Chapter 81: Half-Son of Victory

Outside Luoyang City, at a pavilion ten miles out.

In this rarely visited place by players, a young man in white sat alone in the pavilion. On the stone table in front of him, an antiquely styled chessboard was set up.

Even from a distance, one could catch a faint whiff of the sandalwood fragrance emanating from the chessboard.

Sandalwood helps to concentrate the mind, and its constant presence can keep one's mind tranquil. However, it is quite valuable, and while it cannot enhance a player's actual combat power, it's far from affordable for the average player.

The young man in white stared intently at the chessboard in front of him, displaying a thoughtful expression. From time to time, a piece would fall, producing a pleasing sound.

He was playing chess against himself!

Suddeny! A red silhouette flashed by. An expression of helplessness appeared on the face of the young man in white. Looking up, sure enough, that annoying girl was there again.