Sigma Has Incited Terror

[You lot are too slow therefore, bring on the Conquest!!]


Every single person inside the Sanctoria World received 3 announcements that continuously sounded within their ears.

「Sanctoria World System Announcement-

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! There will be an event in 7 natural days. It is advised you level and hone yourself as much as possible for if you are not up to standard…it will be hard to survive. And to those who suitably prepare themselves...Let the games begin. Information about it will be released in 4 natural days.」

「Sanctoria World System Announcement-

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! The Battle Refinement Coliseums access has been restricted. Only those who own a residence within a town will be granted access. As a result...the Conquest system has been activated.」

「Sanctoria World System Announcement-