Chapter 326: Blade Will (Additional Chapter 6/10 for Alliance Master Poonlo)

Sword Intent Stone Bed: The stone bed where the Sword Demon Dugu Qiubai attained enlightenment, containing a powerful sword intent. Special Effects: Evil-warding, Sword Nurturing!

Evil-warding: A protective sword aura carries off all harm, reducing the risk of demonic possession during cultivation on the rock bed.

Sword Nurturing: While on the stone bed, every 10 seconds increases your swordsmanship proficiency by 1 point, randomly adding it to a sword technique!

Seeing the attributes of this stone bed, Dao Mei finally understood why Ye Weiming always meditated on the etchings on this stone bed every time after their practice bouts.

This guy, as always... was quite something.

Although, without cultivating Inner Strength, the power of the stone bed was almost negligible to Dao Mei. Moreover, she inevitably kept a distance away from anything that was used by a dead man. However, the feeling of being calculated by Ye Weiming made her very displeased.