One-eyed monster

It was a beautiful and serene morning. The newly married couple were on their honeymoon phase.

Alexander was wrapping her waist with his strong arms, resisting to let her escape. He slowly opened his eyes. His face directed towards the lovely woman beside him and saw his lovely dear Evelina, sleeping safe and sound. His gentle hands caressed her long straight jet-black hair that didn't contain any white strands of hair. He loved seeing her long eyelashes when her eyes were settled.

Evelina was still sleeping. Her beautiful face that was cupped by her straight hair was lying on his sturdy chest; her right hand was positioned on top of his eight-pack abs; her right leg was tangled with his other leg. It was a normal sight for most couples.

"Morning, sunshine," he whispered softly to her ears.

He tucked her hair behind her ear and gently stroked her back. He was obviously in a good mood after their vigorous "exercise" last night. Not only did he lock her down in a monogamous relationship, but he also had markings on her to see that it was his. He loved seeing the hickeys and the bite marks on her body.

"Mmm…Good… morning," her voice was coarse.

She stared at his chest. She was taken aback by his sexy physique. He was so desirable that she didn't notice that she was licking her lips.

Last night, she had bitten his chest hard that left him some bite marks of hers. Although it must've hurt a lot, Alexander didn't mind at all.

He grinned joyously, "So you want to do another round?"

Hearing his words, her excitement suddenly turned into defeat.

"You meanie!! I won't ever forgive you for what you've done last night!!"

He gave her a vainglorious smile, "Really? It was you who was begging for more, "

"My body feels painful because you're such a sadist!" she whined. Her body ached from his intense and strong force yesterday. 'I felt regretful for myself... huhu'

"Eh? I'm the sadist? You were the one who challenged me of my capability, "

At the mention of it, her face began to redden in anger; her beautifully shaped eyebrows were arched, forming an emotion of outrage.

"Look at my 'tunnel of love'! It's been a lockdown for twenty years and it's now annihilated by you!"

"Well, you should be lucky that your husband is a doctor and a scientist, "

She then had a glimpse of the first aid kit on the bedside table. She turned back to him and crossed her arms, "Can you explain to me why your first aid kit is full of condoms? " she demanded an explanation. 'What if he's done it with several scientists for the experiment?'

He embraced her, "Dear, I swear I've never done it with anyone else. I don't do premarital sex. I respect women. I don't take advantage of them just to satisfy my lust. I'm not like other men, " he comforted her.

"Oh yeah? What about that Tatiana? Who is she?"

"Oh. She's just a colleague of mine. She is just like me, a scientist, " he uttered his reply, discerning some jealousy from her. "Are you jealous?"

"No... There's no way that I would get jealous over that devilish beauty woman of yours!" She paused, "She told me that there's no chance for me to enter your heart, "

"Don't mind that woman, I'll just fire her, "

"What? Fire her? Don't act recklessly, dear. She might be suspicious somehow, but she's your colleague. If you sense something danger, just don't let your guard down, "

"I know that, dear, " he sighed, "I keep my enemies closer, " he evilly grind.

"Well, that's good to know. Hey, stop beating around the bush! I'm asking you why you have condoms in your first aid kit? How do you use it in saving lives?"

"It prevents you from getting 'sexually transmitted diseases' and a good for regulating the population, "

Alexander sat up and Evelina then followed his lead. He embraced her and didn't forget to fondle her melon breasts.

"What brand are those condoms you use?" out of the blue, she asked regarding the matter.

He was itching his head, "You see... it's one of my inventions..."

"Oh. Really? Are you kidding me?! Why are you doing this to me? Then tell me, who was your "subjects" for this experiment?"

"I know it's absurd, but trust me, I never tried it before. It was just something that I thought of out of nowhere. It's to help other people in their family planning, " He then added, "It was my first time trying this invention of mine, "

Her eyes widened, sparkling like the brightest star, "Really?"

"Yes, you're my only subject, "

At the mention of it, suddenly, a thought came across her mind. She was still not yet ready in becoming a mother.

"Then, are you sure that the condom you're using is durable?"

He chuckled, "Of course! You can even reuse it within a month!"

She coughed loudly, "Eww... you are so gross!" she pushed him away, "Get away from me, you perverted scientist!"

"Eh, really? You seem like gawking at my body since you woke up... You can't resist me, because you love me and I love you, "

Alexander initiated the kiss. He kissed her slowly and tenderly like they had a lot of time in the world. He pinned her down, seeing He trailed hot kisses from her jaw, down to her neck, lean shoulders, and her sexy collar bones. He fondled her breasts, licking and kissing it.

Evelina arched her back as she felt him licking her breasts. She grabbed his hair and pulled it as she felt the pleasure he was giving to her. He proceeded to her abdomen and her inner thighs.

When his face reached her got love button, he inhaled her musky scent and his hot tan banana leaked a little. Then he started devouring her, giving a long jot over her entire slit before sucking her hard.

"Ahh!!" She stiffened,

She cried and sobbed. Her hands were slightly mindful of rising for her own breasts and clasping her mounds, as her body curled in severe lust. She was inattentive that her hips turned on cradling on his face.

'How can it be? Why did I orgasm? He's not yet doing it to me and here I am, he might think that I'm too enthralled by him'

"Heh, you're already wet that I haven't entered yet, " he teased, smiling as he saw her defeat.

Alexander thought he had done enough to tease her. If he did something more, she might never be able to forgive him. However, he was really pleased today. The way his dear Evelina responded to him, almost made him devour her completely.

Alexander looked at the woman who was perspiring and panting. Her eyes were not concentrated in one direction. He lightly kissed her forehead, then temples, followed by her cheeks, then her long nose until it came to her lips. The kiss became heated within a flash.

When Alexander deciphered that his Evelina was struggling for oxygen, he left her rosy lips which were now swollen from the kiss. He laid down on the bed and brought her on his chest.

"Eh? Why are we stopping?" Evelina asked, trying to loosen from his tight embrace?

He scoffed, "Heh, I really don't understand you. You keep on telling me that I'm such a wimp because our relationship is too slow and that's why we made love and now, you're asking why I stopped?"

She frowned and punched him on his right shoulder, "I'm just asking! My body is aching huhu!! How big is your banana? Huh?"

He gave her a smug smile, "Oh, you'll be shocked. I'm almost the size of a ruler, "

Her eyes widened in surprise, "What? Are you kidding me? You're cheating! You would only tell me that so that I would be impressed with you, "

He laughed so hard, "I'm just joking you! I'm just the same size as a pickle, " he teased her again.

Her eyes turned dark instantly, "I'm serious, Alexander!!"

"I'm bigger than the average. It's 8 inches, "

"How were you able to grow into such size?" she asked as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

He joyously smiled, "It's because of my mother's cooking. She is so particular in this matter that she's afraid that I'd lose face, "

"Wait, what? Your mother is afraid that you have the below-average size?" she asked, she was curious about the thought of it. 'I can't believe that her mother is so thoughtful of him. She's giving him excessive nutrition that it grew way too big'

"Well, I salute my mother for her undying care and nourishment she has been providing me, "

"You're a lucky man for having such a thoughtful mother. Many unfortunate people are suffering because they won't be able to satisfy their woman just because of their size is way too small, "

'I'm the luckiest woman in history. Hehe, just wait, I'll have to recover faster'