Blessing or a curse

"What do you mean you name is Rose?" Ashley looked even more confused than before. I was about to respond when I heard a car pull up. It was Morgan I could hear her enter the house and speak with a few people down stairs. I moved my self to the corner of the room, placed violet in my lap and sat down.

When Morgan renter the room she hadn't noticed I was there and had he back facing towards me. She looked like she wasn't sleeping or eating.

"Ashley honey what is the matter you had me so worried on the phone is everything alright. Is your mate alright?"

All this time I forgot Ashley had a late but I never saw him here.

"Yes mom he's fine he's back at our pack you know some females volunteer to be away for a few months to help the young girls. These were the last few hours I needed for my residency."

"Ahh I see well what was the matter that you couldn't discuss on the phone."

I stood up and took a step towards her.


Morgan froze but I could hear her tears as she tired to choke out my name.

"Ro..." she turned around and when she saw me she dropped to the ground in a big ball of tears.

"Rose we thought you were dead. We felt you die. How can this happen where have you been? Why haven't you called? Why haven't you come and seen me? What about you mate? And who's this baby?"

"Mom, mom , mom breathe in and out I need you help."

Once I finally got her to call down she sat next to Ashley who was holding Liam and rocking him back and forth. I started from the beginning about me being kidnapped and everyone involved. The abuse the plan. Everything.

"Well it's simple we just need to bring you back and everyone will know."

"No it's not that simple Veronica has the rogue pack in her pocket I need to make sure the people I love are safe first before she has a chance to plan an attack. I need to make sure my son is safe."

"Well what can we do."

"Bring me Asher..."

Coles Pov:

Veronica has been gone for months and she will be returning with our child. I can't believe that I am about to be a father. I have been hollow for a whole year and this was the first time that mayhem and I had the same emotion. Nervous, would I be a good father? I began thinking about my pup but then images of what my pup would look like with Rose. Would they have her kindness or her laugh. My heart began to ache. I wanted Rose to be the mother to my children. I just wanted rose.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Max knocked on the door.

"My king, the Luna is back with your son."

I took a deep breath and turned to follow behind him. Once we made it down the stairs I saw Veronica standing in the kitchen holding my child.

"Oh my love, I've missed you so much this pregnancy was so hard without you."

"Can I hold him."

"Of course"

She handed over my son and my heart melted. He was perfect. There was no denying he was my son he had my hair and ears and nose.

"Beautiful" I whispered.

"His name is Colton"

"Colton" I repeated without looking at her. It was like in this moment nothing else mattered. He must already know his name because he opened his eyes to the sound of his name.

My heart stopped. He had the same Ice blue eyes Rose did. Was the moon goddess playing a joke? Was I meant to be cursed and live with my mistakes. The more I looked at him the more I saw her. His lips were just like hers.

Then I remembered the first kiss we had. I stole it from her but I never regretted it.

I got lost in his eyes I felt hypnotized. Veronica broke me free and came and took him away.

"Colton needs some rest love we will announce him tomorrow as the future king."

She kissed me on the cheek and left the room but I was still dumbfounded. I felt like I've seen a ghost. The moon goddess was punishing me. I knew I would always have rose in my heart but now I will be able to look at Rose every day of my life. I couldn't decide if that was a blessing or a curse.