Chapter 127: The secret room in the tavern (First subscription over 1600 will be added, seeking subscription, seeking monthly tickets)

Ye Weiming spoke sincerely, but Non-fish immediately grasped the key point.

Ye Weiming said, "I need your help," not "I need yours."

What does this mean?

Non-fish couldn't help but ask skeptically, "Just me?"

Ye Weiming nodded slightly and then added, "To be precise, your abilities are the most important in my plan."

"No problem!" Non-fish agreed quite readily this time, "As per the previous agreement, as long as you rescue me and Brother Tang from Lingyun Cave, I will definitely help you complete this task, even if it means risking my life."

"I am even willing not to ask about your full plan, I just want to know, what do you need me to do?"

Ye Weiming nodded again, then turned his gaze to the others, "Of course, aside from Non-fish, it would greatly increase my chances of success if any of you could lend a hand."

Before waiting for their responses, Ye Weiming added, "I am now giving you two choices."