Chapter 336: Uncle Can Only Persist for 10 Seconds (First Update, Seeking Monthly Tickets)

With Qin Nanqin present, Yang Guo, at level 180, was as well-behaved as a big child, far from his previous image of a rebellious thug who was quick to kill and revolt.

The current Yang Guo, though he very much wanted to ask Qin Nanqin in person what was going on and who he really was, whether he should be called Yang Guo or change his name to Ye Guo.

However, when he saw the players of the ancient tomb around him with eyes that seemed to evolve the pattern of the Yin and Yang diagram, he decisively gave up the idea of staging a large-scale historical martial arts family drama on the spot.

Leaving behind only a warning, "Anyone who comes within three feet of me will be expelled from the master door," he then helped Qin Nanqin, who didn't need any help, to sit down next to a high ancient tomb, listening to his mother talk about the past.