Shadow Realm VII


Huffing and puffing, Ghost's anger began clouding his judgment. He had risked his life, getting to and opening a Platinum Treasure Chest and now his rewards were taken by someone else. Experiencing a taste of your own medicine was always extremely bitter. This was an item he never reported to his higher-ups. Meaning if he did so now, there was a chance he would be scolded. 

Items pertaining to trials and entrances were extremely mysterious. By no means, would they have let such an item remain in Ghost's possession if they were aware of its existence. As with all established organizations, once you enter, you operate through a hierarchy. 

However, not everyone liked the way such rules worked. And Ghost was one of those such people. Whenever the chance presented itself, he would secretly stash things of value that wouldn't be missed. Unfortunately, now that the item was missing and he had come in contact he had to report the entire situation.