Chapter 32: Wangpan Mountain

Although Wangpan Mountain was named as a mountain, it was actually an isolated island suspended in the open sea. The solitary peak stood defiantly in the immense ocean, presenting a unique vista.

As the boat docked, Zhang Cuishan led Ye Weiming and two Wudang disciples towards the open area beneath the cliff at the peak of the mountain.

Following behind the NPC, the three players have already formed a team. Ye Weiming said in the team channel to Yin Bukuai and Xuan Xiaobi, "I've thought about it. Since this mission screens players before entering Wangpan Mountain, there must be significant differences in how far we can advance. As you mentioned, if the rewards are more or less the same, there must be other advantages we can gain on this mountain."

Yin Bukuai glanced at Xuan Xiaobi upon hearing this, the subtext of his look being, "See, I told you so, he's able to draw different conclusions from the same information."