
Coles Pov:

It's been two weeks.

Two weeks since Rose was in my arms. I was laying in her bed taking in what's left of her scent. I have cried so much that her beautiful smell is fading.

I have scent countless warriors to look for her but they haven't found her body. So today we will mourn for her properly without it. As the Alpha I must be strong and show my pack strength. I am dress in a blue button up and black dress pants. The blue reminded me of her eyes. Veronica came to knock on my door.

"It's time baby"

I nodded and followed him down the stairs making my way out to the patio down to the garden. Looking at the ground I see the rose petals I once laid have wilted and turned from a bright red to almost black. The rest of the pack along with the White tail pack and my uncle were awaiting me. As I came closer the lit the fire. Usually this is where we would have burned her body and sent her spirit back but since we couldn't find her body we can only speak to her trapped soul. Veronica stepped up to speak first.

"As you future Luna I know it is never easy saying goodbye to one of ours. She will be missed and treasured forever. Now I present your alpha."

I had no words. I was not ready to say good bye. Morgan came up to me and without me saying anything she took charge of the memorial speech.

"Thank you all for coming. Rosella Ana blue was a beautiful soul that was dealt unfair cards. In this life we are taught to deal with the hardships and nothing compares to what hers entailed. She left this world thinking she was unworthy. She thought she wasn't the prettiest or the strongest, and unfortunately she left this world thinking she was unloved by the one she wanted a life time with. Some people say that when a person is lonely they are given a taste of death. So maybe our Rose has felt dead inside for a long time. Because let us be honest with our selves most of you won't miss her. Most of you won't ever speak her name again. She will live in the memories of loved ones but many of you don't have those with her.i always told Rose that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and to stick it out. but what people don't understand is some people don't care about if there's a light or not. They just want out of the tunnel.Many of you misjudged Rose and I won't sugar coat this speech to make you feel better. You guys abused her and then rejected your true Luna and Filled her head with lies. Now that I have gotten that out of the way let me tell you about my daughter from my view. Rose was beautiful without even trying and her smile could fill up a room. She was kind and she was brave. She was in fact the strongest and if you would have given her a chance to protect you as your Luna she would have served you all well. She was showed nothing but venom and she was still able to grow through the cement of hate that you all laid like the beautiful flower she is. My baby is gone and my only regret is not being able to save her from you guys sooner."

The crowed was in hushed whispers. I could feel some speaking through the mind link.

I wanted to be mad I truly did but how could I ? She was right rose wasn't shown and ounce of value.

As if Morgan could here my thoughts she stepped toward me.

"This is your fault"

I was too weak from losing my mate and mayhem snapped.

"What did you say" he went for her throat and pinned her to the ground.

"Ask then to pin point the specific reason they hated her so much. What exactly did she do to the personally that justifies the hatred. If they cannot give you an answer than that mean they didn't have one and they followed the hate from the Alpha."

What she was saying could be true. On the same note I was scared to ask them. I let Mayhem keep control and shifted right then and there. We ran all the way to the mountains and I let out the loudest cry I could muster. There was no right way to say goodbye.

Rose POV:

They moved me from the barn to a cement room that looks like an old castle. The men that brought me here gave me a bucket, thin blanket and a tiny mattress on the floor. After Lori stabbed me I was out for a few days but since I woke up no one has come to continue the torture. Someone slides food through a small opening on the door but that is it.

I was still very weak and was laying on the mattress when Veronica came in wearing all black.

"Well how do I look" she did a little twirl wearing a skin tight black dress that barely covered anything and definitely left nothing to the imagination.

"I'm sure they will love you at the strip club." She snarled her teeth and my response. And vent down to my eye level

"Your lucky we have been told we can't hurt you till you fully heal. But let me tell you once you do you're gonna wish you hadn't. Now if you excuse me as the future Luna I have to give your memorial speech. Should I go with you will be missed or you were a treasure to have? Oh I doesn't matter I'll figure it out in the car gotta run kisses."

My funeral?

So that's it. They all just think I'm dead just like that. No one is coming to look for me or save me. They closed the book on me and stuck me on the shelf with all the other fallen wolves.

I pulled the blanket back up to me and began sobbing again. I just wanted my mother and to Lilly to come back. I was alone again.

I must've fallen asleep because I woke up to my father holding a tray of food in front of my face. I tried my best to sit up and scoot away but there was no where to hide or go.

"Oh princess glad you are getting some fight back. It will be no fun being with you if you are lifeless. " he put his hands up and tried wiping away my tears but something told me he had no fatherly intention. He lowered his hand over my breasts and when I tried to move he slapped me. I have up the fight. I wanted to die.

"Be a good girl ok? After all I helped create this body I should be able to examine it." He smiled and continued moving his hand down my shirt removing my bra. I just closed my eyes and went to the meadow.

It was dark without Lilly but the sun was out giving me a little bit of warm. I decided I was going to stay there for the night if not longer. I lied on a rock and took a nap.

I woke up to a sharp pain which threw me out of the meadow and back to the horrible room. I looked up so see john standing over me with his pants around his ankles.

"You're back I was started to get bored. Unfortunately I have to go deal with alpha duties. I'll be back" he stood up and cleaned him self off with my blanket and left the room. The second he left I went over to my bucket and puked.

At this moment I knew I needed to either die or get the hell out of here. I tired to use my powers but nothing. Of course.

Why would I ever be dumb enough to think I was special.

I knew I wasn't special

I don't even want to someone. Because after everything I'm right back to where I started abused, unloved and invisible.