Chapter 88: Techniques for Using Mortuary Methods

The Imperial Detective Bureau, the coroner's room.

After circling the body of the unattended from the Qingcheng Sect, Song Ci casually asked Ye Weiming, who had brought the corpse over, "Did you already examine these bodies?"

In the Imperial Detective Bureau, Song Ci could be considered as Ye Weiming's mentor, so he spoke very casually.

Upon hearing this, Ye Weiming promptly replied, "These are the perpetrators who attacked us, their cause of death is evident, they were killed by us on the spot.

I brought them here merely as a piece of evidence, without the need for a thorough examination."

Song Ci nodded, then added,"But do you know that these five bodies are in fact just replicas."

Ye Weiming: (⊙_⊙)?

These bodies were freshly killed and rolled up by Ye Weiming and his fellows, they were not some three-thousand-year-old mummies. How could there be talk of genuine and fake?