Let us Strategize

I woke up earlier than my alarm. Today would be the first day of Training and i didnt want to be late. I stood up and went to the closet I grabbed a Pair of Sneakers, Workout pants a tank and sportbra. I quickley headed to the shower and undressed. letting the water hit my face i felt somthing that i hadnt felt in awhile. I felt Hope.

I got out of the shower and got dressed and met Morgan downstairs who was helping Chloe with her Book report at the Table. I headed to the fridge to grab an Apple and snagged a muffin from the counter as I made my way towards them.

"Good morning guys" I said With a great deal of excitment.

" Good morning my sweet Rose, are you excited for your first day of training?" Morgan Smiled at with with nothing in her heart but love and i never get tired of seeing that smile.

" I am i could hardley sleep last night, I wasnt really allowed to train in my other pack but i used to watch them and coach people on their oppents weaknesses. so im hoping in dont make an utter fool out of myself." I proceeded to eat the rest of my Breakfast and get ready to head out.

" Oh before I forget, Now that you are settled we need to get you enrolled in school I know you only have Few months left so i figured instead of dealing with the hassle of learning everything new we can get you set up to finish the rest of the year online and just walk with the other wolves."

It had only been a couple of days but school honestly felt so trivial at this point. However i knew how much education was in the community and was not about to start letting people down now.

"Sounds Great" I said hollering back as I made my way to the training grounds.


Once I arrived at the Grounds I instantly found grant stretching with a few other Wolves. I instantly was greeted.

" At last my love has finally come to take me away and make an honest mad out of me." Grant grabbed his heart and pleaded dramtically on his knees.

" very funny but i think it will take a little bit more to make an honest man out of you than what im capable of." I chuckled as I sat next him.

" Never say Never My love." as Grant gave me a Wink.

once we got stretched we waited for the trainer and I leaned over and wispered to Grant as the wait was begining to rattle my nerves.

" Is it true what Zeke was saying about the Trainer. Morgan told me he is the Alphas Beta and is Undefeated in Battle." I looked up to see Grant Grinning but before he could answer in walked the familiar red head.

"Good Morning Warriors, who is ready to start the day right."

In unision The other warriors replied "Good morning Beta Zeke"

"Great now lets get to work" Zeke Replied with his back facing us. He started us off with a warm up. 25 Laps in human form. followed by an obstacle course that invloved high jumps, and many maneuvars. by the time we were done my body was aching and sore and i was begining to think that Zeke was a mad man.

" Alirght Warriors we have a new recruit today so a you know the tradition we will have a spar with the last New person to join, so that I can asess her skill level."

" Runt And Blue Fall In." he motioned for me to come towards the ring. I was nervous since i hadnt been in many fights except when my brother had taught me so could protect myself. Being that i was a little chubbier than other wolves from not shifting it was clear to them that i would be an easy target.

"use that to our advantage." I can hear Lily getting ready in my head.

" I want a clean fight. No death blows or anything that will put another in the hostpital longer than 2 days. if you cant continue the fight you must say the words I Concede. With that Let us Begin."

I took A step back and surveyed my opponent. The man was Tall and skinny. he was fit but did not have many muscles wich means he might not be in as much shape as the others. we danced around eachother for a momonet and then as predictied he took a step forward and I quickly side stepped him and he went flying to the ground.

Lily wispered " be patient child this man is fast but doesnt calculate his moves. he i ssloppy and all ove rthe place. find your right moment to attack but let him wear himself out first." I nodded in agreement.

Runt quckily got back up and his face was filled with anger and frustration. He lunged again this time with his foot aiming for my ribs.

Then the crazxiest thing happened it was like it was in slow Motion and i had all the time in the world to stop the attack. I reached for his ankle and twisted. Sending him twirling in the air and landing once more on the ground.

" you stupid Bitch you're going to regret that." he got back up an the next thing I know he is charging me full force. I see him glance at my legs and know his weakness. he will let the opponent know where he is striking next. As if i had already Played the scene out in my head he dives for my legs but before he can get ahold of them i easily jump and dodge the attack, landing myself on him it is pretty easy to put him in a choke hold until he is gasping for air.'

" I concede, I concede now get off of me" Runt was squirming to get out from my grasps and once i got off he ran back to the rest of the warriors.

" Alright warriors pair up I want you to Spar for the rest of training and i will be watching, rose can i see you for a moment?" Zeke said as he walked to me.

" Whats up Zeke?" I said looking at him he smiled but still hadnt made eye contact with me.

" Rose how did you do that?" Zeke looked at me puzzled.

" How did I do what?"

he sighed before relpying searching for the answers in my eyes " Rose I have never seen someone move as fast as you just did. It was almost as if your opponent wasnt even trying."

"Its hard to explain but when I feel attacked its like everything slows down in my my wolf gives me time to process and lets me stategize." I was looking at him and saw his sense of excitment.

" from now on you will train with me personally and privatley. You Rose, Just might become the Strongest warrior the East Coast has ever seen."

***Time Skip***

Coles Pov:

Its been 4 months since Rose ran away and my wolf has barely spoken since. The night i rejected her I instantly regretted it and felt terrible. I know She wouldnt have made a good Luna but she could have atleast stuck around for my wolf and thought about how this would affect the pack. Veronica has pretty much been living with me at this point. Even though I have truly come to hate her touch she lets me Fuck her sensless without question or needing to make sure she gets off. Which is becoming a habit more and more so that I can stay focus. I have tried to reach out to her usless friend Taly and even my Beta and her brother, no one has heard or seen her. I have a small team looking for her and when I find her I will tie her down in the dungeon with silver chains if i have to. She will not step foot ooutside of the boarder ever again.

Roses Pov:

I had just retunred from Taining with Zeke. Him and Grant have become like my big brothers and my best friends. they have stepped up their training with me since ihave caught on alot fast than I Thought I would. I feel this new sense of confidence in me that I didnt Know was possible. I walk to the bathroom and look at my appearance. All my extra fat was gone and i managed to get on a regular healthy meal plan. my body became more tone wich helped in the boob and ass department as they both perked up and became firm. my freckles became more instense now that they wernt coved by bruises or scratch marks, and My hair that once was long now come to about my shoulders. I felt Beautiful and for the first time I belived it. I giggled at my silly thoughts and was about to say something funny when I thought about Taly. How she would react seeing the woman I have become. I knew that it was time to give her a call. Maybe give my brother one as well. Max wasnt very mean to me when my mother died but he wasnt Necessarily the protective brother type either. He didnt beat me like my father but he didnt stop him either. instead his tactic was just not to be around the house as much as possible so he didnt have to hear the scream. regardless of that he was still family and I guess I want what my Father has Stained me with not to be as true as he thought. that somehow I wasnt completley unloved.