Chapter 293: Treasure Basin (First update, please subscribe)

Ju Bao Pen

Shen Wansan hopes to expand the influence of Wansan Auction House through the auction of building tokens.

You can choose to help Shen Wansan find the correct way to get the "building token", or to auction three building tokens consecutively at Wansan Auction House. (The opponent promises that each auction will get the same degree of promotion as the first one.)

Task Level: Five Stars

Task Reward: Find the correct way to get the "building token" and you will get 1 free opportunity to use the Ju Bao Pen; Auctioning three "building tokens" at Wansan Auction House grants you 1 use of the Ju Bao Pen.

Do you accept the task?


Damn it!

The moment Ye Weiming saw this task prompt, he couldn't help exclaiming, "There really is a Ju Bao Pen?"

The story of Shen Wansan's Ju Bao Pen has been widely spread among the people, even Ye Weiming had heard a bit about it.

At that time, Ye Weiming only thought it was a beautiful legend.