Chapter 230: It's Not Time Yet (First Update, Appeal for guaranteed monthly tickets)

After landing a successful hit, Yunhua Immortal didn't show any signs of desire to pursue his opponent. Instead, he immediately fled towards the main gate.

Although Ye Weiming's party currently had the upper hand, they hadn't completely crushed their enemy yet.

Everyone was busy with their own tasks, aiming to secure an early victory. Furthermore, Zang Xingyu had been dominating the scene all along, so no one paid much attention to him.

Now, as Yunhua Immortal saw the situation turning against him, he used his trump card and fled. No one was able to stop him in time except one person.

That person was Ye Weiming, who was standing by the temple gate, consuming a potion to recover his health.

Ye Weiming's gaze was fixed onto Yunhua Immortal, who in turn was also looking back at him.

These two were the central figures behind the conflict arising from today's task!