Chapter 324: Insights into Sword Dao (First Update, Requesting Monthly Tickets)


Without any hesitation, Ye Weiming threw a squab directly to Dao Mei, and then took out another and started munching on it enthusiastically.

Seeing that the food Ye Weiming handed out was squab, Dao Mei felt a twinge of disappointment. However, due to her stomach's vehement protest, she gave up her stubbornness towards food with Ye Weiming. She promptly sat down on the ground without bothering about her appearance, ripped off a leg, and started eating enthusiastically.

The meat melted in her mouth exploding with irresistible flavor, hot bird meat almost melted her entirely, it was an indescribable feeling of enjoyment and satisfaction.

Then, she felt a warm stream of energy coursing down from her oral cavity, hugging her throat and diving into her stomach before spreading throughout her body.

In an instant, she felt energized again, despite having been utterly drained.

"Mmm... It's really tasty!"