Changes (3 of 3)

"I'm a Titan," chuckled Hollow Stance as he scratched his head with his expression turning mischievous.

"What the hell!? Uh, idiot, we know you're a Titan...tell us about your experiences," scoffed MagicsSlave almost ready to hit Hollow with his staff.

"No, I mean that is my class; Titan. I went through the Trial of the Titans Past and with that, I received the class Titan and my race heightened to a Pure-blood Titan. Moreover, I received a sealed bloodline. I'm not sure when it will awake as I have to find the haven of the Titans and take the Trial of the Titan's Inheritance."

"Ah, I see… so that is why your pressure changed. You're a full-fledged Titan now, in both race and class. Interesting, alright, we've been here long enough. Let's get the hell out of here," commanded Kaiden as he began sprinting off into the distance toward Crescent Wake Town.
