Chapter 58 Quanzhen Swordsmanship


My third disciple Yu Daidan has been safely turned into a disabled person, my fifth disciple Zhang Cuishan has been kidnapped by Xie Xun, I don't know how that turned out, and now my sixth disciple, Yin Liting, has been cuckolded by someone!

What on earth is happening with the Wudang Sect, are we in an unlucky period?

Just as Ye Weiming was puzzled, Yin Bukui once again sent him a letter via carrier pigeon. The content is a brief statement of the background of his current sect mission.

Ming Sect's Yang Xiao, the Left Emissary of Brightness, has kidnapped Ji Xiaofu, a disciple of the Mt. Emei Sect who is betrothed to Yin Liting (who is also Yin Bukui's Master), and he... well, you know...

Looking at it on the surface, Yin Bukui's task seems terrifying, having to save Ji Xiaofu from Yang Xiao, a boss of unknown level.

However, Yin Bukui said, his mission only has a five-star difficulty.

It is dangerous, but definitely not impossible as imagined.