Night of Captivation [R-18]


Rubbing his coarse hands against the leg of Kassandra, Kaiden's attention was encapsulated by the movie. However, for Kassandra his touch was stimulating. His hands caressed her leg, but she felt as if he was touching her soul.

A small chirp exited her mouth in which she hurriedly covered. But the damage was done as Kaiden's gaze extricated from the screen and fell on her flushed countenance.

"You okay Bunny?"

Shyly nodding, her eyes fell on his hand which was gently caressing her leg. It was an absent sensation for her, so the abrupt appearance took her by storm. However, Kaiden followed her gaze and looked at his hand.

"You don't like it?"

"N-no! It's...not that…." 

As she hurriedly denied that claim, her voice fell to a murmur as she stammered and reddened.

"It... feels good. Very...good…"