Heart and soul

It's been a few days since I found out Zeke found his mate. We agreed to stay a bit longer since Zeke was getting to know Lori and the doctor wanted to run a few more tests. Morgan took offense to this but calmed down when they explained that they had better equipment. I didn't care because I hadn't left my bed and kept my door locked. Every day I woke up and rolled over waiting to see Zekes eyes already looking at me. But he hasn't come yet so I roll back over and close my eyes thinking I'm still in a bad dream and I will try again tomorrow.

I hear knock periodically but I don't answer. I know by the smell most of the time it's Cole. I can feel his wolf worrying. I stopped eating a few days ago. If the world wanted me dead this bad then I was willing to give in.

It was late one night and I heard another knock. My stomach dropped as I heard the voice.

"Rose please let me in." I slowly made my way to the door to let Zeke in. If I was going to hurt I guess my mind was determined to throw some salt on it. I let him in a crawled back to my bed. I watched Zeke stand there pacing.

"Rose?" His eyes were having trouble holding my gaze. But he made his way over to my bed and sat beside me. He reached his hand out. One last time I would hold him like this.

"I'm sorry Rose."

"I know you are Zeke."

"Please talk to me Rose. I just want to help."

"Do you remember the night we picked out our future children name?"

Zeke looked at me and pulled me in. He kissed my forehead.

"Richard after my father for a boy and Daisy after your mother."

I looked up at him.

"It's hard to watch you walk away and know that all the plans we had are gone and if I wasn't there I almost wouldn't believe that they happened at all. I'm not ok but Somehow I am going to have to figure out how to let you go and still be ok.My heart will break and it will break for awhile but I know I have to make it through just like I alway do. I'm just going to need time. I have to figure out how to go along with my life without you and hopefully someday if I'm lucky, one day I will stop loving you." I placed my lips on his. I never thought that everything I have done with him the day of the ball was my last. Last kiss, last laugh, last I love you. That would be the last day he was mine. It was a tender kiss and he pulled away. I knew he had to go.

He leaned in and whispered" the world doesn't deserve the love you have to give Rose" he kissed me one last time and started exiting the room Stopping just before he closed the door. Our eyes locked one last time neither one of us saying anything but I knew it was the last time I would be able to get lost in his eyes. I was supposed to let him go but somehow but when he looked at me I fell more in love with him.


I cried myself to sleep that night. I woke up to birds chirping. I knew if I didn't go downstairs and get some food Cole was going to break the door down. I walked to the kitchen and saw Lori sitting on Zekes lap. They hadn't noticed I was there yet.

"Always second best." I felt veronicas voice whisper venom into my ear as she laughed to herself. I needed to get out of here. I ran down the hall and opened the farthest door I could and even then that didn't seem like it was far enough.

Once I closed the door and locked it I dropped to the ground and lifted up my dress tracing my scar my father gave me. I didn't know what else to do so I just began to cry.

"Rose?" I jumped I hadn't even realized what room I walked in.

Coles Pov:

Rose hadn't eaten in days I was getting extremely nervous. I felt her getting weak. She was trying to die. I knew I had to do something. I went to the recreational area and saw Zeke laying with Lori. As I turned the corner towards them I hadn't even seen Veronica coming.

"Baby I'm lonely and I'm tired of having to take care of things myself." She grabbed my cock through my jeans.

"Not now. Zeke I need to talk to you." I used my alpha tone and even though he wasn't apart of my pack he still couldn't deny it's power. I lead him outside. He kept quiet the entire time he knew what I wanted to talk about.

"You need to talk to her."

"I know but I can't face her. I am eating away with guilt. It like I'm still I love with her but now that I have my mate I will die without her. My heart belongs to Rose but my souls is bonded with Lori."

"Dude I get it but right now Rose is killing her self. Her heart is breaking because of you but do you really want her to die too?" I knew I hit a nerve but I didn't fucking care if she wouldn't talk to me I knew she would talk to him. I followed him upstairs to her room. He knocked and there was no answer but when he spoke the door opened shortly after that. I waited in the hall where she couldn't see me but I used my hearing and listened to everything. I could hear the pain in her voice. How can someone who is broken still show so much love?

It was only about 10 mins when Zeke returned to me I could tell he was crying.

"I don't know what the world deserved to have Her be in our lives but I hope she will forgive me. After that I realized I can't lose her in my life."

His sadness turned to anger as he chuckled to himself. "And I don't know what you did to deserve her either. I can't believe you rejected her. You don't deserve her."

My fist clenched and I grabbed him by the throat." Last time I checked, you rejected her too so save me the you're a dick speech. At least I never lead her on. Why tell her all those things if you were going to drop her the second your real mate came anyways. You knew your mate was still out there yet you still pursued her. So really who didn't really deserve her." I reigned my wolf in and let him go. I need to fucking run

I walked outside and let Mayhem take control. We went to the meadow.

I remembered her brother and I would pick on her all the time but that day some else did it and I didn't know why but it pissed me off. I took her to my mothers favorite secret spot and told her that I would share it with her. I don't even know why I took her there. I haven't taken a single girl there ever. I was so happy that I made her smile I kissed her on the cheek and that day I wanted to make her smile everyday.

After her mom died everything changed though. She got quiet and her appearance changed. Max started to come over to my house and never wanted to go home, and pretty soon when Rose would get picked on Max stopped helping her. Eventually rose faded like a memory that you forgot you had until it hit you all at once.

All I wanted to do was hold her and smell her. I just sat in the opening hoping one day I will see her smile again and this time it will be because of me.