Nightmare II


After weighing the situation, Kaiden deemed it to be safe if he simply dashed into the fray as per usual. Of course, his decision was back by sufficient contemplation. First, collecting information could happen as he advanced due to this being an irregular raid. There was the possibility of some events being disrupted. 

Instead of that happening, Kaiden started the raid process. Not to mention, all the information he needed was laced within two things—the map he obtained as a reward and the objectives of the phase one Raid Quest. He didn't need extremely detailed information, instead, he just needed a glimpse to infer the rest.

His deductive reasoning was not to be underestimated. The presence of that large "foreign" soul in his mind was slowly advancing his mental capabilities. In turn, his comprehensive ability continued to deepen. As he dashed forward, Kaiden glanced at the new update everyone received on the raid.