused WarCry to tense over his stupidity. He was trying hard to promote a suitable image yet still failed to notice such simple ideas.

"Ah! You're right…I'll send a team to discuss matters with them as soon as possible. Actually no… right now! Pale Wind!"

"Yes?" inquired Pale Wind.

"Notify Squad 1 to visit the headquarters of the Sonic Star Media Group," order WarCry.


Looking over, her eyes trailed to TerrorAssault. However, when she inspected him, there was a feeling of her stomach sinking. There was a pungent aura of death around this man as well as an indescribable feeling.

Turning his head, their eyes met as a faint silver glimmer passed through TerrorAssault's eyes. Trembling, Pale Wind fumbled to organize her thoughts. It was the first time she had received a look of this intensity. Not once, had she been in the presence of a Titled Titan.

"Y-Yes...right away."

Instead of using her interface, she simply bolted from the room. She was unable to withstand the inherent pressure TerrorAssault's presence exuded. Of course, he could stifle his pressure to an undetectable level, but he was in no mood to do so.

"I don't have much interest or time in this matter, therefore, alert the guilds under you as well. At an optimal time, we will be storming."

Nodding madly, WarCry began doing as he was told as he brought up multiple screens. Each filled with the buffering symbol as he waiting for them to answer his call.

The brewing of the storm was officially reaching its peak. This marked the imminent beginning of tumultuous time for the guild known as Ethereal Conviction. Certain things would be tested and as a result, things currently unknown would be unearthed.