Jump off the building

"Old James, I have to go somewhere!" Evelina then stood up from her bed. She decided to start her journey.

James worriedly asked, "Miss, where are you going??"

"I'm off to somewhere where I can meditate myself. I'm finding my inner peace." She replied as she faced him.

"Miss, you should not forget to ask for permission from your parents. I will instruct bodyguards to accompany you," James said

"No need," she replied nonchalantly.

James replied straightforwardly, "Don't worry, miss. They will be in disguise,"

"I don't need them," she didn't understand why the man in front of her, wouldn't let go of her.

"But miss—"

She clenched her fist, "I said stop!" She couldn't take it anymore. She was at her limit. She then added, "If you wouldn't let me go, I'm going to tell everybody in the palace that you've taken a liking to that young maid, Judith!"

James widened his eyes in awe, "Miss, don't be like this…I'm begging you please don't tell everyone!" James pleaded; he didn't want everyone to know his secret. 'If this would be exposed, I'd be doomed. They would think that I have a thing for young girls!' He couldn't believe that someone knew his deepest secret.

She smirked and said, "So you did admit it...Hehehe," she grinned with an evil smile. She thought of using this as a threat in the future. 'So this is your weakness…hahaha'

James was speechless. He didn't know how to explain. He only hoped that the young lady wouldn't unveil the information to everyone. He suddenly realized what he said. It was too late for covering up. "Alright, miss…you can go... I'll cover up for you." He then added, "By the way, miss, where are you going?" He was curious to know where the lady would be wandering around. It was such a rate opportunity.

"Looking for my man!" She replied with a huge grin.

'Just like that, old James will let me go? I can't believe how powerful love is'

'What? Young miss already has a boyfriend?' His jaw dropped. 'So, this is the 'inner peace' she's talking about?'

She was on her way to the bathroom and she still sensed someone was in the room. "Old James, please wait for me outside. I do not wish you to see me changing clothes. Would you mind If I change clothes in front of you?" she said sarcastically.

He coughed loudly, "No…miss," He stammered and immediately retreated from her room.

Minutes later….

She wore a Navy classic poplin shirtdress, that clearly emphasized her fair, porcelain-skin; it was paired with Ava pointed-toe slingbacks that had a floral print on it. Since it was a sunny day, she wore a limited-edition sunglass, that its hinge until its earpiece was decorated with beautiful sapphire and ruby stones. She bought it in the Kingdom of Topaz. Their dimension had five kingdoms— Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Kunzite, and Topaz. Out of the five kingdoms, Sapphire was the wealthiest and largest country by area with a population of 700,000,000 people. She looked at her mirror, Alexi.

"Hey, miss… have you forgotten something?" Alexi asked. He smirked, didn't want to tell what was missing.

"What did I forget? Tell me, Alexi!!" She shook the mirror up and down, making Alexi felt dizzy.

"You forgot to bring an umbrella and a mask," Alexi replied, still hadn't recovered from his dizziness.

"Why does it have to matter? I've watched the weather forecast, it won't rain," Evelina said. The good thing was that she was still in the palace's territory. She picked up the black umbrella from the umbrella holder at the grand foyer. As she went outside, she instantly wore her face mask.

"Where are we going?" she asked. She couldn't wait for the adventure. She couldn't sleep because of too much excitement.

"To the same place where you and I met." Alexi hid his grin. He didn't want to anger her. 'It's another surprise for you, dearie!'

The chauffeur arrived with a limousine. He opened the door for her and then, she went inside. "Please drop me at Meteorbucks," Evelina requested.

"Alright, miss. We'll be there in 30 minutes,"

She was about to tell the chauffeur to turn on the privacy divider fortunately, the chauffeur had already done it. 'Wow, can he read my mind?' She immediately took her mirror from her red-violet tote bag, that was gifted to her by Mrs. Rogge. It was her favorite bag; it was not because of its color, but the quality. Mrs. Rogge was one of the richest business tycoons in town. Her family owned half of the fashion industry of the Kingdom of Sapphire. "Hey! Wake up, Alexi!" she mumbled. She didn't want to let the chauffeur hear their conversation. Although her family always said that the vehicle they sent was soundproof, they still didn't trust her and would always designate a vehicle that wasn't soundproof for them to hear her whereabouts. She knew their tactics long ago. When she was still 18, they found out that she was going to a party instead of attending her royal etiquette class with Mrs. Kupling and as she was at the party venue, the club was already closed. Her parents were at the venue, making the club to close early. She was grounded at that time. From that day forward, she started being cautious around her surroundings.

"Miss, we've arrived at the destination," The chauffeur informed.

"Alright then, thank you for the ride!" She exclaimed

As soon as she got off the vehicle, she noticed her mirror shimmering. It only meant that Alexi was going to tell her something. She picked up her mirror from her tote bag again.

"What's wrong, Alexi?" She asked as she was confused.

"I want you to go inside Meteorbucks," Alexi wanted to let the chauffeur know that she just simply went to the café to drink coffee. He then added, "Dearie, don't you want to give them confusion? That damn driver of yours would immediately inform your family that you're just doing fine,"

She happily said in a lower voice, "That idea of yours is brilliant"

Evelina naturally went inside the café. As she was already inside the café, she immediately fled to the restroom; she locked the door of the restroom. Luckily, the women's restroom was filled with vacant toilet cubicles. 'Thank goodness! No one can hear me.' "Alexi, what are you planning?" She asked. The mysterious stall was situated at the back of the cafe. Meteorbucks had only two exits. Surely, those 'secret bodyguards' would notice her.

"Hahahaha…Don't worry, dearie. I heard this café has a rooftop?" He unexpectedly asked a question. While they were in the vehicle, Alexi was pondering about how to escape without the secret bodyguards spotting them. Evelina was like a precious stone for the Stepanov family so, they would seriously ensure her safety. He was aware of this fact. The café was on the first floor and the rest of the floors were offices and a stock room of Meteorbucks. The building had a total of ten floors. He thought that they would jump off the building.

Minutes later….

They were already on the rooftop. The scene of the beautiful city was breathtaking. It was lovely noon. The sun was smiling. The light radiated from the sun was directed towards her. It emphasized her porcelain-skin, her cherry lips, and elegant demeanor. She was too beautiful to handle. Alexi admitted that she had a breathtaking beauty. The wind caressed her jet-black shiny straight hair. With just a mere glance, she looked like she was perfectly pampered.

Alexi instructed, "We're going to jump off this building," he then deciphered her unwillingness. He then uttered, "Don't worry, dearie. Everything's going to be alright,"