Chapter 287: Qin Nanqin being Forced Again (First Update, Please Subscribe)

Hearing that Ye Weiming had actually clashed with the county office's guards and even drawn the system patrolling soldiers over, the Green Lantern Ghostfire, who was sitting further inside, couldn't sit still any longer.

This was seriously inconsistent with his previous impression of Ye Weiming!

To confirm the truth of the Shaolin player's words, Green Lantern Ghostfire leaped to the window in an arrow-step, only to see Ye Weiming surrounded by over twenty 200-level patrol guards.

However, the scene that followed completely blew the minds of Green Lantern Ghostfire and his companions.

After Ye Weiming raised the sheathed golden Treasure Sword high in the air, the over twenty system guards, who were practically invincible to players at level 200, actually, under the leadership of two team captains, simultaneously knelt down on one knee and shouted a slogan that bewildered the five men to the core.

"Long live, long live, long, long live!"