Chapter 334: Is it Yang Guo... Encountered at the End of the Road? (Second update, please subscribe)

Is Granny Sun going easy on him?

As this thought crossed his mind, Ye Weiming felt the possibility was high.

After all, this old woman had been extremely friendly to him since the beginning.

Reflecting on the previous two tasks, first, she had him demonstrate his strength, thereby intimidating these dissatisfied Ancient Tomb faction players, then proposed the seemingly demanding requirement for the "Whole Truth Sword Art"; this condition, however, turned out to be fair when it came to Ye Weiming and Little Bridge.

Not only did these Ancient Tomb players attitude towards Xiao Bridge make a complete 180 degrees turn, but even the hostility against Ye Weiming was completely dissolved.

The way they looked at him now, where was the hostility from before?

All there was now was anticipation and worry. Anticipation that he could pull through and successfully pass the third challenge, and worry that he might change his mind suddenly or fail during the challenge.