Chapter 19: Artifact: Zhuge Crossbow

"What just happened?"

"You clearly didn't do anything, yet that water bandit constantly targeted you. Even until he was killed by me, his first target was always you. He only attacked me with his saber when I blocked his path to you." She touched the body of the water bandit, and the dropped items automatically went into both of their bags. Finally, she couldn't help but voice her confusion.

Ye Weiming shook his head and said reluctantly: "I just learned a powerful sword technique, but it's quite strenuous to launch. But now it seems that its taunting effect is top-notch."

Upon hearing this, she immediately understood: "You wanted to test the power of that move?"

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Ye Weiming nodded, as his experimentation was wasting both of their time.

Unexpectedly, she waved it off calmly and said, "You continue to test, and I'll ensure your safety. This time I won't use the Zhuge Crossbow, but will play with him using only fists and feet."

What a show of brotherly loyalty!

Eager to experience the technique's effects, Ye Weiming did not hold back. He immediately cast the spell again, and the targeted water bandit of West Lake immediately exploded with rage, like a stepped-on cat, and charged at him.

This time, with her assistance, Ye Weiming didn't consider his own safety and concentrated on solving the math problems popping up in the system interface.

One, two, three... five...

It wasn't until Ye Weiming finished the seventh problem that the water bandit of West Lake was killed by her.

It should be noted that she is a disciple of the Tang Sect, adept at hidden weapons. Her hand-to-hand combat skills aren't very formidable. In order to reduce damage, she didn't even wear knuckle dusters.

Even so, Ye Weiming did not successfully activate the skill before the bandit kicked the bucket.

This reveals much about the usefulness of the skill!

However, through this experiment, Ye Weiming made a fascinating discovery - her hand-to-hand combat skills were frankly impressive. This didn't contradict her previous statement about not learning hand-to-hand combat, because her skills did not resemble those in the game but rather real-life fighting techniques. Her attacks lacked any power buffs, but her swift and fierce attack patterns gave the weapon-carrying bandit no chance to fight back.

"Let's do it again!"

Before Ye Weiming could voice his apology, she was already raring to go, urging him to draw more enemies.

The third bandit was killed by her when Ye Weiming was solving the eighth math problem.

The fourth one fell when he was cracking the ninth problem...

The fifth one didn't make it through the tenth...

The sixth one also fell at the tenth...

Not until the last bandit in the corridor was beaten to the brink of death by her, did Ye Weiming finally act. His body moved with his sword, and his Dragon Spring Treasure Sword turned into a streak of light, directly entering the bandit's heart.

Brace to the Heart!

Instant kill!

Sheathing his sword, Weiming quietly savored the sensation of that thrust. The active effects were truly wondrous —

In that moment, after completing a full ten math problems, he suddenly had an epiphany, as if everything around him was accounted for in his calculations. His attack was irrefutable and unavoidable. When the sword was thrust, he managed to perfectly mobilize every muscle and bit of inner strength in his body, achieving a harmonious coordination between the two that was beyond words.

In that moment, he felt as if he held complete control over his opponent's life and death!

A formidable technique indeed!

It was just that the activation condition was so damn frustrating!

Looking at the entranced Ye Weiming who remained on the spot with his sword, she narrowed her eyes, then said, "I find that this new sword technique you've learned isn't very practical."

Ye Weiming nodded in reluctant agreement: "I've realized that too."

He glanced at his skill proficiency level.

Proficiency: 1/1000

The activation condition for the active effect of this mental method is not only difficult to achieve, but isn't the upgrade condition a tad too strict?

After all the fuss, you're only increasing my proficiency by a single point?

It seems this mental method cannot be practiced like this, it can only be strengthened by piling up cultivation points.

As if realizing something, he added, "From what I see, the only commendable thing about this move is its domineering taunt effect. If this skill were in an ordinary online game, it would definitely be an essential divine skill for tanks, without having to worry about OT (over taunting). I just don't know if this effect is as effective for players?"

"Why not try and see?" Youyou, apparently a doer, stepped back a few steps and said, "Target me for attack now, and test the effect."

Nodding lightly, Ye Weiming focused on Youyou and calculated in his left hand. But Youyou abruptly widened her eyes, retreating backward almost without thinking.

Seeing this, Ye Weiming immediately stopped calculation and asked, "How did it feel just now?"

Youyou gave Ye Weiming a lingering look and said, "It was terrifying. At the moment when you launched the skill, I felt like I was being targeted by something extremely terrifying, like being pointed at with a gun to my head. It was even more terrifying than that!"

As if you've ever had a gun pointed at your head.

Ye Weiming took note of her description and waved his hand, "Since this move is not practical, let's not practice it now. It's more important to secure this map."

As for the activation condition of the "Dai Zong's How" active effect, Ye Weiming didn't mind too much. Even disregarding the active effect, the passive bonus alone was strong enough.

One should be content.

The phrase 'Men and women work together to share the load' could not be truer, one ranged and one close combat composed a tactical strategy. Ye Weiming's nimble and sharp swordsmanship was at the forefront, making for a flawless advancement while Youyou in the rear had her repeated crossbow shots not having to worry about positioning, standing boldly and outputting from a distance.

In less than two hours, the two completely cleared the large underground palace, only the BOSS, Chen Ming, remained in the hall of the palace.

Seeing only one boss meandering in the hall of the palace from afar, Ye Weiming couldn't help but laugh, "Isn't this dungeon instance designed a bit too simplistically? There's not even one guard around the boss. Usually, there should be at least two or three elite monsters guarding and over a dozen minor monsters surrounding it. That'd be a boss scene."

Following behind him, Youyou said very seriously, "This is not an ordinary BOSS, take a closer look at its level."

At her words, Ye Weiming focused on the wandering BOSS.

Chen Ming

Level: 30

Vitality: 6500/6500


At one glance, Ye Weiming immediately furrowed brows, "Level 30! Are you kidding me? How can a BOSS of this level appear in this palace?"

His surprise was not unfounded.

Under normal circumstances, in game instance designs, there will be a balance between the levels of the BOSS and minor monsters. For example, the levels of the bandits in the palace are a little higher than those outside, about level 11 to 13, so the BOSS on the same map should be around level 15, and it can't possibly reach level 20, otherwise it would mean the map design is flawed.

Lower-level players won't even qualify to challenge the BOSS, while higher-level players won't get any experience from these low-level minor monsters. What level player is this map designed for, honestly?

If Chen Ming were a hidden BOSS, it would be understandable, as a lot of hidden bosses are not meant for players to level up on that map. But Chen Ming, being the leader of those minor monsters, really doesn't seem like a hidden BOSS!

In theory, a game like "Eternal Chivalry" that's approved by the government and designated as the only entertainment for interstellar immigrants wouldn't make such a beginner mistake.

But such a mistake was clearly happening right in front of their eyes.

Can you believe it?

"Because the level of this BOSS is misleading." At this moment, Youyou unraveled Ye Weiming's confusion, "See the crossbow in his hand? It's called the Zhuge Crossbow. It's one of the top ten hidden weapons of Tang Sect, Artifact level. When I took this mission, my mentor told me that with this crossbow, Chen Ming's power could be increased by 15 levels. He cautioned me to be extremely careful."