Encirclement of Nightmares


As soon as the second phase commenced, the rumbling noise gave birth to an insurgent wave of monsters! To be exact, there was an overwhelming continuous stream of Nightmares both grey-eyed and azure-eyed mixed together. Shockingly, their numbers were well into the ten thousands at least! 

It was now understood why SIGMA delayed its release over the space. This was only the first wave and just the beginning of it and the numbers were already obscene! It went without saying, the survival objective was no understatement. The sheer numbers alone made it difficult to do so if one was to be at the forefront of the forces.

'It would seem that actively seeking them out isn't the best course of action. I think we'll stick to a limited area and create an absolute area of defense,' inwardly thought Kaiden as he began mentally formulating formations and different trains of thought.