Madness in the Shadows III


Noticing the actions of Kaiden, TerrorAssault approached Kaiden with curiosity. He recalled Kaiden mentioning a breathing technique that doubled as a cultivation technique. Hence, he was curious as to whether this was the previously mentioned technique.

"Kaiden, is that the breathing technique you mentioned earlier?" questioned TerrorAssault before Kaiden got too focused on recuperation.

Opening his eyes, Kaiden nodded, "Yes this is the technique I previously mentioned. Would you like to learn it now?"

"If it doesn't trouble you then yes. I would like to experience its effects," nodded TerrorAssault.

Halting his recovery attempt, Kaiden began walking TerrorAssault through the process of the Art of 16 Quintessential Harmonic Cycles. At first, like any beginner, TerrorAssault got a few transitions in the breathing wrong. However, in just a few breaths he grasped the correct flow of the sequence.