Epic Experiences (2 of 2)


"The only problem is that we haven't left the Residence to test our prowess yet. While our classes and gears have experienced changes, we are unaware as to what extent they currently reside at," spoke Practice as he drew back his sword sheathing them by his sides.

"Yeah, that devil has been training us non stop or we wouldn't have remained Lv.60. However, I will not act as if his training isn't resulting in quick successive rewards. I have already comprehended my issue with the Rebound Force combat technique and things," muttered Hollow as he attached his shield to his back.

"I see, that is good. After this raid event, we will focus on personal honing. In addition to TerrorAssault's training, you all will enter and experience the Battle Refinement Coliseum. Does anyone have complaints with these plans of action?" asked Kaiden as he glanced around. Although he was in a weakened state, his aura of a leader was still bustling.