Chapter 345 Kill Liang Zi Weng (Added 35/110 for the Silver League's Frosty Splendor in White)

The deafening roar of Yin Bukui reverberated through the sky, dazing Liang Ziweng, who was close by, causing a momentary dizziness and a blank mind. The sound plunged him into a state of temporary deafness and vertigo.

Even Xiaoyaotan, who was standing nearby, was taken aback by the sudden outburst, stepping back three steps, spilling most of his wine, "Could this be...the legendary Lion's Roar skill?"

Thanks to Ye Weiming's foresight in protecting his ears with his internal strength, he was unaffected by the sonic waves. Seeing this, he smiled slightly, and then said to Xiaoyaotan, "Others charge fo shouting, but a shout from him could kill. Let's get moving. While Liang Ziweng is still dazed, let's take him out quickly!"

However, while Ye Weiming was speaking, being closest to Yin Bukui, Liang Ziweng was the first to attack.