Chapter 191: Invisible Killing, The Divine Skill of the Flicking Finger (First Update, Please Subscribe)

Following behind a level 20 guard into the RuoHua Manor, Ye Weiming found that the scene within was unexpectedly, exceptionally idyllic, with beautiful plum blossoms decorating every corner.

No matter how one looked at it, this place did not seem like a dragon's den or a tiger's lair, but rather like a hidden paradise away from the world.

Nevertheless, Ye Weiming dared not take any of this lightly. The mere six-star-level mission rating alone was enough to suggest that this place was no abode of benevolence!

In order to maximize his chances of success in this life-or-death mission, he had, while traveling slowly on Ah Huang's back, consumed all the enlightenment books he had acquired from the Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai brothers.

His Inner Strength proficiency increased, and his "Mixed Element Skill" proficiency rose dramatically to 31500/32000.

Seeing the progress, he used his remaining cultivation to fill the gap, enabling it to break through to the 6th level.