Wolf Cup pt. 2

The Men from 7 looked at one another. "Ian I here this is the wolf that go rejected from her pack for being so weak."

The man now know as Ian sneered at his brother. " Oh isnt that wonderful Cage she wanted her pack to finally see her die. Rose was it? such a pretty flower. Lets see what happens when you pluck a flower from its stem."

Ian and Cage both made their way towards me from both directions but at the last moment I took a step back leaving the crash into each others egos. that created a laugh from the crowd but seemed to piss the boys off even more. Ian and Cage were so focused on us that they hadnt even noticed Grant snuck behind them. He lunged for Ians neck drawing blood but Ian seemed to be unfazed.

"Hmmph seems someone is trying to play dirty. well lets see how much of a mess we can make shall we." Ian left toward Grant leaving me with Cage alone.

I made the first move toward him but I underestimated him Because just as I was about to hit him he stepped and I felt and elbow hard on my spine all the way to the ground.

" you know I thought these games were going to be fun but it seems like our competiton is quite boring. I will kill you in human form because word on the street is you can't shift."

at that comment I thought to myself everyone truly thought I was worthless and had nothing to offer. I called to Lilly.

'Its time to fight back." I waited for no response.

As Cage was getting ready to kick the gift the moon goddess gave me kicked in and it was as if his leg was almost not moving at all. I quickly rolled out of his path and got to my feet before his leg touched the ground. everything resumed and he stood there looking at me then the ground, confused how I got up so fast. I smirked, It was time to take the bastard down.

I took a deep breath and slowd everything down once again. as if he was frozen mid word I walked behind him and and used all my might to kick him in his back. I slowly started to see his body fall forward but before it touched the ground I snapped his neck. The crowed gasped and became silent for a second and as I looked up Grant was smirking at me while Ian now looked terrified. Emotion was fueling him now as he forgot all about Grant and came lunging towards me. In one swift moment Grant got ahold of his arm and ripped it clean off. Just as Ian was turning his attention to him I took the time to slow things down one more time. Everything was so slow it almost looks as though Ian had turned his neck just for me to have better access. I released my canines sinking into his jugular vein causing him to squirt blood everywhere. When he was no longer moving the crowd cheered and I looked up to see my Love Zeke beeming with joy but what took me back was the row behind him stood Cole also clapping looking at me like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. I dont know why by when our eyes connected my hair stood up. Finally as if coming out of his daze Cole spoke up.

" Point goes to 8. Round 2 Will be between 6 and 8. match with start in 15 Minutes. " he cleared his throat before turning away.

I looked over at Grant who had swept me off my feet.

"Rose we did it. I dont think I ever seen you move so fast. You were amazing If I didnt think Zeke would kill me I would Kiss you." I fianlly let out a laugh we still had another team to beat and all I could think about was the man with the scar.

Coles Pov:

I was in my seat watching the fights. I instantly noticed they had Rose cornered I scooted closer my jaw was flexing I should have stopped her before she went in. I saw the Man Landed the first blow and rose went down I could barely contain my wolf who wanted to go to mates side. I was lost in my thought when I heard the crowd go quiet. In a blink of an eye Rose had moved and not only dodged then man but some how ended up behind him. How did she move that fast? in the next second Rose had tore then man to shreds without even breaking a sweat.

Not even my warriors can kill someone that fast. What happened to Rose? She headed to help her partner and in just a few moments the match was over. Some we cheering others we still shocked that the match ended quickly.

At the end I saw Grant Hug my Rose but before I could let out a growl I heard someone else do it first. I looked down to see the red head had clenched his fist. I dont know If I should laugh or growl. It was cute that he was getting jelous but it was pissing me off that he thought my Mate was his.

I finally stood to tell the crowd about the next fight. My eyes locked with hers. I know that She was looking for him but when our eyes locked I know she felt the spark. We stood there for a moment before she broke contact. I wish she would have done that. The longer she was here the more I regretted what happened. I wanted her touch. I never even got to know what her lips felt liked.

My wolf wimpered thinking about me not having any of her first. One thing I knew was that I was going to be the first to mark her.

Rose POV:

Adrenaline was still pumping through my blood. We were back behind the door waiting before the next match.

Grant was guzzling water and laying on the bench next to me.

I began drinking my water when I heard my favorite voice.

"There is my girl." Zeke was leaning against a wall with a Orange Rose in his hand. I didn't hesitate I ran straight towards him and attacked his lips. He was taken back by my actions but I don't care all I wanted to do was make it out so that I could spend the rest of my life with him. He quickly returned the kiss grabbing my thighs hoisting me up so I was wrapped around him he pushed me against the wall. The kiss was hungry and passionate I didn't want to break away when I heard someone to cough behind Zeke. When I looked up I saw it was Cole and his eyes were black. I haven't seen him this angry since he found out I was his mate. Zeke noticed I hadn't returned back to his lips and finally lifted his head from the crook of my neck. When he noticed Cole as well he set me down.

"My king" Zeke gave him a bow. My eyes still remained on Cole. I felt like my body could move even if it was in danger.

Coles eyes flickered back between his beautiful eyes and his wolfs. I could see he slowly was relaxing.

"I was just coming to check on the fighters and see their conditions. Looks like you are unaffected." He grits his teeth and keeps walking. Was he jealous. Oh shit he was jealous. I would be lying if I didn't feel the pull but I love Zeke and he loved me when no one else did.

I hear a Coles uncle give the announcement that we needed to head back the arena. I looked at Grant who was already standing. Zeke kisses my forehead and held his lips there for a moment.

"Remember, you have a wedding to attend. Come back to me." He took a step away and I felt that know in my stomach again. I turned and followed Grant into the arena. The Brothers have already entered and they were looking at me like the won the lotto.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is the championship. We have had many strong fighters here today and I'm extremely proud of your warrior trading skills. Today we will truly find out who has the strongest warriors. Team 7, The Dawson brothers from the Royal back and The White tail pack. Rosella Blue and Grant Smith. Let the fight begins and just know you have served you back honor."

The bells began to runs and we knew it was fight time. They didn't try to fight us together like the last team. Grant took one of the brothers and I got Scar face. He had that disgusting grin again that made my skin crawl.

"You look like your mother little flower it's nice to see you again." I froze in my tracks. This psycho knew my mother? How?

I didn't even see the blow coming but I felt something sharp. Scar face had dug his claws into my stomach. I was about to yelp from the pain but before it registered I was already taking the second blow across my face. I fell to the ground. The blood was coming from my stomach and now my ear.

"You're making this too easy beautiful " I knew this was my chance I laid still and let him approach me.

"It's a shame that the beautiful blue eyes are going to go to waste." That get closer and pulls my hair so that I'm facing him. "What a shame."

This was my moment "what a shame indeed." Just was he got close enough i used all my might to knew him in the groin and as he stumbled back to trap himself in used my speed to get back on my feet and round house kick me. I heard the crack and saw the blood. I knew I had broken his jaw as it was just hanging there. He tried to stand be before he got to his feet I kicked him again in his face hearing his neck snap as he fell back.

I walked over to him and I could hear him barely breathing. I'm not a monster so I put him out of his misery and finished snapping his neck. I looked up and saw Grant was finishing off the other brother as well. I sat down on the ground and was catching my breath when they announced us as the wolf cup champion. As I was breathing heavy I looked up and saw Grant approach me as he came and picked me up bridal style.

When we entered the doors we were greeted by our Alpha,Megs,Morgan and Zeke. Everyone was clapping and Grant handed me straight to Zeke. That was the most I had used my powers so I was exhausted. When I was securely in Zekes arms I instantly snuggled up to him.

"Today you have mad history for the white tail pack not only by bringing the championship ship title home but also by beating the two strongest warriors of the worlds strongest pack. You miss Rose will be a famous She-wolf that others will look up to."

I blushed as he said that. I was once hated my anyone I came in contact with. Now I will be a role model. It was a lot to take in. I looked up to Zeke smiling at me. I really loved this man.

"Can we got take a bath please." I looked up at him and he nodded carrying me all the way to the pack house and up to our room.

He ran some bath water and set me in.

At first it stung because of my wounds but they had already started healing so it wasn't so bad. Zeke left me but returned with a silk camisole. He was leaned down by the tub and was about to help me wash up.

"Will you join me?" His eyes widened and I saw the look of lust in them before they flashed back to green. He undressed and sat behind me in the tub and began shampooing and conditioning my hair. I laid my head back into his chest and closed my eyes as he massaged my hair. I didn't want to part from him.

"We have to get ready for the celebration"

I just wanted this moment to last.

"Just one more minute" I kissed his cheek.

He laughed " Rose you will be the death of me."

" I can't help it I always want one more of the things I love. One more kiss." I placed my lips on him.

"One more nibble." I grabbed his ear with my teeth. He let out a moan.

"One more prolonged moment." My hands move down to his cock. I felt hit harden beneath my touch.

"Can you really blame a girl for wanting one mores with you Zeke?" He let out another moan as I said that last statement for I tighten my grip so he got my point.

It took all his strength not to continue.

"I promise I will spend every day giving you one more of everything, but we really need to get ready. I want you to keep this thought because when this celebration is over I will be giving you an orgasm of a lifetime.

Then one more....

Then one more....

And a few more times after that." He kissed my forehead as he stood up to help me out of the tub. My checks were on fire.

After the celebration Zeke was going to give me the best night of my life.