Alina Medvedev

Alexi was thinking of the precious days with his beloved. 'I miss you so much Alina' he was staring at the huge light fitting that was above the grandiose-looking table. He felt empty and lonely deep inside.

He was indeed a playboy but he swore that he never had intercourse with any girls he dated. He was in an arranged marriage with Alina of the Medvedev family. They were a family of doctors and was a descendant of God of Medicine, Lord Arphaxad. She was naturally beautiful and confident within her own.

Her hair was splendidly straight with warm chestnut tints, an under hue of red intertwined right into the black. Her beauty was enchanting and breathtaking, making anyone feel relieved. She worked as a doctor in the mortal world. She was a family physician in a well-known medical clinic in the medical city of Sapphire. Alina decided to set off and begin her new journey in the other dimension—the mortal world. The mortal world was as vast as the immortal world.

While she was in the mortal world, she came to be the founder of a philanthropic organization that was designed specifically to help other people who were in need of medication just for free. She was so kind that people in the mortal world would be suspicious of her if she was another special being with superpowers hiding under the unctuous mask.

Kind and altruistic. These two things would come from the mouth of anyone who was closed to her. Even mere strangers would describe that she was kind and altruistic with a simple glimpse of her face. She was basically an elegant and down-to-earth person with heaven backing her up.

Many years ago,

It was her 30,000th birthday. She was on her way to the mortal realm, doing her work as a Family Physician.

She had forgotten to bring her water tumbler with her, so she decided to stop by at the nearest pharmacy in the medical city that was nearby her clinic which she was working for.

The pharmacy was smaller than the rest of the pharmacies in the medical city. The ceilings were not impressively elevated. Alina hated to see stores or any facilities that had short ceilings which may result in not being highly ventilated, suffocating, and asphyxiating for her. It is said that high ceilings were ideal because it would make the place brighter and were used to emphasize the significance of a particular room.

'Well, it is just a simple pharmacy, no need to make a fuss about it' the most important thing to her right now was to purchase a 1.5-liter bottle of water to rejuvenate her mind and body, putting an end to her dehydration. Her need for liquid needed to be quenched.

She walked into the store. The bell on the door jingled, but nobody noticed her. It was an old pharmacy. They were busy carefully filling orders, pouring tablets into brown plastic bottles, fastening the caps on. Barely solemn, but perhaps incredibly aggravating. The smell had never left the place - a slight but distinct sulfurous fragrance, the smell of medicine and ointment blending all over the place. For her, the smell was soothing, making a comeback to her robust self.

'The smell is luring my senses'

She ambled towards the shelf that was filled with bottles of water. She then seized the bottle of water she was looking for. As soon as she was finished choosing something to purchase, she forthwith went to the counter. Customers of the pharmacy were now gone. 'It seems that there are quite a lot of people that are currently working right at this moment'

There was a child silently standing beside her who appeared to be a 9-year-old girl. Her light cool brown hair was tied in a ponytail; her har was mid-length which was not too long and not too short for a child. Her hazel eyes were a glowing view of a tree. The child was beautiful and adorable yet somehow had a cold with a look of loneliness.

She was fully clad in a tutu dress that seemed no longer well taken care of. The tutu dress seemed to be fading its original crystal-white color; there was a ribbon wrapped around her waist that was now creased and crimpled that many people would think that it did not go through ironing of the garment. The bow had a tinge of brownish stains that were like coffee.

"A pleasant morning, miss. How may I help you?" the pharmacy cashier asked the young lady.

She tiptoed to the counter, making her visible from the sight of the pharmacists, "Ummm…I want some… medicine," she requested, stuttering with her knees

"What kind of medicine? Well, young lady, do you have a doctor's prescription?"

The young girl did not blink, her eyes became wider, "Umm… could you tell me what is that?"

"Young lady, it is given by your physician or other qualified health care practitioner in the form of instructions that would help you in your medications with the requested proper amount of dosage to be taken,"

"Actually, I don't have one…miss," she was biting her nails of her right hand.

"So, if you don't one, is it you who is in need of the medicine?"

The young lady glanced at the cashier, "My father is the one who needs it," she replied forthrightly.

"Where is your mother? Do you have other guardians who are taking care of you?"

"I don't have a mother. She left us alone and never came back. I don't have any guardians who are taking care of me aside from my mother and father, it is only the two of us—me and my father,"

The air in the room dropped in an instant. There were only two customers at the moment. The three sentences that came from her innocent mouth were enough to make them feel sympathetic. They felt bad for not being there for her when she was in her darkest trials and grievances.

It was a moment of silence.

"Young lady, could you please tell the illness of your father?" Alina barged in their conversation. She was quietly holding her tears. She pitied the little young lady who was standing up by herself despite her unfortunate circumstances.

"I don't know. My father said that he has been coughing for more than two weeks. I think it's …tuberlosis?"

"You mean Tuberculosis? Your father has contracted Tuberculosis?" Alina corrected the young lady. 'She is a brave warrior. She is definitely the definition of a true warrior in this life. Loyal, brave and true to herself and everyone'

Alina walked towards the young lady and grabbed her little hands that were as soft as a pillow. She caressed her soft little hands, comforting and soothing her, diverting her feelings of woes and worries.

The young lady did not look at her and instead asked the cashier, "Miss, do you put up for sale…miracles?" she was asking for miracles. Her father once said that miracles would always appear when you keep on uncovering it.

She chuckled, "Young lady, we don't have that here but there are plenty of medicines available that this store put on sale that might appeal to your 'kind of miracle',"

'Sighs. If I had the chance to just give her the medicine for free, then it would end her sufferings'

Alina knelt down with only her left leg supporting her gesture, "Little lady, I am a Family Physician. I can help your father get on his knees and lift his mouth into a smile. Don't fret, dear. It will exacerbate your health and make you look uglier. Remember, always keep a smile on your face." she patted her top of the head.

Her face brightened, making her more attractive and loveable, "Really? Could you really do that?" she smiled like the rays of sunshine, letting some light in within the four corners of the room.

Alina nodded in agreement, "Yes, as a matter of fact, we can help you. We have an organization that aims to protect and provide free medication to those people in need. It's a non-government organization," she handed her license for everyone to see that she was not lying.

Seeing that she was wearing a white coat of a doctor, made them realize that she was indeed the fact that she was a Family Physician.

Meanwhile, there was a man who was currently eavesdropping their conversation outside the pharmacy. He was leaning his back on the wall with his left leg slightly elevated while his right leg remained on the ground; his arms were crossed. The man appeared to be apathetic and waited for the day to end. He was dashing with his dark brown short brim fedora hat, it was somewhat dimming his handsome and sophisticated face, yet it was enough to make the hearts of another maiden fluttered.

He smirked, "What an interesting lady," he was supposed to help the little young lady yet he was too late, he was outstripped by the mysterious maiden.

(End of the Flashback)