Chapter 151: Big Explosion (First update, asking for monthly ticket)

AuBai at level 45 in the status of Junior Guardian was obviously much more affluent than at level 35 in the prisoner status. With a kick, the quantity and quality of items he dropped were pretty good.

Horizontal Training of the Thirteen Chief Protectors (Intermediate): An external body protection technique that can tone the body to be as tough as iron. However, pushing the hard external technique to its extreme may sacrifice some attack and speed. Cultivation Requirements: Arm Strength 50, Bone Strength 100.

Western Firearm (Gold): A repeating long-range attack weapon.

Capacity: 7, Reload Speed: 3 seconds, Effective Range 50 meters, Attack +280, Ignore Defense 30%.

Amber Azure Dragon Pendant (Gold): An exquisite pendant made of amber, obviously a valuable item.

Defense +30, Inner Strength Limit +1000.

Copper Thread Inner Armor (Gold): Inner Armor woven from copper wires.

Defense +200, Health Limit +300, Inner Strength Limit +200.