Chapter 174: Hidden Task Easter Egg (First update, please subscribe)

Ye Weiming loved stirrings things up the most.

As long as there were benefits to be had!

Indeed, since the mass brawl during the martial arts competition had started, he had been thinking about how he could shake things up a bit.

He had been worrying that his and Xiaoqiao's combined inner strength wasn't enough. He slightly regretted not having called out for help from Feiyu, Sanyue, Tang Sancai, and Yoyi.

But with the addition of this three-person Dao girl team, their power should be sufficient to ride the wave.

With a sly smile, Ye Weiming gave Xiaoqiao a knowing look, and then the two disbanded from their original team, joining the Dao girl's squad.

After glancing at the team's distribution mode and confirming that it was based on contributions, Ye Weiming spoke, "Tell me your thoughts."