Chapter 36 "Hunyuan Gong" and "Lion's Roar Gong" (Seeking recommendation, seeking collection)

After Xie Xun finished speaking, Ye Weiming received a message in the party channel from Yin Buku: Brother Ye, it's your turn now.

As expected, this young man didn't immediately state his choice of secret book type, intending to wait until after Ye Weiming had overcome the trial to see if he could figure out a way to further maximize his gains.

Ye Weiming didn't disappoint him. After a slight smile, he directly said to Xie Xun, "Senior Xie, you control the task rewards. Whatever kind of secret book you give us is at your discretion. You just need to make a choice that benefits you the most."

Interesting. If the same words came from an ordinary player, Xie Xun would think he was talking nonsense. But, Ye Weiming's spectacular move had left a deep impression on him, so he asked, "Then you tell me, what kind of secret book would be the most beneficial for me?"