My Fortress

He stroked his chin, "Hmmm… good question, dearie. One thing that you have to attain is the Diamond of the heart. It is not literally a diamond; there is an underlying meaning of it, "

Evelina strode towards Alexi and stood in front of him, "So, it is somehow like a riddle?" she was concerned for the part. She was slightly good in her academics. To be precise, she was not into the field of math and science on the other hand, she was engrossed in the liberal arts specifically literature.

He nodded in agreement, "Yes, you can say so. It is kind of complicated as what you have expected,"

Alexander tightly wrapped her waist, supporting her, "Evelina, we are all here by your side. Don't fret and agonize. It is not good for your health, " he smiled and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Her eyes glowed in blissfulness. She tiptoed and cupped his face, giving him a long kiss. After a few moments, the kiss ended with the two of them out of breath.

"Oh, I just can't help falling in love with you," she spoke softly as she was still panting, leaning her face on his chest.

"I love you, Evelina," he whispered, soothing her frame of mind.

She giggled, "With your smooth conversation, coquettish clothing, and sophisticated glances, it was obvious that you are a natural Casanova, dear," she pinched his cheeks hard that left him some red marks.

He groaned, "That hurt a lot, dear. You dirtied my face. How am I going to face other people with these rosy cheeks of mine?"

Alexi sneered, "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Surely, you are great at jesting your husband, dearie… hahahahaha!!!" he was laughing so hard that until he sensed a pain on his abdomen. He paused, catching his breath before he resumed, "Are you still going to address her 'dear'?"

His eyes instantly turned callous, glaring at him that was like a knife stabbing at him directly.

"Alexander would never dare to do that to me. He would never tarnish our love! Right, my dear sweet lovely husband, Alexander?" she amiably spoke to him, uplifting him from his dire reaction.

She chuckled, "Don't mind him, Alexander. You already marked me as your territory and no one can ever invade it hahaha!!"

With Evelina's declaration, it affected him largely, making him speechless. Alexander gave him a smug smile. He felt extremely relieved of her claim. 'Do you hear that, Alexi?'

Seeing his Evelina bravely defending him and their love was alluring him more.

Alexander sneered, "I take that as a compliment. My Evelina, you can pinch me or mark me wherever you want. Even if it hurts, I'll just bear it because I love you most," he softly stroked her exquisite and lovely fair porcelain skin that was like the moon

All Alexi wanted to do at the moment was to vomit and shriek privately. He could not tolerate the dog food that they were putting on him. He only wished that he could leave these two alone but he couldn't, considering that there were still more plans and actions he wanted to convey.

As Alexi was pondering, he suddenly reminded the two of them as his relationship with his late lover. 'I miss the days where we used to be stupid and lovey-dovey all the time. Where are you, my love? Are you really dead?'

While Alexi was in the middle of recollecting the time of his loved one and him, he could not decipher that the couple, Evelina and Alexander, have been looking at him, sensing his sudden sadness and gloomy emotion.

The couple looked at each other, inducing who would initiate to brighten the swift glum atmosphere that made them also drown in sadness.

In a few more moments, Evelina decided to initiate the move first. Seeing the usual blissful and joyous Alexi that was now in silence exceedingly bothered them to the extent.

"Alexi, are you alright? Should we just go back to Ruby and placidly talk about this matter? I advise to simply postpone it. After all, we can do it on another day," her tone had a tinge of worriedness, greatly concerning his state.

Alexi was still pondering, still not replying to her utterance. He was in a state of bewilderment. His eyes were staring far away that felt like he was in another world of his.

Alexander waved his right hand in front of him, making him notice their attention, "Hey, Alexi? Are you still there? Back to Earth, Alexi!!"

Alexi was contemplating until he saw Alexander was waving his hand in front of him, signaling him to wake up from his daydreaming.

Alexi instantaneously feigned his bright smiling face that was a ray of sunshine that came out after the rain. He cleared his throat and gave them an expression of amusement, "Well, well, well… I think that I'm tired of seeing you guys so lovey-dovey! The power of your public display of affection exhausted all my strength!!! Hahahaha!! How about let us go back to the Ruby and have some rest, eh?"

They had no choice but to nod in agreement with his decision.

This time, Alexi did another method of traversing. He did not use the method they used earlier. He decided the much easier way—s'envoler transport. He first closed his eyes and made his arms move, encircling his body, making him look like he was meditating and achieving inner peace. When his hands reached back to him, he gave a long inhale and then exhaled deeply. He was concentrating on the spell, not letting anything hampered his actions.

The s'envoler transport was used for anyone who wanted to transfer into another dimension; it was much easier compared to the mode of transport they used earlier. On the other hand, one must do their utmost best in concentrating the spell. The man must be placid enough and have steady breathing. When closing eyes, there was an illusion that was displayed for a person to see yet must not be concentrated. Hence, the spell needed a lot of attentiveness without the thought of the image displayed that was distracting the person doing the spell.

A few moments later, Evelina and Alexander did not even realize that they were gradually transferred to another location. To them, it was all the same; that was because they never used any magic spells before. If they were to practice it even further, they would gradually get used to the drastic transformations.

Her eyes were in astonishment, "Wow… are we there yet or not?" she whispered while looking at Alexander.

He leaned his head closely for her to hear him more clearly, "I suppose so. I think we are already transferring into another location. It is just that we could not notice it because we still do not know how to use the magic we secretly uphold,"

Her blissful facial expression saddened in an instant, "Apparently, it is only you who will be able to grasp and produce such a magic spell. While I, on the contrary, will not be able to uphold the power that instantly. I still need to climb mountains for me to regain the power that is originally destined for me and to hone the power that I will uphold," she mumbled in annoyance, blaming the fact that she was still a mortal, not containing any magical powers.

He rubbed the top of her head, "Why are you fretting?" he sighed, "You know, Evelina, I have been living my life for twenty-seven years. Every year was like mountains stepping on my head. I am a doctor, a software engineer, the Chief Executive Officer, the President of the Francis Empire, and a Military Air Force Major General. Everyone would say that I must be stupid and impossible to reach. They would sometimes criticize me that I am acting reckless and aggressive. Any ordinary person in my position would perish in an instant from the intense agitation and pressure. The public has eyes on me. But because I strive to work hard and there are people motivating me, uplifting my spirit, I choose to live the right path. My path has never been easy because I chose to live the right way. My love, just keep moving forward and never give up,"

His voice was soothing her but his words of wisdom were unparalleled, making her have goosebumps. Her delicate shimmering silver eyes were all on him. The words that he discussed to her, gave her spirits and strength, triggering off her to keep moving forward and to eradicate her woes and grievances.

Hearing his inspiring words of wisdom made her heart flutter abruptly. Her eyes were smiling and her lips curved into an exuberant expression, "Alright then, my dear husband!" she giggled gracefully.

The sight before him was breathtaking. His heart was beating so fast that it made him dab his chest, implying him to calm down and control his desire. In the end, he had no choice but to kiss her so overpoweringly.